New Year's Resolutions
Just two more weeks and 2009 will be over! I'm curious-what are your New Year's Resolutions? ♥ Cathy
I want my mouth back!
I know I could have a lot more to complain about, and am lucky that this seems to be the worst of my side effects so far (except for some lovely constipation which I will spare you the details of), but I'm only into a week of this chemo and the way my mouth feels is already driving me crazy! Thanks to you ladies that have…
More news
I went to the surgeon to have stitches removed today. He told me the radiologist called him. My 1st word...."oh no!!! the news---the "real final report" (my words) stated that there is a micro amount of staining in 2 of my lymph nodes. The radiologist believe that the radiation will take care of this. My surgeon wants a…
calling all Mom's: How can I make this easier for her?
My Mom is 86, lives about 1/2 hr away. I call her several times a day, I try to keep her updated and ahead of any information I get. However, she is obviously stressed on my diagnosis (inflammatory bc) and upcoming surgery. I know I can't do tons for her right now. She is alone as my Dad died a few years ago. She was alone…
Do you ever feel 'ugly'?
I don't know if this is due to Christmas parties where everyone is decked out in their holiday finery or what - but - I am feeling SO unattractive. I had a good cry this morning (I haven't cried in many weeks) when I looked in the mirror. The cancer has stolen my breasts. The chemo took most of my body hair - including…
Anyone else having problems... Chat?
I can't get in, and after last nights drama I am wondering..... IS IT ME?
Daily vitamins after radiation
I have just recently finished radiation and wondered when it is "safe" to start taking daily vitamins, D3 and calcium, again? I have an appointment with my onco in a couple of weeks and I know I could call but there are so many of you that are finished with radiation, I was hoping you could answer. Thanks.
Hi, I am new here
Hi, I am Megan. I have been reading on here for awhile, but, never wrote anything. I had a lumpectomy and just finished rads. I was very glad to be done with them. They exhausted me. So, why am I up now? I think too much sometimes about my breast cancer and can't sleep. Does anyone else do that? I guess I am still so…
Hello my name is Linda and I have breast Cancer
My breast cancer is back in the same breast that the ugly beast was in last time. After many test we know now it has not spread to other parts of my body. I am sooo thankful to God for that. I see my surgeon on Jan 4th to talk about my mastsectomy . I am considering reconstruction at the time of my surgery. Waiting this…
bras for drains
Does anyone know where to find those bras that will accommodate drains post-mastectomy? I've googled medical supply places around here (Olathe, Kansas) but can't find anything. Do I really need a special bra for 5 days to a week? Can't I just wear loose fitting clothing?
Could I ask what you think of the health care plan before congress?I hope you don,t mind.
Hi,I am not into politics much ,but as high as bills are fighting this horible beast I hope it will be a plus for us in need of health care.i don,t understand really what the president is trying to pass.I wonder if some of you are up on this.Thank you.Love and Prayers(Pat).
Path report in
I had my surgery Dec 9th (lumpectomy). The surgery went well and my lymph nodes were clear. Was really hoping not to have to go through Chemo. The tumor was 1.5 cm and Er and PR +. They were suprised that I was HER2 positive. y cancer is stage 1. The margins were focal which means there is microscopic DCIS lobular in the…
Another one left for Rainbow Bridge
Friends, Just wanted you to know that Elfin Chin, my daughter's little Japanese Chin and Emmy's friend, left us on Dec 21st for Rainbow Bridge. I sure do miss him. You can see a pix of the little guy from last Christmas, sitting in his new bed. The house is so quiet without him here, since Emmy and him are no longer racing…
UPDATE after Third Chemo
I haven't posted in over a week and have been very sick. Spent 2 days in the hospital due to low potassium from Big"D" and vommiting. I made it through Christmas with a lot of help from my grandson. I planned the menu and typed up a time line for the food preparation before my third Chemo. So he just followed what I had…
Stupid things people say
I need your help. Where is the post awhile ago about the stupid things people say?? I have a friend with breast cancer who wants to read that post. Thanks in advance!
Hate to leave you girls.......BUT IM NOT A CHEMO GIRL ANYMORE!!! WOOHOO
I did my last treatment today...so glad its over! To all you girls still going thru it or just beginning...stay strong and positive! Me and all the women on this site are living proof it can be done!
Carkris Birthday Tomorrow the 28th
I think that it is Carkris' birthday tomorrow. So Happy Birthday a little early because I am usually late. Hope you have plans for something special. And I hope they include Ice cream and cake. you will see that is a birthday theme for me. Well, any day is okay but birhtdays are special ice cream and cake days. Celebrate…
Is this a lot
Hello and how is everyone? I went to the onc to day and i am done with the first round of chemo he wants me to have 2 more rounds of chemo that means 12 more treatment i have all ready had 6 chemo. total of 18.then he is going to do x rays to see what needs to be done next.just wanted to know if that is a lot of chemo?
is breast swelling normal
I had the lumpectomy November 18, 2009 and at that time they removed 12 lymph glands, with only one being positive. But now I'm concerned about the swelling in my breast.. Is that normal? I will be starting chemo Jan.7 2010.. The chemo Dr. told me today that the swelling is probably from the surgery and scar tissue. Just…
Happy Birthday E-Hope!
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday today E-Hope! Hugs, Diane ♥
Mom Diagnosed Christmas Eve ... Questions about Doctors
Hello. My mom got the call on Christmas Eve that she had breast cancer. Her brain went blank when she heard cancer so we only have sketchy details for now. What I got out of her was that she had invasive in situ breast cancer. I don't know how in situ and invasive can be used together, but that is not my main question. She…
Drain NOT coming out before Christmas
I am disappointed! My drain is not going to come out before Christmas. I was really hoping that it would. It is so hard to sit when there is so much to do! Any suggestions as to how I can slow down the drain . . . one day I'm close to 30cc, the next day I'm back at 50cc!
Merry Christmas!!
I’m dreaming of a non-pink Christmas, Just like the ones I use to know Where my breasts didn’t betray me, And my mammograms were all okay And the New Year ahead was all aglow! I’m dreaming of a non-pink Christmas For every sister here I meet May their days be healthy and free from strife, And may breast cancer be gone…
buzzed head
Here is my new pic with my buzzes head sorry its so dark.
Happy belated birthday, Maize, one day late
I was just scanning the older chats and remembered the birthday one that was started. Hope you had a wonderful day yesterday and I wish you a peaceful Christmas today. Take care. Marilyn
Holiday Greetings
I hope that everyone is having a nice Christmas; eating lots of high calorie, delicious, fattening food and treats; and got the gifts or at least one of the gifts they wanted. Most importantly, I hope everyone is healthy for this one day to enjoy it with family and friends. I almost lost my mother this year and so this…
Advanced warning, New challenge coming after New Years
Advanced warning, New challenge coming after New Years. So start thinking now where those pictures are. This one should be good for a few dozen laughs. You see I got to thinking (I heard that oh no Mooppy) Anyway I have noticed that a good many of us were teenagers in the 70's soooo....... Lets see all those Farrah Fawcett…
I know I've been lax about being online lately, with the visit of my brother, his daughter and grandson, and taking care of Mom. Its been hectic and wonderful and I absolutely fell in love with my new Great Nephew. I will post the picture of him seeing snow for the first time (we got 18" in my deck) is priceless. I wish…
My family picture
I finally figured out how to post my picture. Anyway this is my happy family from last Christmas. Just making sure it goes through.
everyone on the site a "Very Merry Christmas" Hugs to all, Diane