A little ACS fan letter
I just wanted to share that I received a call today, out of the blue, from a staff member at my local ACS chapter, just wanting to ask how I'm doing. The woman who called is a 20-year breast cancer survivor, and was such a warm, encouraging person to talk to -- we had the most enjoyable conversation. I've never directly…
Bone scan
Have a full body bone scan ordered for Tuesday. Oncologist is ordering it because of all the leg and back pain I have been having. Has anyone else had one of these scans?
DMC's Daughter....Responding to the Elfin Chin Posts
Dear friends of my mom (dmc_emmy), I have read all of the posts of those who wrote in response to the passing of my little Elfin Chin. I am so so very appreciative of your kind words and they are reassuring. Elfin Chin was a very special part of my life, as I had him since I was 13 (I am now 22)--almost half my life. We…
Happy New Year
Wanted to take the time to wish all of wonderful ladies a "brighter" New Year. This has been a wonderful support to me and I'm so blessed to have all of you to turn too when I have quesitons, or just need some moral support...THANKS! Happy New Year
I Just Want To Wish All Of You A Very Healthy & Happy New Year!
I pray for all of us to have a healthy 2010! What more could we want???? Well, maybe for my tail to slow down so that I don't get another stiff neck. lol Sue :)
I went to Physical Therapy today for the lymphedema and the spasms it causes to my shoulder and hand. I have gone to this same PT site for several years now. Today they had a gal there making balloon creations to celebrate the incoming new year and to usher out a decade. The receptionist was wearing what I considered to be…
You are all angels
I just wanted to tell all of you how much your support means to me. I feel blessed to have found you. Sometimes I read posts and feel comfort, sometimes I read posts and get terrified. I suppose that is because I have yet to begin my chemo. I read posts and often feel bad because I dont know what to say, but stay strong. I…
Surgery update
Hi, had my surgery yesterday and it went fine. The 4 needle sticks in nuclear med were like slight bee stings, they don't give you a numbing med for it. Surgery took about 3 hours since I had an expander put in. I have 2 drains which I drain myself. They found some cancer cells in one of my lmph nodes and I believe they…
Changing font and color ...
Changing font and color ...How do you do this ???
mastectomy bra
Will be having a single mastectomy after meeting with my surgeon on Monday. Some of you talk about a special bra after surgery and shirts that button down the front. What is the reason for this?? Will I not be able to put on my own clothes?? That is scary!!!!! Where do I get these items if I need them?? Thanks and…
Hello Everyone: I hope you had a Merry Christmas. I have not posted in a while. I have been doing Taxol chemo every week and working and have been unable to get on to post. Taxol makes me very tired and all I do is sleep and lie down when I am not working. I had a really bad yeast infection under my breasts and in my…
I love this board...
I love this board. It has certainly helped me get thru the past few weeks of waiting and wondering. All of you have been a blessing to me, answering questions before I even think of them. Thank all of you for all the information. Your stories are amazing and give hope to anyone reading them. I have just started this…
Surgery Tuesday
On Tuesday, I am having my fourth (lumpectomy, bilateral mastectomy with immediate DIEP reconstruction, D&C and now reconstruction tune-ups) surgery in 2009. I'm then planning that 2010 will be smooth sailing. Actually, I'm hoping to live long and have no more surgeries, ever. I'll have one breast reduced to match the…
Scheduled surgery today!!
Hi everyone...my mammo and ultrasound all came back good! No signs of spreading..so relieved. Surgery is on the 14th!
Nerve pain
I am now 3 weeks post re-excision of my (R)breast (and all lymph nodes removed) and have burning pain down the inside of my right arm. I know this is nerve pain from damage done when all the nodes were removed, but does anyone know about how long this lasts? I massage it and use a washcloth to rub the skin, like my surgeon…
trying to stay positive
I am going to be having a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction in a couple of weeks. I have been told that I have Ductal carcinoma in situ. I can't get the nagging thought out of my head that it could be more....that the final pathology will be worse. Any ideas how I can stay calm about this? I won't know for several…
Treatment plan from Med Oncol
Okay, I had my first Med Oncologist visit yesterday. This is the plan Chemo Cocktail will be Taxotere and Carboplatin and Herceptin every three weeks. the Herceptin every week until done with the other two T and C. Then hercpetin every three weeks for a year. Then Radiation for seven weeks then the post menopausal drug for…
Has anyone experienced this?
I finished chemo and will now be starting radiation. Just wondering the side effects anyone has experienced and also, this may sound strange...but my Rad oncologist said my breast will shrink. Did anyone have this problem and if so was it considerably noticable?
Trpile negative/APOCRIN
This is a very specific and rare type of breast cancer I am asking about so I would like to politely ask that I only receive responses from people who have this same type. There is a great deal of information on triple negative and hormone receptive breast cancer but my diagnosis is about 1 in 1000-2000. As a result, there…
I am almost done with rads.what is this sadness about?
Hi everyone,I have my 5 boost treatments to do then done with that part of it.I will be taking the Cancer pill for 5yrs.I guess I thought wow I am done with bc.As silly as it sounds,but I have relized today that I will never really be done with it.And that same person that I was don,t really exsist anymore.It changes our…
off subject
how do you create the different fonts, scrolling hearts, etc. in your posts?
Hey ladies just wanted to say I hope everyone had an amaizing holiday! I am having my bi-later mast/recon on Monday morning and I am super nervous! I would just looooooove to have some positive vibes and prayers thrown in my direction, because it always helps. Also, if anyone has and tips or advice for me that will help…
New Year's Resolutions
Just two more weeks and 2009 will be over! I'm curious-what are your New Year's Resolutions? ♥ Cathy
I want my mouth back!
I know I could have a lot more to complain about, and am lucky that this seems to be the worst of my side effects so far (except for some lovely constipation which I will spare you the details of), but I'm only into a week of this chemo and the way my mouth feels is already driving me crazy! Thanks to you ladies that have…
More news
I went to the surgeon to have stitches removed today. He told me the radiologist called him. My 1st word...."oh no!!! the news---the "real final report" (my words) stated that there is a micro amount of staining in 2 of my lymph nodes. The radiologist believe that the radiation will take care of this. My surgeon wants a…
calling all Mom's: How can I make this easier for her?
My Mom is 86, lives about 1/2 hr away. I call her several times a day, I try to keep her updated and ahead of any information I get. However, she is obviously stressed on my diagnosis (inflammatory bc) and upcoming surgery. I know I can't do tons for her right now. She is alone as my Dad died a few years ago. She was alone…
Do you ever feel 'ugly'?
I don't know if this is due to Christmas parties where everyone is decked out in their holiday finery or what - but - I am feeling SO unattractive. I had a good cry this morning (I haven't cried in many weeks) when I looked in the mirror. The cancer has stolen my breasts. The chemo took most of my body hair - including…
Anyone else having problems... Chat?
I can't get in, and after last nights drama I am wondering..... IS IT ME?
Daily vitamins after radiation
I have just recently finished radiation and wondered when it is "safe" to start taking daily vitamins, D3 and calcium, again? I have an appointment with my onco in a couple of weeks and I know I could call but there are so many of you that are finished with radiation, I was hoping you could answer. Thanks.