Holiday eating tips
1. Avoid carrot sticks. Anyone who puts carrots on a holiday buffet table knows nothing of the Holiday spirit. In fact, if you see carrots, leave immediately. Go next door, where they're serving rum balls. 2. Drink as much eggnog as you can. And quickly. It's rare.. You cannot find it any other time of year but now. So…
Help - blood clots or not
I woke up yesterday morning and my left calve hurt. I had surgery 2 weeks ago and had it wrapped in a heating pad when my husband asked me why I had done that. When I told him that it hurt he asked me if I thought it might be a blood clot I froze I have been sitting a lot not to mention taking naps. I know that I should…
? about Sentinal LN Biopsy after the fact
Ok-I'll admit, I have been overdoing it with my left arm since my surgery on 11/30! Isn't that the first step? Admitting I have a problem? lol Today after some last-minute shopping, my arm pit area was more sore than usual. So, I felt around under there & there is a "ball" in that area. Is this normal? Or does that mean I…
Pain in my port area.............hellp!!
I had my port put in last Wednesday and today I went in they flushed it and and drew some blood. About three hours later I was at home and took off the bandaid and there was a sharp pain like a needle poking me. I had my hubby look at it and he could not see anything. So I went to sit down and I felt like a dozen needles…
breast scar
My scar from my breast removal got real real and had fever in it. Got back into the doc. they did ultrasound on the left side notice 2 spots. They did a biospy one came back neg. & the other came back postive. Had a petscan today will wait for the result on Mon. Keep good thoughts.
Seeing Medical Onco Monday
Just wondering how long after the actual Chemo treatment do the side effects come? How long do the side effects last? I have heard they start 2 to 3 days after treatment to 6 to 7 days after treatment. Is it constant? Just nervous about what type of chemo and if I will be able to work. some of the side effects I've read…
2 different opions..soo confused
Hi again. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Christmas and New Years. Just curious, One oncologist told me chemo for 4 months and one told me 5 months. So how do I know who is right. One is a cancer hospital only and one is not. Should that make a difference. I really don't want to go to a third. This is costing a…
How do I hang on?
Just got the news yesterday. Cancer! How do you NOT think about it 24/7?
New here and worried.
I have been reading everyone's emails since November, but have never introduced myself. I really wish I would have found this site sooner. I am 63 years old and was diagnosed with bc in July of 2009, had 5 treatments of chemotherapy,a lumpectomy in Dec. and next is radiation. I, like Megan, have found myself dwelling on…
Good news yesterday!
I got wonderful news yesterday. The pathology report from my bilateral mastectomy with lymph node sampling (& tissue expanders)came back yesterday and we met with the surgeon. All lymph nodes were clear, left breast clear and right breast with only DCIS (lots)--no invasion. No chemo, radiation or tamoxifen recommended!!!!…
Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New year.
I pray all us sisters in pink have a wonderful healthy New year and Merry christmas.Love and Prayers.(Pat).
Dear Sweet Sister in Pink!
Dearest Sisters in Pink, Wishing you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Chanuka, and a tremendous New Year! I may not write all that often, but know that you are in my heart and in my thoughts. God bless you and yours this holiday season. My best to you all always! Love, Bella Luna
82-year 'young' mom and double mastectomy
My sister and I would appreciate any thoughts you have about our 82-year old mother wanting to go the double mastectomy route for stage one cancer in the 'other' breast, rather than having a lumpectomy and radiation, etc. done, as she did last year for a pre-cancerous growth in the 'first' breast. We are concerned about…
soy foods study
http://sitemason.vanderbilt.edu/myvu/news/2009/12/14/soy-food-linked-to-decreased-risk-of-breast-cancer-recurrence-and-death.102305 This is a link to a recently published study on soy foods and breast cancer recurrence. Thought some might be interested, what to eat during and after treatment is certainly bothering me!…
My last radiation is tomorrow!!
I just wanted to share that my last radiation appointment is tomorrow! It's been a long journey with surgeries, chemo and 33 radiation treatments but I made it! I've learned so much from all my sisters in pink and wish you all much joy, peace, health and happiness in 2010! Love, Patti
This isn't a bc question, but, does anyone know?
