Kids do say the darndest things
1. The child who came home from Sunday school singing Gladly The Cross Eyed Bear 2. My daughter in 2nd grade telling me she was getting all U's on her report card. At the conference I asked and her teacher laughed and said she got all E's but that she had warned the class a few days earlier when they were being very…
looking for a word
With Christmas coming I thought it would be a good time to ask this question. What are some other ways we can be referred to other than 'survivors'? I value that label, but it smacks of being a victim of something (we are!) but I'd like to put a more positive spin on the label. I like 'warriors' because of the strength…
Questions to ask the surgeon
I am going to see the surgeon this afternoon and I would like some suggestions on what questions should I ask? I have a few in mind but it would be helpful to get some thoughts from those of you that have been there. I was diagnosed on Fri from path report that I have insiti ductal carcinoma.Nuclear grade 2,estimated size…
Christmas Tree/ Holiday Traditions
For those who celebrate Christmas ... tell us what kind of tree you have and any family traditions you have. Those who do not celebrate Christmas ... tell us what you do celebrate and how. Tree - Today we went to get our Christmas tree. A little later than in the past but growing up my parents usually waited for my…
Today is Spoonchek's Birthday
A quick fly-by from dmc
Good Morning Friends, As I scanned the site, I was saddened to so many that I did not know. I welcome all of you to this amazing place, but I am sorry for the reason that you are here. But, as I found on Friday Dec 11th, there is hope! Yes, I reached a milestone that some I know have already reached and a milestone that I…
I'm 46 and now I have IDC Breast Cancer
Hi everyone.... I hear you are a lot of help and support. Right now I can use that. I have recently been diagnosed with IDC. Still having tests ran but at this point they are saying it is Stage 1. I have two growths. I am torn... Lumpectomy or Mastectomy? What are your thoughts on it? I do realize that ultimately it is my…
Hand Pain
I know I Asked this question before, but I can't find it or any answers. I sometimes wake up and my left hand feels so terrible that I cry. My cancer is on the left side. My left hand feels very bad and my right hand feels a little tingly and puffy. It's my left hand that is killing me. Feel swollen, feels like it's been…
Mastectomy w reconstruction
Hey ladies I am scheduled for my suregery on Dec 28th...I am really nervous but I know it is something that needs to be done! I am having a skin and nipple sparing double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction (w/expanders.) I know the nipple sparing surgery is fairly new and I wanted to know if anyone here has had it.…
Great Joke Margo................
Here Goes..... A lady boards a bus with her newborn daughter, pays the fare and is just about to find her seat when the bus driver says: "Man, What an UGLY Baby!" The lady is mortified and cannot believe what she heard.... She gets a seat opposite a nice grandfatherly elder gentleman... He notices her distress and says:…
to Cat64
I have to tell you, your picture brings the biggest smile to my face, I love it!!! What a delight to see you, it cracks me up, you are funny, thanks for making my day, you are a cutie!
All my test are in and I am scheduled for surgery Tuesday, 12/8/09. Every test was good so I just have to see if my lymph nodes have malignant cells. The plan is to have a lumpectomy and localized radiation. Thank each of you for your encouragement.
no primary tumour
I was diagnosed in January this year with breast cancer. Two cancerous lymph nodes but no primary tumour. Nothing showed up in the breast itself, not even with an MRI and in fact I had had a routine mammogram and ultrasound scan less than two months before I found the lump below my armpit while I was in the shower one…
Surgery over....Margins clear
Hi all, I had my surgery on the 4th and I am feeling great. No pain. My doctor called last night with the pathology report results and my breast margins were clear and 1 out of 10 lymph nodes had cancer so it hadn't spread. He also said you have to have 3 lymph nodes involved to have radiation so I don't have to have that.…
My weekend update...
Oh girls, I am taking advantage of Simon's afternoon playing laser tag with his friends to grab a bus to Old Town and make an appointment for a face AND leg wax. Yikes! Wish me luck. Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Love you all.
