A few words to our new warriors

tjhay Member Posts: 655
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
First of all I want to welcome all the new people to the board, I am so sorry that any of you had to seek us out. You have however found a wonderful place to be. I would also like to apologize for not chiming in sooner, I have been a bit self absorbed and then was on a vacation.

There are so many of you it is a bit overwhelming. I wish that I had words of wisdom to pass on to each of you that would make this an easier for you. I can however tell you this. As you progress down this road there will be times that you think you can not go on, that is a lie that the beast tells you in your battle. Believe me now when I tell you that you are warriors and you are be supplied with the best weapons available. You are also following in the footsteps of some pretty amazing people. They are a wealth of information, they will advise, reach out there hands to you and steady your steps when waver.

You will make some close connections here, some that will last a life time. You will get your turn to reach out to new people and support them, that in its self will give you more strength then you can imagine. It will give you a sense of fulfillment that in a way will make this all seem worth it.

So I welcome you an army of men and women who every day strive to make a difference in there own lives and the lives of others



  • marilyndbk
    marilyndbk Member Posts: 238 Member
    Hi and thanks for the
    Hi and thanks for the welcome. I did read your vacation post. Sounds wonderful. i have recently joined this site but already have gotten so much info and needed support, sometimes just knowing that some of what I am going thru is normal. This week will mark 6wk postop after bilateral mastectomy with Lattisimus flap reconstruction with expanders. Sometimes it has been a difficult journey but I have faith that I will be victorious over this bc.
    take care. Marilyn
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Thank you, tj
    It is always nice hearing from you and I know I needed a welcome like that (and got it) when I was new to the site and to breast cancer.

    Tj is right when she tells you that this path is not easy, but also that you will get through it. Don't be afraid to ask for help and reach out. Pretty soon, you, too, will be here helping others through their plight. It's just how it works around here.

    Welcome all. There is a lof of life and laughter here.

  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    mimivac said:

    Thank you, tj
    It is always nice hearing from you and I know I needed a welcome like that (and got it) when I was new to the site and to breast cancer.

    Tj is right when she tells you that this path is not easy, but also that you will get through it. Don't be afraid to ask for help and reach out. Pretty soon, you, too, will be here helping others through their plight. It's just how it works around here.

    Welcome all. There is a lof of life and laughter here.


    Thanks TJ
    Nice to see you again, and to all you new warriors welcome....we'll do it!
    Just by being here, you have joined one hell of a network of lovely people. Sorry you had to find us, but so Glad you did. This site saved my life. Hugs Jxxxxxxxxx
  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544
    tasha_111 said:

    Thanks TJ
    Nice to see you again, and to all you new warriors welcome....we'll do it!
    Just by being here, you have joined one hell of a network of lovely people. Sorry you had to find us, but so Glad you did. This site saved my life. Hugs Jxxxxxxxxx

    Welcome, new warriors, to
    Welcome, new warriors, to the club that no one wants to join. You will find a wealth of information & support here. Check back often & let us know how you are doing.
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Tux said:

    Welcome, new warriors, to
    Welcome, new warriors, to the club that no one wants to join. You will find a wealth of information & support here. Check back often & let us know how you are doing.

    DITTO -----Thank you TJ and
    DITTO -----Thank you TJ and thank you everyone for your posts. Somedays I do wonder if my body will get thru this and you have all convinced me that it will. I'm a newbie, started posting on either 10/4 or 10/5. Had my first chemo on 10/6. My chemo nurse just advised me that right now I'll be doing chemo every 3 weeks instead of every 2. Thats good news , gives me time to regroup and reenergize. This website is marvelous. It's comprised of caring, knowledgeable, praying and humorous people. I also am so happy I found this website.
  • Calleen
    Calleen Member Posts: 411
    natly15 said:

    DITTO -----Thank you TJ and
    DITTO -----Thank you TJ and thank you everyone for your posts. Somedays I do wonder if my body will get thru this and you have all convinced me that it will. I'm a newbie, started posting on either 10/4 or 10/5. Had my first chemo on 10/6. My chemo nurse just advised me that right now I'll be doing chemo every 3 weeks instead of every 2. Thats good news , gives me time to regroup and reenergize. This website is marvelous. It's comprised of caring, knowledgeable, praying and humorous people. I also am so happy I found this website.

    Thanks TJ
    Very well said.. I know when I first came aboard I didn't know much of anything.. Not that I know so much now but if it hadn't been for all the great support on here I don't know how I would have made it through some lonely days and loooonnnggg frightning nights.. I have never felt alone since my first post here!!!
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    tasha_111 said:

    Thanks TJ
    Nice to see you again, and to all you new warriors welcome....we'll do it!
    Just by being here, you have joined one hell of a network of lovely people. Sorry you had to find us, but so Glad you did. This site saved my life. Hugs Jxxxxxxxxx

    Great to see you posting TJ!

    Great to see you posting TJ!

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Welcome home, tj!
    Did you have a grand vacation? Isn't life great, once you realize that it goes on after hearing those 3 words, 'You have cancer'?

    I'm nearing 5 years since my rectal cancer dx, and almost 4 for my breast cancer dx that followed...as you can see, I'm not home much anymore...lol...every 3 months we switch homes...America and The Netherlands...and I just booked a Mexican Riveria cruise for the end of November, to relax after Thanksgiving...

    As far as my cancer journey, I quote a very famous man "If you are going thru H*E*L*L*, Don't stop!" And I didn't. And I won't till I breathe my last...ROFL! I always kept in mind the hard work it took to SAVE my life...so now, well, I MUST savor every day!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Welcome back, TJ
    Very well said, friend.

    Kind regards, Susan