Chemo Chicks - Treatment #2

pitt Member Posts: 387
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi girls! Just wondering what the status is on this group that is currently in treatment for chemo? I'm going in this week for my second chemo treatment. My head is completely bald...and white!!! Holy cow! I'm putting baby oil on my nails every day so they won't get brittle. And I feel okay, tired but okay.

How's everyone else doing?



  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    Hi, pitt
    My 2nd chemo is the 26th and I'm dreading it. The side effects of it. I was laid up a week from it. It is day 13 from the 1st and my hair is shedding, not alot, but enough not to be normal. I take a week off from work, my employer is good about it. Right now, I'm feeling back to normal like I don't even have this disease. Yesterday I actually put makeup on and fixed my hair (one last time). It was a bit overwhelming seeing it fixed and knowing it will be gone in a couple more days. My head will be white as a cue ball, too. How about some self-tanner? Are you wearing wigs? I know it's warm where you are, it's been 40's here in St. Louis. Pitt, I hope you do well on your 2nd round. Now go get some bronzer!
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    laurissa said:

    Hi, pitt
    My 2nd chemo is the 26th and I'm dreading it. The side effects of it. I was laid up a week from it. It is day 13 from the 1st and my hair is shedding, not alot, but enough not to be normal. I take a week off from work, my employer is good about it. Right now, I'm feeling back to normal like I don't even have this disease. Yesterday I actually put makeup on and fixed my hair (one last time). It was a bit overwhelming seeing it fixed and knowing it will be gone in a couple more days. My head will be white as a cue ball, too. How about some self-tanner? Are you wearing wigs? I know it's warm where you are, it's been 40's here in St. Louis. Pitt, I hope you do well on your 2nd round. Now go get some bronzer!

    Chemo Chicks -- I start my 3rd cycle on Tuesday 9/20
    Unlike the rest of us - Chemo Chicks .. I have 3 weeks of chemo .. first week - TCH, 2nd & 3rd week .. Herceptin. I am here to state that Herceptin has the same side efforts of any chemo, just without the hair loss. Again, my major **** is that I don't get any weeks off to recover.

    My 2nd chemo went better than my first, however I had a variety of side efforts. Not as bad, but side efforts.

    Stay hydrated .. 3 liters of water a few days before, during and after
    Baby oil or vitaim E for nails
    Tons of lotions .. and sunscreen, as I went outside here in California to pick up dog's do-do and ended up sunburned for several days (so avoid sun for you Florida and Californian sisters in PINK. I recently purchased sunblocked .. SPF #70 and slather it daily - face, neck, hands and chest areas
    Eat healthy - ok, let's face it .. nothing taste as good as it looks // Ice cream and shakes in moderation
    Salt helped me thru chemo #1 -- I can not have salt on 'any food' after chemo #2
    Stay activity, both mentally and physcially -
    Rest when necessary - napping is good for those of us who can not get 6 to 8 hours of sleep a night ..
    Try something new .... My case - I just joined a Yoga Den - all about meditation, relaxation. ZEN ... pretty expensive, but I am well worth it.

    My plan for 4th chemo cycle -- find a local facial and body massage group. I hope this will help me with my stiff lower body and legs.

    I am pretty much like Laurissa and many other Chemo Chicks .. it takes me a 3 to 5 days to feel better after each TCH treatment, and I nasty after each 6 hour treatment, ok bitchy.. as fatigue stays with me no matter what I do. But I am trying, I am moving forward.

    I also plan to see a ortho doctor about my left ankle -- the pain is hard to tolerate, as I broke my left ankle abt 16 years ago, and I can hardly stand on it. Also, see dem'oloist - make eye lids are swollen - side efforts from chemo .. my right eye has been tearing for 3 days straight.

    I don't wear a wig .. it's too hot here in CA, not to mention that I can not find 1 that fits .. and believe me when I say .. I've looked. I have 36 Parkhurst HATs .. yes, I can't stop purchasing hats .. or scarves - .. Wish me luck!!! I'm a compulsive shopper - when it comes to hats .. YIKES, I need help!! What's next ???

    As sucky as chemo gets for me ... and the suffering from various side efforts continue .. I take comfort in GOD my Lord. I do forget to thank him for this arena of wonder sisters in PINK - and thank him for sending such wonderful family, friends, doctors into my life.

