Lesbians after mastectomy's
I'm looking for support. I had a mastectomy and did not opt for reconstruction, so I only have one breast. I'm looking to discuss with the same.
Ornaments and How Real this Virtual Site Is
I want to share about my ornaments. First, I received two. A box and and a nutcracker soldier. They came with a card from Judy (our Creampuff 91344). This is what Judy wrote: " The box symbolizes where all the good things that have helped you get to this stage of your treatment are stored, and the nutcracker guard is there…
Complication from Bilateral Mastectomy
Hi, I have been reading through the past posts and have not seen this question before. I had a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction on Dec 5. When I went to the plastic surgeon for my first visit a week later I was told that I would need to go back to the hospital to have some skin that died and turned black removed…
How do you post a picture? I have been having problems with my computer, I can usually read the board but sometime have problems posting. I hate this laptop. LOL.... Also, my Dad is in the hospital, my niece who lives with my parents has MS and had an alergic reraction to her meds she has taken since july and had to be…
Happy Early Birthday to Susan!
I don't get on every day and I wanted to make sure I wished you a very happy birthday! Merry Christmas to everyone!
I got even more ornaments in the mail...I have been more than doubly blessed by you!!!
Surprises can be so very nice, can't they??? I got 2 more ornaments in the mail this week! For someone who went to great lengths to keep my address a secret from you ( you recall the address labels I used!) I have been getting some beautiful ornaments ! One sweet sister sent me a beautiful angel with long brown hair…
how I beat thrush
Don't know if others have had a problem with Thrush but it was really severe on me. In my mouth, on my bum and even in my nose! The bum and nose was very painful. This round of Chemo I rinsed alot with diluted organic apple cidar vinegar and then took Ultimate Flora Super Critical. Which is a dietary suppliement that put…
Taxol pain
Does the bone pain from Taxol lessen after the first few days? My treatment was Tuesday. I felt fine yesterday, but today I feel like I got hit by a bus. I know my paperwork says "3 days" and everyone is different, but I wondered if this would subside a little after maybe tomorrow. Thanks for any input. Kathy
What Is A Kiss?
Prof. of Computer Science: A kiss is a few bits of love compiled into a byte. Prof. of Algebra: A kiss is two divided by nothing. Prof. of Geometry: A kiss is the shortest distance between two straight lines. Prof. of Physics: A kiss is the contraction of mouth due to the expansion of the heart. Prof. of Zoology: A kiss is…
Yikes! Blizzard..Snow stories
I'm dreaming of a white christmas....sounds so wonderful, doesn't it. Heavy snow is blanketing us in Philadelphia. So many plans this weekend have been ruined, parties canceled and the malls closing. Husband locked the keys in the car with the car running, had to call a locksmith to come out in a blizzard. I am sure he…
I need to know how to put a picture on my page please.
Hi everyone,I can usually figuer it out.But when i go to my home page and click edit.And apply picture it isn,t their when I look at my home page.How do you get such neet pictures on your page?Thanks for your help.(Love and Prayers(Pat).
Do You See It?
Before our pastor gets to the subject matter of his sermon, he usually captures the attention of our congregation by telling a joke or funny story. I had heard this one before but found it as funny as the first time I heard it: One evening a preacher held a country-type baptism. This is where those desiring baptism are…
Had biopsy Tuesday..results...