I have had a stiff neck for several days now and can't seem to get rid of it. I have taken Ibuprofen, Advil and Excedrin. Anyone else have any ideas of how I can get rid of it? And why I even have the darn thing for so long? I thought maybe I have been sleeping weird, which it could be I guess. I have had so much on my…
Please say a prayer
One of my childhood friends, Robin, is going in for hysterectomy tomorrow. We both went through breast cancer this summer. She has had lumpectomy, another surgery to take more tissue samples, the 5 day rad treatment and now they have found a mass on one of her ovaries. I pray that the outcome will be no more cancer for…
Today is KMSMclaughlin's Birthday
Sue: You have much to celebrate this year. We've come a long way and crossed many hurdles that were thrown in our path. Yet, we survived. It just goes to prove how resilient we the pink warriors are. May we all be here to celebrate many Christmases and many birthdays together in cyber space. I hope you have a wonderful day…
We made it!!! And Holland was waiting in her snowy white coat!!!!!
YEA!!!! You guys remember my tales of being bumped to Business Class the last 2 trips from LA to Amsterdam, right? Well, it happened again!!! We got the 'big' seats... Seemed that there were so few business class people, and so many coach passengers, plus horses (I LOVE the idea of a flying horse...lol!) that the plane…
The RAD B"S Rock Chicago
The RAD B"S Rock Chicago The RAD B'S threw a suprise concert in Chicago Christmas night in honor of there Human Resouce Manager Susan aka Christmass Girl. This up and coming band rocked the city like it has never been rocked before. The lead singer's vocals went form soothing in one song to rock you hard in the next.The…
Back on line but with sad news
No more sneaking to read and post from my office computer or going to my kid's houses and just to use their internet and not visiting. It's going to take me awhile to catch completely up. I want to thank those of you who kept me in your prayers the past couple weeks. My wonderful, compassionate father lost his battle with…
TRAM reconstruction
Does anyone know how much fat is necessary to perform a TRAM reconstruction? I am looking into that procedure as an option after mastectomy for DCIS. Some have said that I may not have enough fat in my belly. How much do I have to be able to pinch to be a candidate for this procedure?
Hi everyone,I am so very happy.I know you don,t mind.
Their may be an end to this after all.My Dr. says 5 more Radiation treatments and 5 boosters.I am so happy.As you know it has been a long drug out thing with surgery twice,chemo and radiation.And alot of you have been on this journey with me.Thank you so much.I love you all.Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.(Pat).
The bus leaves for Cancertown on the 28th and this time I'm not on it
Yep it's true I refuse to get on that bus. Actually I have a question about RADs. I've finished 28 whole breast and am pretty burnt and a bit tired. I am scheduled for 5 boosters which I will finish (God willing) on the 28th of December. What can I expect from the boosts will they make me more tired or will I feel about…
You know something, I missed all of you a LOT! Nice to be back on the board again!
I don't know if anyone noticed ( sniff sniff ) but I have been off the board for several weeks. I was off honestly because it was getting to me. I love this board and I love all of you. I have received and I hope given a lot of support and encouragement here. I love the good news, and, I tried to say something positive and…
My Mammo and Ultra are CLEAN!
Hi everyone! I am so happy! My mammogram and the ultrasound were all clean! Nothing is wrong, no signs of cancer, no suspicious areas, nothing, but, what should be there. lol Omg, what a relief. I had myself so upset that I was literally sick at my stomach yesterday. My poor husband had to keep stopping the car on the way…
stress doubled??.. and going thru chemo :(
I have my parents staying here , with me , my husband and 3 kids .... it has been a god send having my parents here to help out but everyone is getting on each others nerves..... I am going crazy... I know I am not the only one at home dealing with this but I am dealing with it and going through cancer!!! I am so sorry to…
Graduated from RADS this morning!!!
I finished my 34th radiation treatment this morning, just in time for Christmas. I am so happy and lucky to have gotten through my treatments, chemo and radiation, with minimal side effects. I feel very happy to be through, but it's bittersweet at the sane time. I'm not going to go there, instead I'll just enjoy being…