VERY, VERY INFORMATIVE!!!!!!!! PLEASE GO TO www.dslrf.org. It is Dr. Susan Love's Research Foundat
For Newly Diagnosed - it is wonderful!!!! or (www.drsusanloveresearchfoundation.org) I found many, many interesting and mostly informative facts on this site....all the drugs for chemotherapy, their generic and brand name, their use, method of action, schedule and adverse effect. It has everything covered.. I also printed…
Second chemo done,white count was great.Please read this.
Hi everyone.Well my white count was up from 2 to 16.So I got my Chemo done,I don,t have to get the shot tomorrow.And they put the IV in my hand which was less painful then my arm.My arm is still black and blue from the first one.But the nurse I had today was wonderful.She took extra care about everything.I want to go the…
Why are my gears broken?
Ok....while i was in fighting mode..chemo, surgeries (even tho i have at least two more to go) I was all hyped up about losing weight, getting back to the gym, eating right....but now, i am stalled. I have to motivation to "get it in gear"...in the morning, my brain makes plans, but then after work, my plans have stalled,…
What the hell is wrong with the Chatroom Now!?
I have been booted and locked out for 24 hours, so have most of the regulars?..............GRETA...Friend, Hun.....What;'s going on?.......We miss it... Jxxxxxx
I hate cancer..... because...
I hate cancer..... because... * I hate cancer because it took my body from me... so many scars (port scar, mastectomy scar, biopsy scar and drain site scars) * I hate cancer because it tore a hole in my soul * I hate cancer because of the financial hardship it caused * I hate cancer because of my bald head and am tired of…
Help! 4 lymph nodes removed-1positive. Chemo or radiation???? Anyone with similiar diagnosis and wha
I just had surgery last Fri. and had primary location cleaned further from first surgery a month ago. Four lymph nodes were removed and one came back positive. My breasts are clear from MRI and breast biopsies, bone scans are clear and CT scans of neck, chest, stomach and pelvis are clear. I just got the pathology report…
After the long weekend, it's..... GOAL TUESDAY!!!
Well, I've had my fun this weekend and it's time to start the week off right. Got back on Monday and caught up with everyone's weekend plans. They all sounded great. Except for Marcia and her flu and Jackie with her back injury. Hope you're both doing much better now. So, this week, I need to make a more specific life…
Mimi and Chen ... and food
Hi ... I just read your post about food for the homeless and thought I'd add a bit ... I work at a Food Pantry every Wednesday afternoon and we distribute groceries to those who need it. We always have canned goods (green beans, corn etc) and protein such as hamburger etc. ... as well as enough other groceries that they…
YIPPEE! I got my last zapping today! I am sooooooooooooo happy! A little pink, but, very happy! I have to admit that it did seem to go fast, and, I am only a little pink. I never really burnt, so, I know that I am lucky. And, I am still very, very tired, but, I know with some rest and not going everyday for zapping, that I…
Feeling Blue :(
Well, I guess when your up it's great, but when your down it plain darn stinks! I have been feeling so whipped, blue, under the weather, depressed, and sad REALLY bad today. I am literally so overwhelmed that I just want to crawl into a hole and never come out. I know this will pass, but it doesn't seem to help having that…
I found this article on the WebMD website and thought it was informative and the women's stories are great. http://www.webmd.com/breast-cancer/features/breast-cancer-awareness-month-me-and-the-girls?ecd=wnl_brc_101309 Thinking of y'all - Pat
"Pink products" ... interesting article
Just thought I would share something I read online regarding all of those products we see with the pink ribbons on them ... http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/life/pink-overload-are-companies-taking-advantage-of-breast-cancer-awareness-month-525251/ I've wondered about how much companies actually donate to cancer…
One more chemo cocktail and I'm cured...
Course there's follow-up exams,radiation (6wks everyday), blood tests, scans,and every 3 weeks of Herceptin and anti hormonal pills for the next year. I am a survior in treatment that will kill the beast! Yeah!! At least the 8 hrs of sitting in that blasted chair will stop. I have a short attention span, and my poor chemo…
Hello, I was diagnosted with BC in August. A coworker mentioned a recipe that you can make at home for the redness from radiation.She told me I could find it on this site. Does anyone know what she might be talking about because I cant seem to find it.Thank you
Got New Breast from tummy
Have any of you had reconstruction surgery (tummy tuck, stomach fat used)? Please I need to talk to you asap if you have had this done! Thanks Jeanie
Oh the waiting game!
