It's cold at Disneyland!!!!! (a bit of a sad post...)

KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Today my daughter Kristy and I are going to Disneyland! This is a family tradition.

My other daughter, Stephanie, had her birthday on December 12. We had a rule that we didn't decorate for Christmas till after her day, so Disneyland is a GREAT place to ring in the season! Since she died, we still go...I can still hear her laughter in 'It's a small world'. Normally, we go earlier than the 17th, but it's the first chance this year. So, tonight will be fireworks and snow (well, soap bubbles, but 'If you believe'!).

I miss my daughter today. She was emotionally disturbed, but still had many moments of warmth and laughter. I can still hear her 'Mom!' when she called on the phone.

Merry Christmas, my dear Miss Steph!

Hugs to all, Kathi

(sorry for the sadness, but I love you guys for understanding and letting me share)


  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988
    Dear KathiM, I DO
    Dear KathiM, I DO understand. Cherish the memories, and remember the good times. We all have a time to celebrate, and I am glad that Disneyland brings your daughter closer to you. Hugs to you,

  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    Kathi... Disney Land sounds
    Kathi... Disney Land sounds like the perfect place to celebrate... losing a child just goes against the laws of nature... it happens, but is not part of lifes natural progression. But where you are going is a wonderful, magical place... and one I hope brings you joy, comfort and peace....

    I wish you tons of fun....



    PS... I believe..
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member
    taleena said:

    Kathi... Disney Land sounds
    Kathi... Disney Land sounds like the perfect place to celebrate... losing a child just goes against the laws of nature... it happens, but is not part of lifes natural progression. But where you are going is a wonderful, magical place... and one I hope brings you joy, comfort and peace....

    I wish you tons of fun....



    PS... I believe..

    I am so sorry for both of you, Kathi and Judy, at the loss of your daughters. I can't imagine how difficult it is. I pray that you both will heal and find peace.

    Disneyland is the place to celebrate Kathi! I love traditions, even if they are born out of a loss. Have fun today!

    ♥ Noel
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Kathi, I understand and
    Kathi, I understand and thanks for sharing. I lost twin daughters at birth and place 2 special angels on my Christmas tree every year in memory of them. A special time for a special memory!!
  • Calleen
    Calleen Member Posts: 411
    MyTurnNow said:

    Kathi, I understand and
    Kathi, I understand and thanks for sharing. I lost twin daughters at birth and place 2 special angels on my Christmas tree every year in memory of them. A special time for a special memory!!

    I do
    hope you enjoy your day with your Daughter. Going to Disneyland sounds like a wonderful tradition. I can't imagine how it feels to lose a child. I'm sure she's watching over you guys and her spirit is with you today!!!

  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    Although a joyous time of
    Although a joyous time of year, Christmas can bring up the sadness. Loved ones we lost at this time of year, loved ones that are gone and were born at this time of year, diagnosis at this time of year can make this time bittersweet. But they also give us time to reflect on their lives, our lives and how much we have. I have some sadness at this time of year and you all helped me so much to bring back my Christmas joy. I think that it is wonderful you still go to Disneyland and that it brings good memories. Sadness is okay, but maybe it is not so much sadness as being lonely for them. So Merry Christmas, dear Kathi. Cherish those happy moments and remember the warmth and laughter.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Your post was bittersweet
    Your post was bittersweet indeed, sweet Kathi. Know that the hearts of all of your Kindred Spirits are with you, and we thank you for letting us into your life~ we are truly united in all things. Bless your heart, sweet sister.

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Whew! That's!
    Well, we survived another year of MAJOR population, stroller doubles, pushing and shoving...even one cast member (read employee) said that he hadn't seen such behavior in all the time he worked there...sigh...the economy can do such terrible things!!!

    BUT there were fireworks, and snow, and a lighted parade....

    And It's a Small World was all decked out for the holidays....

    Thanks, you all, for your kind words!!!!

    Hugs to all, Kathi
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    I understand
    Kathi, enjoy the soap bubble snow (we were there a few years back and found it delightful) I am sure your daughter will be there with you in spirit. I don't doubt for a moment that her voice rings in your ears and most loudly in your heart. Enjoy your day and enjoy the sweet memories of a treasured daughter.

  • tgf
    tgf Member Posts: 950 Member
    RE said:

    I understand
    Kathi, enjoy the soap bubble snow (we were there a few years back and found it delightful) I am sure your daughter will be there with you in spirit. I don't doubt for a moment that her voice rings in your ears and most loudly in your heart. Enjoy your day and enjoy the sweet memories of a treasured daughter.


    I'm sure your trip to Disneyland made you sad ... but hopefully it also brought back a lot of good, happy times. It just seems that the older we get ... the more difficult holidays can be. We think about what WAS ... and missing people who aren't with us any longer ... and we think about how things should be. Often I have to force myself to be happy during the holidays ... but it doesn't seem to take long before I find I'm not "acting" any longer. It just takes a bit longer to get into the spirit of the holidays and be thankful for who and what we have now... because as we all know ... it could all be gone in an instant.
