Clear Mammogram
I have been so wrapped up in Casey that I forgot to report that I had my second bilateral memmorgram on Wednesday of this week, and all was clear. I was thrilled, but with everything else going on around me, I failed to include my bc friends in the news. Hope everyone who has mammo's coming up soon are as lucky. Hugs. Judy
Weekend Plans
We are expecting anywhere from 5 to 13 inches of snow starting midnight tonight and lasting until Sunday morning. Since the weekend is doomed for shopping, we are going to bake and make snowmen. My greatnephew is from Florida and has never seen snow, so this will be an amazing day for him. What plans does everyone have? Pat
Anyone need a silicone prosthesis; 38B? It was used for 1 1/2 yrs. by my Mom who passed away this Oct. It's free for anyone who needs it. Viki-NYC
What... No Santa Claus????... Not what Grandma Says...
I received this today and thought some of you may like it as much as I did... Hugs, ~T I remember my first Christmas adventure with Grandma.. I was just a kid. I remember tearing across town on my bike to visit her. On the way, my big sister dropped the bomb: "There is no Santa Claus," she jeered. "Even dummies know that!"…
When can I expect my 'Scalp Hair' to grow back ??? Chemo Treatments finished, and I tired of being
Anyone ??? Yes, I know that I am pushy .. Chemo finished, now I looking forward to a lush full scalp of hair .. VickiSam
I canceled my surgery for today
I was supposed to have nipple attachment surgery this morning but while showering I just decided I wasn't ready.. My gut instincts kept tugging at me and I knew the timing today wasn't right.. I don't know if the timing will ever be right.. My bilateral was in July and I'm healing beautifully.. am I making sense?? I guess…
Can you come with me this afternoon? Followup
I go to see my onc at 2:30 p.m. I had blood work done on Wednesday morning and I'm going to get the results of my CA 15-3 marker test today. I really, really, really want the Arimidex to work!! Someone wise told me that being stage IV is a marathon, not a sprint. I want that marathon to go on a long, long, time. Thanks for…
I hit the shops today (Thanks Moopster, Retail Therapy) and I was amazed by the cacophony of absolutely Ghastly Christmas Music played over and over at 90+ decibels! If I never Hear about Chipmunks roasting on a open fire again it will be too soon! I race into these shops, grab what I need and race out as quickly as I…
Today marks the second anniversary of the loss of my sister
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ My Sister Susan and what she means to me: Two years ago today I lost my sister Susan to pancreatic cancer after she had successfully beaten cancer several times. Susan was the oldest of 5 children; she was also the…
? unplanned chemo I did not take any pre chemo meds
Due to allergy I have been scheduled to another facility for desensitization to taxotere. WHen I was called I asked if there were any procedures scheduled and was told no, you are seeing the allergist. Well last last night I run into my infusion nurse and I am in fact having chemo (slowly to watch reactions) Normally I…
How long will it feel like a lump after lumpecomy?
I had a lumpectomy and 8 lymph nodes removal 07/09/09. My breast still feels like i have a lump and under my arm also. Doctor said it will take months.... anyone else with the same situation???
Hair, Skin & Nails Vitamins
I was just curious if any of you have taken the Hair, Skin & Nail Vitamins after finishing chemo. I know I can't take them while on chemo, but I stocked up on them when my pharmacy had a 'buy one, get one' sale figuring it might help with all of these things being effected because of the chemo. Anyone? I'll be done the…
It's cold at Disneyland!!!!! (a bit of a sad post...)
