Just registered today!
Hi, I am Jomama and just signed up today. I went through Thyroid cancer in 1997 and then am now fighting breast cancer. Had a right breast masectomy in July 2008 and now am trying to cope with harmone therapy. I am not sure it's worth it. Can anyone give me some advise. I am tired of hurting all over.
Barbaric breast cancer treatment
For those of us who think that current breast cancer treatment is terrible, just listen to the story my older sister told me about our grandmother. Somewhere around 1940, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. How they figured it out, I don't know. She had to go halfway across the state for treatment, which at that time was…
pictures of hair regrowth/please give feedback
Okay, here are the pictures of my hair regrowth (it's me, ohilly). To recap: my hair has now been regrowing for 6 months. What upsets me is the thin spots - is this typical for this amount of time, or not? Please look at the pictures and give me some feedback. I would really appreciate it. NO Flas (letf) (back) Not all the…
Does anyone belong to facebook? I am as addicted to that as I am this message board. I am on there as Nancy Patti if anyone wants join me.
I was diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this year. I since then had surgery to have the lump removed. A few days ago I was told I would need chemo and radiation. I am scared to death of chemo. I feel like I'm in a nightmare and can not wake up. My oncologist told me that he don't know how/why I got breast cancer because…
Teen Scared
Hey, I am a teen who's mom has been diagnosed with breast cancer. I really dont know how to deal with it and i am afraid to even aproach my mom because she seems pretty cranky everytime i do. she has been in remission for 2 years now and i wasnt able to be there through the cemo due to me living with my father. i still…
steroids and weight gain
Goodmorning sisters! just wondering..my chemo nurses say that most people gain 20 or more lbs. with chemo and they say that this is a side-effect of the steroids given and that i will lose it after treatment? I don't know about it because it has been hard for me to keep weight off. I used to go to the gym, eat healthy and…
Port in...chemo on Thursday
The closer it get the more scared I get. I KNOW I am going to go into my treatment crying, I have become such a cry baby!! Lately, I've been having more good days than bad (YEAH!!). I still feel like I am going to wake-up from this nightmare any day now. I know I will get through it but I'm still not ready for this fight.…
DCIS? check out Reader's Digest article April edition
Anyone with DCIS please read this article on page 88 Titled "WHAT'S WRONG WITH CANCER TESTS" It talks about a woman from Ca who was diagnosed with DCIS,her surgeon told her the DCIS might well stay in the milk duct b/c generally doesn't become invasive & they don't know what type it would be. It also stated many women get…
2 losses in 1 week
Dear Friends; My Mom passed away the 10th after I had to watch her die from dehydration because she could no longer swallow from the alzheimers, and she didn't want tubes, etc.. I started losing my hair,(and my mind),the same day. I finally had a friend shave my head yesterday, just in time for my second cycle of chemo…
Thank goodness for EMLA and xanax!
To all of you who suggested the EMLA cream ... I say thank you! I had my first chemo Friday and was very anxious. I'm a weenie about needles ... but several of you suggested EMLA cream and I called the oncologist right away and got a prescription. An hour before my appointment I took a xanax, and blobbed on the cream and…
BOARDERS FOR BREAST CANCER Last month I went skiing and while there ran into some young ladies (not literally folks, give me some credit please) who are a part of a group called Boarders for Breast Cancer or B4BC. They were hosting a booth with breast forms that had lumps in them for women and men to feel so they would…
Muscle Soreness Around Port?
Hi, has anyone had any mild muscular soreness around their port? Mine was put in back in January, and I have had no problems since (well, except for the collapsed lung right after it was put in). I have read about possible clots, but my arm and neck feel fine. Just soreness around the port. Any input would be very…
Treatments starts 3/16
Haven't been on here for awhile. Been trying to work, but get tired then I'm finished for the day. I got the news that Chemo will start on Monday. Which I hear will be a long day. I had a Mugga and PET today. What a draining day! I hope everyone has a great day!!!!! Hugs Darlene
Ovary Removal to force Menopause
Has anyone had ovaries removed to force menopause? My onco is suggesting this procedure so I can then go on Femara/Arimidex. Sandy
Victim vs. Survivor
I don't consider myself a survivor. I am a Cancer Victim. A survivor implies that the ordeal is over and that after a period of time, one will resume ones life, more or less as it was. You might survive a tornado, an earthquake or a fire. A victim is someone who experiences a life event of which you are forever changed and…
headache from wig??