OUCH..too much saline in expanders
Had too much saline put in my expanders and within 2 days my incisions were draining and red. Started on antibiotics. Was at the surgeons 3 times this week and finally the decision was made to take out the expanders and put the saline implants in. At this point I don't care what size implants...no more stretching!! The…
foot tenderness and chemo
Has anyone out there had tender feet, as if you wore high heels for a very long day? Visually they look they same but it hurts all around the perimeter of my foot and on top of my little toe. Looking for ideas! Jean
Inspiring Susan G. Komen Walk Video and Original Song
Please take the time to view this video a very special friend of mine made while walking the 3 day 60 mile Susan G. Komen walk this past Oct. The faces and emotions in this video reflect individuality, pride, community, and the pursuit of joy & hilarity despite hardships. Please feel free to share this video as my friend…
Big "D" is back
Big "D" is back. Onc says if he cannot get it under control he may have to stop my Chemo. Taking 2 Lomotal every 4 hours. If I have "D" tomorrow they want me to come in and get another bag of fluids. I also noticed I have welts on my head. They hurt and itch a lot. Has any one else had this? Is it another side effect of…
I have a computer question. Why is it when I respond to a post, my thing says "edit"? No one elses does. It's at the bottom of my response. Duhh Just wondering.
microcalcifications Birad 4
Ok..so I have a core needle biopsy on Tuesday. I have 2 areas of interest. They are going to biopsy the bigger and then go from there. i am an RN, and so have been doing a lot of research which is scaring me to death. I'm looking at my mammo and my report..looking up all the words. Looking up Birads and Le Gal score.…
took my oxygen shopping
hello and how is everyone? well to day i did it took my oxygen out shopping, it seems to me that everyone was looking at me here is this woman with a hat on with no hair walking around with oxygen so yes i was looking real sick..lol..dont know if i want to look sick or be short of breath while i am out shopping.
Joke--I've Been Saved...
A man was stranded on a desert island for 10 years. One day a beautiful girl swims to shore in a wetsuit.... Man: "Hi! Am I ever happy to see you." Girl: "Hi! It seems like you've been here a long time. How long has it been since you've had a cigarette?" Man: "It's been ten years!" With this information the girl unzips a…
I got an A!!!!!!!!
Thank you all for your concern....I did my stress test yesterday....and my cardiologist said "Yes, there are some wierd beats showing on your 24-hour holter, but, all in all, I am giving your heart an A". So I told him I guessed that I could keep carrying the luggage for Hans and I...and HE said, with a completely straight…
When is Your Birthday?
I have decided to make a calendar of all of our birthdays. It warmed my heart when I received all the wishes on my birthday and it made me think that we should all receive the same on our special day! Ya don't have to share the year! :-0 Just the day! Hugz, Cathy
Anyone experence pain to this extent??
Nearly half of patients have chronic pain, researchers find..Even three years after finishing treatment for breast cancer, almost 50 percent of women report long-term pain, a new Danish study finds. http://health.usnews.com/articles/health/healthday/2009/11/10/breast-cancer-may-be-gone-but-pain-lingers.html
I got ANOTHER ornament!!!
Early yesterday evening, after a rewarding day delivering coats and hats to the less fortunate I came home to a package waiting at my front door! It was from Fauxma/Stef! Inside the box was a beautiful, beautiful ornament from Lenox,a company known worldwide for its exquisite pieces. This one is no exception...it is about…
Question Please.
Has anyone had the bottom of their feet hurt real bad during treetments?I have had chemo and Radiation.My one foot the heal in the center hurts real bad.If I push on the side of my heal. it hurts real bad.when I first get up I can barley walk on it.I am thinking maybe a heal spur.Its easy to think its the treatment when we…
Weekend updates please
I know that our Mimi has been super busy with her application and I am glad she got it done and turned on. I, for one, will be saying my best prayers that this job is hers. She is a tough cookie, a go getter and deserves to have a crack at a great promotion. For the weekend I will be working on some paperwork that needs to…