not cancer but atypical lobular hyperplasia. My surgeon wants to do an MRI, excisional biopsy of both areas, and have me meet with an oncologist...sounds pretty intense for not being cancer... but I guess it's a cancer precursor? I guess there is increased risk of cancer of either breast and they want to make sure nothing…
Lumpectomy results are clear. I'm so happy :)
Got the news this morning ... all clear! Will meet with radiology to schedule that to start the second or third week in January. I'm still pretty tired from being sick with three different colds off and on for 8 weeks prior to my surgery this past Wednesday. That's why I haven't been online as often. Need to get my…
To us
As I read thru messages, it seems a lot of us are struggling to handle the Christmas events, family, and our battle. So tonight as the stars come out, I'm going to grab a glass of wine (luckily my onc says yes to wine), some cheese and crackers, look at the infinite night sky and toast us for magnificent warriors are we…
Radiation toxicity reduced with red wine
Ok. So I'm starting radiation next Monday and my cousin led me to this article on drinking red wine before radiation treatment. Very interesting. As I have stated on previous threads...everything in moderation. That and the Europeans know how to live. What do you all think of this? I'm going to give it a try, especially…
Lumpectomy yesterday
Let me just say that I am soooooo glad to have that over with. There were some issues but we got through it all. Then when I got home I got sick from the Anastasie. I felt faint and made it to the sofa before I actually fainted. It freaked my husband out. I stayed in bed and slept the rest of the day and all of last night.…
hello from the new girl
My name is Diane. I would like to introduce myself. I'm 34yrs old diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. Although my prognosos is good, and so is my attitude, I must say that I have my moments where I feel scared and unsure.I was diagnosed back in Sept/09 and it was the shock of my life. I cried at the the doctor's office…
Conflicting oncologist opinions
Met with my radiation oncologist about 3 weeks ago, was going to my last round of chemo. She reviewed my chart and bascially questioned most everything that was done so far with the exception of the chemo. She didn't think I had enough margin area removed, could go back for more surgery, questioned my MRI, something…
Daft Sods and P.O.D.S Explained for the people who joined recently...
Yeah.. Thank you Susan (Christmas Girl) for leaving this to your 'Esteemed Leader" to sort out... Pay cut coming up, official secretary! (Oh, I forgot, we never paid you).. OK you owe us! This started back in the summer, one member had a new pic up and I commented that it was nice...... she asked "What... the pic of the…
Ornamenet Exchange
I received my beautiful dancing (with Ned) girl with long blond hair and a red dress with black dancing shoes. I also got one of those little boxes that are great for Christmas hard candies, but only if I leave them somewhere out of my sight! I was going to fill up the little box and send it back, but then reality hit me.…
Surgery went well!
I want to thank each of you for your well wishes and prayers. I had surgery last Tuesday. They removed the lump and 3 lymph nodes. The preliminary test did not find any cancerous cells in my lymph nodes. The surgeon had not gotten the final test results when I left the hospital Thursday evening. He is out of town and I…
Sometimes the holiday is getting me down
But I got the following from a girlfriend on email and decided to share it. It's holiday songs for the psychologically challenged (me at times) 1. Schizophrenia --- Do You Hear What I Hear? 2. Multiple Personality Disorder --- We Three Kings Disoriented Are 3. Dementia --- I Think I'll be Home for Christmas 4. Narcissistic…
A short discussion of the lymph system (reprise)
The lymph system is actually another circulatory system in the human body. The veinous and the arterial are well known, and pretty dynamic, since they interact with the heart. Their eb and flow are controlled by, to varying degrees, the pumping action of the heart. But the lymph system is a bit different. It takes care of…
Damm I broke my tooth
Does chemo have anything to do with you teeth. The side of my tooth just fell off tonight. I guess I will be in dentist chair tomorrow. Damm thing is sharp to.
Attn Chemo Chicks... have you wrapped yet?
I usually have a marathon of wrapping the weekend before Christmas and I fair through it quite well. I found that I had to take probably a 5-10 minute break after every present I wrapped and now I am sooooo sore! God, what I wouldn't do to be back in shape! Thankfully I haven't had many side effects but tonight was a real…
Spent last night on the bathroom floor...
I guess it's time for me to evaluate just how long I want to subject myself to the se's of this treatment plan... I'm two months in, and just had my second injection Tuesday... spent most of last night sitting on the floor in my bathroom. I was so sick... to the point that there was nothing left to come up, but my stomach…
Casey Alexander Martinez passed tonight
I can't thank each of you enough for your thoughts and prayers in response to my post regarding Casey. The doctors ran another brain scan this afternoon, and determined that he was not improving, and recommended that the respirator be removed. They turned off the machine, and he died at 8:30 PM tonight. We are all…
woo woo ornament from my secret sister in OK
The most delicate glass hand blown, from Eqyptian Museum. Clear glass, tinted pink center,a simple pink ribbon etched across the middle,and 24 karat trim! It is truly beautiful and very special. It will hold a special place on my tree, away from the cats, and after Christmas, it will sit on my table that has all my…
Taxotere and Cytroxan Chemotherapy
I am going to begin Taxcotere and cytroxan treatment on 05JAN. It will be 1 session every 3 weeks for a total of 4 treatments. Is there anyone out there that is currently or just recently gone through this treatment? How were your side effects? Needless to say I am losing sleep over this. Thanks for any help. Sally