Today my daughter Kristy and I are going to Disneyland! This is a family tradition. My other daughter, Stephanie, had her birthday on December 12. We had a rule that we didn't decorate for Christmas till after her day, so Disneyland is a GREAT place to ring in the season! Since she died, we still go...I can still hear her…
Chemo or not--terrible day @ oncologist
Thanks to everyone's advice about whether or not I should have chemo. After reading your replies, I have decided chemo is definitely the best choice. My sweet husband keeps telling me "You've gone 90% of the way, might as well go the other 10%...can't stop now." We had an appt with the oncologist today, but I didn't…
I got my gift :D
Hello All Sisters, I got my gift yesterday when I came home from work. I was really excited opening the box in front of my kids. It was an angel with white and gold tassel. Not just that, it came with a set of candles and a card with very inspirational message. My secret sister is lafera12, thank you very much. Also thanks…
Guess the song?....Challenge
OK this story will give you the first line of a christmas song..... Every Thursday the local Chess Club met at the local pub after their tournaments to discuss tactics, wins, losses, opponents etc etc etc.......On this particular Thursday night the manager informed them that there was a private function going on in the…
Free "Moving Beyond Breast Cancer" DVD from National Cancer Institute
At my last visit, my medical oncologist gave me a National Cancer Institute DVD called "Moving Beyond Breast Cancer." I've watched it several times, and I find it really helpful, so wanted to let any of you who might be interested know you can order it free of charge from NCI. It's about a 20-minute video of mainly four…
New Update on Irishwhispers
First of all I would like to thank all of you for your prayers and possitive thoughs, it has meant the world to her, and has broght joy to her heart. Sadly I must report that her tests were positive for cancer in the liver, other tests that were done however showed that it is only in the liver. She goes to the oncono (she…
cemo treatment
Any one know if you have to have cemo treatments after a mascetomy??? Cancer came back after 6 years in the same breast. Oncologist hopes to get all of the cancer this time with a single mascetomy. He did not mention cemo treatments.
Check out Tasha's expressions
Tasha, Oh my gosh, those were so funny. I loved the chimney and the reindeer. And isn't it nice that mom and the kids aren't forgetting daddy this year? They made my day. ROFLMAO And Re, that was cruel. All that delicious looking fudge and divinity and me without a virtual computer. It made my mouth water. But I'm glad you…
Round two of chemo yesterday
Had Chemo yesterday and every thing went fine. Spirits are good and Ireally think having the right attitude is very important. Now that is not saying I don't have my moments!
surgery tomorrow :(
I am having a lumpectomy tomorrow and I am really afraid because I don't know what to expect. Is it really painful afterwards? The area is about 1 and a half inches of microcalcifications (path dx insiti ductal carcinoma) so will I be very disfigured? Ugh!!! Then I am worried about the pathology report and whats to come…
surgery today.....
Having my exchange surgery today. Nervous for what they are going to look like after surgery, but can't wait to get these rocks taken out. They have been in since Feb. Feels like I am finally putting a period on the end of this long road. What a year! It was this time last year I found my lump by doing a SBE and my life…
1st Chemo went well!
Other than it being a long day (we didn't finish until 8:30 PM), I couldn't have asked for an easier time of it. No nausea so far, but I took my meds in the morning just in case. Just a bit tired and very slight wooziness. Going for my Neulasta shot early this evening (they don't want to give it to me until at least 6:30…
Third Chemo Tomorrow
I saw my Onc today and he doesn't like that I am still having Big "D" even while I am taking Immodium and Lomatol. I told him if I have to have Big "D" for 2 weeks after Chemo that I would just deal with it and do the best that I can to make sure I keep enough fluids in me so that I don't get dehydrated. He said that he…
Anyone Else Having Problems with "Online Cancer Survey"?
Every time I sign into the cancer.org website, up pops this survey....clearly stating it is not affiliated with ACS, has nothing to do with cancer, and would I please take a quick survey. How to do you make this thing disappear? Am I the only one receiving it. What in the world are people thinking when they invade our…
Senate Health Care Bill Would Allow Insurers to Limit Coverage for Seriously Ill Patients
A loophole in the Senate health care bill would let insurers place annual dollar limits on medical care for people struggling with costly illnesses such as cancer, prompting a rebuke from patient advocates. The legislation that originally passed the Senate health committee last summer would have banned such limits, but a…
Results of CTScan
I went to the oncologist for the 3 months check up, and I was having a pain close to the ribs, on and off, so he ordered a CTSCan. He called me and said that something is under the arm, the side I had the mastectomy, that needs an U/S, something shows in the uterus and sth small in the lung. And I am very nervous now,…
Expander pain post rads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I very complacently told anyone on the boards who asked, " Oh no, there's mo muscle pain from the expander....." and there wasn't, even though I have 700 cc's in mine, until I finished rads....now the muscle hurts soooooooooo bad that it keeps me awake at night because I can't get comfortable...I'm just wondering if…
how did you decide between bilateral or single mastecotomy?
I am still trying to decide whether to have a single or double mastectomy. I am going to have no 4 of 6 chemos next week, and seeing my plastic surgeon for a consult on Friday. I had my brac testing done, it was negative. My right side is the only side affected, but i have lots of calcification's on both sides. Just…