    Good Luck .. Chemo Chicks facing treatment #2 - I am here for all of you .. either via boards or ...Private Message ...

    Strength, Courage and Laughter is my wish for each and every one :))))))))

    Vicki Sam
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    laurissa said:

    Hi, pitt
    My 2nd chemo is the 26th and I'm dreading it. The side effects of it. I was laid up a week from it. It is day 13 from the 1st and my hair is shedding, not alot, but enough not to be normal. I take a week off from work, my employer is good about it. Right now, I'm feeling back to normal like I don't even have this disease. Yesterday I actually put makeup on and fixed my hair (one last time). It was a bit overwhelming seeing it fixed and knowing it will be gone in a couple more days. My head will be white as a cue ball, too. How about some self-tanner? Are you wearing wigs? I know it's warm where you are, it's been 40's here in St. Louis. Pitt, I hope you do well on your 2nd round. Now go get some bronzer!

    Wishing you well on your 2nd
    Wishing you well on your 2nd round. I'll bet you are the cutest little baldy in your neighborhood. Ok-what costume did you wear to the Halloween Party? Please tell me you didnt overdose on candy corn. My chemo was suppose to be this Tuesday but postponed to following Tuesday 10/27 due to my infection. I'll be following Laurissa again. I'm still very, very tired due to low white cell count. No sign of losing my hair yet. It's texture is yuk, but it's still there. Like laurissa, yesterday I actually put make-up on. Lets go chickadees, like you said Pitt, "we have cancer, it doesnt have us".
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192
    feeling more like a human these past couple days. It took me 8 days to get to that point. The lack of taste buds have been frustrating,but I am glad to even have an appetite. I went to a nutritionist and she gave me some aloe vera to gargle with and zinc,have to wait until Monday to get the Onc.'s ok to take it. I noticed yesterday my hair is loosening. A few strands here & there when washing/combing it. Probably won't be long now. I know I won't look as good as you bald Pitt! I have a few wigs so I'm ok with it.(So far that is)Hadn't been sleeping too well. Last night I finally got a good nights sleep! Feeling peppy today,I was going to do some work outside but low & behold we finally got some relief from the heat! It's 58 and windy. So, guess laundry & cleaning house will have to due. I also go back on the 26th for the next treatment. At least now we know what to expect and hopefully can be on top of things this next time. Hope everyones 2nd is easier!
  • pitt
    pitt Member Posts: 387
    Cat64 said:

    feeling more like a human these past couple days. It took me 8 days to get to that point. The lack of taste buds have been frustrating,but I am glad to even have an appetite. I went to a nutritionist and she gave me some aloe vera to gargle with and zinc,have to wait until Monday to get the Onc.'s ok to take it. I noticed yesterday my hair is loosening. A few strands here & there when washing/combing it. Probably won't be long now. I know I won't look as good as you bald Pitt! I have a few wigs so I'm ok with it.(So far that is)Hadn't been sleeping too well. Last night I finally got a good nights sleep! Feeling peppy today,I was going to do some work outside but low & behold we finally got some relief from the heat! It's 58 and windy. So, guess laundry & cleaning house will have to due. I also go back on the 26th for the next treatment. At least now we know what to expect and hopefully can be on top of things this next time. Hope everyones 2nd is easier!

    Well, it sounds like we are
    Well, it sounds like we are all experiencing similar things. It also took me 6-8 days before feeling okay. Today I'm just really tired. My husband took the girls out so I can have some rest. My little one was home with the flu all week long so I'm happy for a little down time.

    I hate my wig. We got a cold snap here and it's a lovely 70F, so I tried to wear my wig today and I just HATE it! I don't look like me and I feel really false. I think I may have to go out and buy some more scarves and tops. I feel more comfortable in my scarves and I know this cold weather won't last long. (I realize you girls with 40F are laughing at my reference to 70 as cold!)

    I posted a note about medicinal marijuana...I'm really jealous of the women in 14 states...Florida is not one of them. I plan to go on a letter writing campaign tomorrow to my state legislature because they won't let the bill to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes out of committee. I've never considered breaking a law until now...

    Peace and good luck!