Long message Monday, I finally got in to see the 2nd opinion onco dr who would be following me here on the Big Island. This is almost 2 week since the first visit on Oahu. I'd finally made a decision about chemo and would be having Taxotere and Cytoxan followed by 5 years of Arimidex. I'd gotten a wig, scarves, hats and…
no vitamins
I just started radiation today. Per doctor NO VITAMINS while rads tx. prep for rads twice last week, marks on my breast and 2 tattoos. Todays zap was short, not bad at all, feel my breast hard and warm.
Contact Dermatitis
My skin has always been sensative, but I guess with my white blood cell count low my resistance has become low. The only thing I can figure out that brought this on was a scented body spray that I used on my neck. I got a small rash like spot that my family doctor thought was a fungus. After I ended up in the emergency…
Possible progress against triple negative breast cancer brain metastases
According to research reported in "Clinical Cancer Research" the drug Vorinostat prevented the formation of brain metastases of triple negative breast cancer in mice by 62 percent. The drug crosses the blood-brain barrier, which in the past has rendered brain cancer largely untreatable. According to the study’s…
Hair still holding on...
Day 10 and still no shedding. Is day 14 the average when it starts? No tingling or pony tail pain, yet. I still need to get it cut, it has lost it's shine and color has faded. I'm ready for it to just hurry up and go so I can get started with that part of this treatment.
I Hate Cancer, BUT
I have had some positive things come from this. It made me realize that I am stronger than I ever thought I could be It made me love my children even more It made me have faith in prayer again It made me realize what women with breast cancer and all cancers go through. It made me cry when Farrah and Patrick Swayze died,…
Second chemo tomorrow.,I need your prayers please,
Wish me luck tomorrow please.and if you don,t mind a prayer that it goes ok.My white cell count was really low last week.and where the Chemo IV was it is still black and blue and a little sore yet,so I pray they don,t have to delay my Chemo.I so want to get the Chemo done.thanks everyone,I know some of you will be praying…
New Look Good Feel Better Program for Counties in Mississippi
New Look Good Feel Better Program for Counties in Mississippi Serving Tallahatchie and all surrounding counties such as Bolivar, Greenville, Coahoma, Panola, Leflore and more. Her name is Mary Frances Gentry 662-375-8235. She has helped me a great deal!!! She gave me free makeup, wraps, wig, and a breast form. My insurance…
Hi I am new here
I am so glad 2 have u all to talk with! please help me with the post on Tram Flap!!! Im so sick of hurting Thanks Jeanie P.S> Thanks pitt
Questions , Questions & more Questions
Aside from being given my wife's DX of IBC I have been pounding ground to see if there is any type of assistance out there for us in these trying economic times.She does not have the ability of the FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) because she has not been employed for the last 12 months at her current job . My wife also…
Anyone awake? I need advice on taxol vs taxetere for 11 am today
I have stage 2 breast cancer. 2.4 cm, lymph nodes clean. I'm just about to finish A/C (adriamycin and cytoxan). Was going to follow it with taxol. My doctor is asking if I want to get it every week for 12 weeks or every 2-3 weeks for another period of time. He also said taxetere was as option. Anyone had any of these…
Anyone awake? I need advice on taxol vs taxetere for 11 am today
I have stage 2 breast cancer. 2.4 cm, lymph nodes clean. I'm just about to finish A/C (adriamycin and cytoxan). Was going to follow it with taxol. My doctor is asking if I want to get it every week for 12 weeks or every 2-3 weeks for another period of time. He also said taxetere was as option. Anyone had any of these…
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hey It's thanksgiving today here in Canada!... We had a HUGE meal yesterday... Turkey (of course) With stuffing, Leeks, Brocolli, carrots, buttered peppered cabbage, cauli cheese, roasted mushrooms, mashed tates with chives, yorkshire puddings, onion and mushroom gravy, asparagus in butter, Oh Man...........I'm making…
second chemo soon.
Hi everyone.wELL I JUST STARTED FEELING BETTER AND IT IS TIME FOR THE NEXT Chemo this WEDS.i HAD A LOT OF SIDE EFFECTS,i USUALLY DO WITH ANY MEDICINE.Is the second one as bad as the first one.I go back the next day and get the shot to build your bloodcells back up.My 10 day checkup after chemo showed my white counts to…
wig problem,need advice please.
Hi everyone,since I am new to wearing a wig.I need some advice please.What do yo wear under wig to secure it,to make sure it don,t come off.And when i tryed the wig liner it keeps bunching up.The wig looks pretty good but I need a way to make sure it don,t move or worse come off.Thanks for the input in advance.have a great…