I'm due for my 3rd of 8 treatments tuesday--happy st. patty's day--things are going ok--but, after wearing my wig for an hour or so, I start getting a real zapper of a headache. Has anyone experienced this? The wig seem to fit just fine.
Question on Zometa if anyone has taken it.
Hey Sisters, For those of you that know me, apparently I am a good candidate to take the IV with Zometa. It takes 30 minutes to give through the vein and is suppose to help with bone cancer damage. It is suppose to help strengthen the bones for less damage. Has anyone taken this and if yes, how often and any side effects…
Nausea medication
I have two anti nausea meds and I find that the one that I take every 8 hours that about 6 hours after I take it I get a small wave of nausea and I am able to take my other med for break through nausea in between the 8 hour medication. It helps a great deal. Margo
4 down 2 to go
Hi everyone! I am still bouncing around from the steroids, i've been up since 3am and was going to take a ativan but i thought what the heck and actually got a few things done today. I've gotten more tired with each treatment, and welcome this one day to have a little energy. It seems i can fall asleep at the drop of a hat…
Biopsy in New York?
I'm back with some updates on my diagnosis. I don't know if anyopne remembers me. But, I originally posted here after having a traumatic experience with a stereotactic core needle biopsy in February. Unfortunately, my younger sister now has to have the same procedure and is deathly afraid of it because of my experience. I…
Today is 14 day's passed my surgery date to have the expander placed inside my chest in preparation for an implant and hopefully the return of a breast I lost in 2007. I went back to the surgeon today to have the expander filled with more fluid which is necessary to stretch the skin. Boy was I nervous, truly it was not as…
Timeless observations from Will Rogers...
Cheers to all, I got this from a friend. Will Rogers, who died in a 1935 plane crash with Wylie Post, was probably the greatest political sage this country ever has known. 1. Never slap a man who's chewing tobacco. 2. Never kick a cow chip on a hot day. 3. There are two theories to arguing with a woman . . . neither works.…
1st chemo treatment today
I had my first chemo treatment today and it wasn't as bad as I had imagined. So far I am feeling fine except for a slight headache. I will be taking the anti nausea medication prescribed because I don't want to rock the boat or pray to the porcelain godess. I hope tonight and tomorrow I feel as well and as well with all…
MRI / MRS check out normally abnormal
So consult today for the latest word on the spots on my brain...are they or aren't they? The answer is they are NOT!!! YEAH!!! My breast cancer has spread to lymph nodes and lung lining...the the abnormalities in the brain are normal! I did ask the Doc if they could be indicative of concentrated intelligence not yet…
A delicious easy to make warm treat.
You know sometimes you just want a nice warm fudgy piece of chocolate cake but you don't feel like the hassle of getting out the mixer and having all the mess. Well here is a simple little recipe that will meet that need. I hope you try it and enjoy it, I had mine earlier today. CHOCOLATE CAKE FOR ONE 1 Coffee Mug 4…
possible reacurrance .no insurance. no help crying
My story: "You have cancer, but we don't know exactly how to treat it"
I sense that my advice/experience is not quite on target with others here. I am sorry for that, but I think a bit of explanation is in order: The words in the subject were said to me December 2004. This was rectal cancer, stage III. I was given 6 months 'average' to 'get my affairs in order'. On a routine PET scan, to see…
One Year Post Diagnosis - Clean Report
In February 2008, I was diagnosed with breast cancer, followed by lumpectomy, chemo (CAT) and radiation. Last week I had my first PET scan and bone scan, and today....all is clear. The oncologist called this morning to say they got a good report from the scans, and he wanted to tell me himself. Just wanted to share this…
My Dinner with Andre~ wait! I mean Joyce!!!!
OMG~ you all have missed SO MUCH by not having met JoyceLouise! She is everything and more~ these boards are soooo her! :-) She came to my brothers' house to pick me up, and was so gracious...most ppl in this area "know" my brother, as he was the ABC news anchor for almost 30 years. He has the sweetest, most generous…