  • lolad
    lolad Member Posts: 670
    pitt said:

    Well, it sounds like we are
    Well, it sounds like we are all experiencing similar things. It also took me 6-8 days before feeling okay. Today I'm just really tired. My husband took the girls out so I can have some rest. My little one was home with the flu all week long so I'm happy for a little down time.

    I hate my wig. We got a cold snap here and it's a lovely 70F, so I tried to wear my wig today and I just HATE it! I don't look like me and I feel really false. I think I may have to go out and buy some more scarves and tops. I feel more comfortable in my scarves and I know this cold weather won't last long. (I realize you girls with 40F are laughing at my reference to 70 as cold!)

    I posted a note about medicinal marijuana...I'm really jealous of the women in 14 states...Florida is not one of them. I plan to go on a letter writing campaign tomorrow to my state legislature because they won't let the bill to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes out of committee. I've never considered breaking a law until now...

    Peace and good luck!


    I just wanted to tell you im glad you got through number two and you are feeling good. I finished my last chemo last week, actually about 10 days ago and im feeling pretty good. Tired mostly and have this stupid rash in my mouth that ive had since my first treatment, but hopefully that will be gone soon. I dont like my wig either, but get nothing but compliments on it when i wear it. Everyone tells me its beautiful and i look pretty in it, but i feel stupid in it like you do in yours. So, i dont wear it alot. I cannot believe you are saying that 70 is cold. OMG what i would do to be there right now. We had our first freeze here last night and this morning when i got up it was 26 outside. My son had baseball yesterday and it was only 40. I froze and had to sit through two games. Glad that you are doing well.

    take care
  • mbalder
    mbalder Member Posts: 31
    lolad said:

    I just wanted to tell you im glad you got through number two and you are feeling good. I finished my last chemo last week, actually about 10 days ago and im feeling pretty good. Tired mostly and have this stupid rash in my mouth that ive had since my first treatment, but hopefully that will be gone soon. I dont like my wig either, but get nothing but compliments on it when i wear it. Everyone tells me its beautiful and i look pretty in it, but i feel stupid in it like you do in yours. So, i dont wear it alot. I cannot believe you are saying that 70 is cold. OMG what i would do to be there right now. We had our first freeze here last night and this morning when i got up it was 26 outside. My son had baseball yesterday and it was only 40. I froze and had to sit through two games. Glad that you are doing well.

    take care



    GOOD LUCK W/ #2
  • JmG86
    JmG86 Member Posts: 53
    I'm on a different chemo
    I'm on a different chemo than the rest of you, but I'm starting my second round today as well. I'm taking Xeloda. It's a chemo pill you take - actually 6 pills a day - two weeks on, one week off. My first round I was amazed at how exhausted I was. There are a lot of different side effects that I haven't gotten yet, except the exhaustion. I'll try to be ready for that this time...lots of water, sleep, no stress, naps...tough to do though when you work full time! Maybe they won't notice my snoring at my desk...(BTW - be careful of the bronzer on your head - my friend tried it and it made his head break out really bad). As far as the rest of the side effects to come...well, I'm nervous, but I'll tackle them one at a time. I hope for the best for all of you, and we'll hang in there and stay as mentally and physically strong as possible! :)
  • mlmjt1
    mlmjt1 Member Posts: 537
    Hi Pitt and all of you ladies still in chemo
    Hang in there everyone...I just finished chemo last week and I never thought I would get to the end but then it does will make it, though balder and a bit more tired but stronger for having survived it.

    I am thinking about all of you and rooting you on..

    Stay strong
    Linda T
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    I'm wishing the best for you
    I'm wishing the best for you all too. I just finished a week ago and there is an end. I know it seems like it's light years away but it's really just around the corner. Best of luck to all of you and with minimal side effects!!
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    You women are doing great.
    I know it's not a vacation, that's for sure. But I'm glad you are all here comparing notes and exchanging information. Pretty soon, that "graduation day" will come. For now, it's full speed ahead. There are solutions for mouth sores. I was told to gargle three times a day with baking soda and water after brushing my teeth. Keep your mouth very clean. Also there are two products I tried. One was magic mouthwash, which numbed the mouth so you couldn't feel the sores as much. The other was a prevetative solution called Caphosol, or something that. That seemed to prevent much of the damage. Good luck, women.
