Senate Health Care Bill Would Allow Insurers to Limit Coverage for Seriously Ill Patients

mono5 Member Posts: 94
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
A loophole in the Senate health care bill would let insurers place annual dollar limits on medical care for people struggling with costly illnesses such as cancer, prompting a rebuke from patient advocates. The legislation that originally passed the Senate health committee last summer would have banned such limits, but a tweak to that provision weakened it in the bill now moving toward a Senate vote.

Officials of the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network said they were taken by surprise...


  • pgrace35
    pgrace35 Member Posts: 122
    I hope not
    I pray that doesn't happen. It's discouraging enough when you get another notice that you insurance is going up again, for the 3rd time in one year. I don't know how much longer I will be able to afford it. Putting a cap on it would just be down right unfair, I've paid into health insurance my whole life, this is the first claim I have had. Some of these politicans have to have someone in their lives stricken with disease. Is there any petition out there we get on? Let us know, thanks for the info.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    pgrace35 said:

    I hope not
    I pray that doesn't happen. It's discouraging enough when you get another notice that you insurance is going up again, for the 3rd time in one year. I don't know how much longer I will be able to afford it. Putting a cap on it would just be down right unfair, I've paid into health insurance my whole life, this is the first claim I have had. Some of these politicans have to have someone in their lives stricken with disease. Is there any petition out there we get on? Let us know, thanks for the info.

    I hope this doesn't happen
    I hope this doesn't happen either. This would be devastating to those of us that are fighting bc. Can we do something?
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    pgrace35 said:

    I hope not
    I pray that doesn't happen. It's discouraging enough when you get another notice that you insurance is going up again, for the 3rd time in one year. I don't know how much longer I will be able to afford it. Putting a cap on it would just be down right unfair, I've paid into health insurance my whole life, this is the first claim I have had. Some of these politicans have to have someone in their lives stricken with disease. Is there any petition out there we get on? Let us know, thanks for the info.

    Let's pray it doesn't pass!
    Let's pray it doesn't pass! Insurance is so costly and the last thing we need is a cap on our treatment.

    ♠♣ Christmas Susie ♠♣
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    Thanks for the info
    What can we do?

    Sue :)
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    Thanks for posting this.
    Thanks for posting this. This scares me that this might happen.

  • Whoknowz
    Whoknowz Member Posts: 82
    Contact Senators
    They're still making deals to get the needed 60 votes to avoid a filibuster. So contact your Senators about this provision. If it's in the bill and passes the Senate then we need to contact our Representative so the House doesn't agree to this.
  • cindycflynn
    cindycflynn Member Posts: 1,132 Member
    Whoknowz said:

    Contact Senators
    They're still making deals to get the needed 60 votes to avoid a filibuster. So contact your Senators about this provision. If it's in the bill and passes the Senate then we need to contact our Representative so the House doesn't agree to this.

    We can do something! And, while prayer can indeed be powerful in this case I would strongly advocate political action to go along with it for the best results. If we pray that God gives us the wisdom to do the right thing, I think this is what he would lead us to do. After all, he led us to this boards to get this information, correct?

    You can go to www dot house dot gov and there's a link to write your representative. It will pop up with a lookup by your location. There's a similar process to find your senator at www dot senate dot gov, or you could just search for those websites if you're more comfortable doing that.

    Since we all have web access, we can all do this! Usually our elected officials will actually pay attention when someone writes to them. So few people actually do it that they figure for each 1 that actually talks to them there are hundreds if not thousands of others who feel the same way!
  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    I have never heard this.
    I'm sorry if I'm suspicious but are you a cancer survivor? No one has spoken about this before. I have great health insurance and can afford it but I worry about my bc sisters who don't. I hope you are sincere and not trying to cause doubt. We need to have insurance for everyone. It doesn't help to have great insurance for those who can't afford it and have no coverage or limited coverage for those who don't.

  • mono5
    mono5 Member Posts: 94
    roseann4 said:

    I have never heard this.
    I'm sorry if I'm suspicious but are you a cancer survivor? No one has spoken about this before. I have great health insurance and can afford it but I worry about my bc sisters who don't. I hope you are sincere and not trying to cause doubt. We need to have insurance for everyone. It doesn't help to have great insurance for those who can't afford it and have no coverage or limited coverage for those who don't.


    I fear this as well...
    I am a cancer survivor, Roseann. Apparently Officials of the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network said they were taken by surprise when the earlier ban on annual coverage limits was undercut, adding that they have not been able to get a satisfactory explanation. If you read the article from the link here it goes on to say, "We don't know who put it in, or why it was put in," said Stephen Finan, a policy expert with the cancer society's advocacy affiliate. So, we all need to question this with the powers that be...
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    Whoknowz said:

    Contact Senators
    They're still making deals to get the needed 60 votes to avoid a filibuster. So contact your Senators about this provision. If it's in the bill and passes the Senate then we need to contact our Representative so the House doesn't agree to this.

    I will write my senators
    I will write my senators WhoKnowz! We have to do something.
  • MCJ
    MCJ Member Posts: 59
    Ritzy said:

    Thanks for the info
    What can we do?

    Sue :)

    vote them out of office

    vote them out of office
  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member

    We can do something! And, while prayer can indeed be powerful in this case I would strongly advocate political action to go along with it for the best results. If we pray that God gives us the wisdom to do the right thing, I think this is what he would lead us to do. After all, he led us to this boards to get this information, correct?

    You can go to www dot house dot gov and there's a link to write your representative. It will pop up with a lookup by your location. There's a similar process to find your senator at www dot senate dot gov, or you could just search for those websites if you're more comfortable doing that.

    Since we all have web access, we can all do this! Usually our elected officials will actually pay attention when someone writes to them. So few people actually do it that they figure for each 1 that actually talks to them there are hundreds if not thousands of others who feel the same way!

    You are absolutely right
    You are absolutely right Cindy... and I just wrote my representative... thanks for posting that web site, it made finding him a very easy task...

