Boy or Girl?
Male or Female? You might not have known this, but a lot of non-living objects are actually either male or female. Here are some examples: FREEZER BAGS They are male, because they hold everything in, but you can see right through them. PHOTOCOPIERS These are female, because once turned off; it takes a while to warm them up…
video messages or letter writing
I'm wondering if any Moms with young children are leaving video messages or letters for their kids. Any other ideas to share? I'm not terminal yet but I'd like to leave video while I look decent. I will be restarting chemo for my first reoccurence for stage 4 ovarian. I'm uncertain what the future will bring!
A Few New Year's Resolutions LOL
Just for today, I will not sit in my living room all day in my nightdress. Instead, I will move my computer into the bedroom. I will no longer waste my time relieving the past, instead I will spend it worrying about the future. I will not bore my boss by with the same excuse for taking leaves. I will think of some more…
Joint pain
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004. I have taken Arimidex for very close to 5 years just recently stopped taking the drug. I have been off the drug about 5 months. I have as much joint pain as I did the first two years I was taking it. Anyone else have that experience?? My knees and feet and hips hurt so bad…
If I didn't have kids . . .
Since I got the bad news on Friday that hormonals aren't working on my liver mets, I've been thinking . . . why not get the inevitable over with? Chemo for the rest of my "life"? What kind of life is that? It's only my three beautiful, wonderful daughters that are giving me a will to live, and they felt the need to fight…
Hi, Tell me about Taxotere? I just finished up my 4 rounds of Cytoxan and Adriamycin, next I have 4 rounds every 3 weeks of Taxotere... and my nurse practitioner scared the crap out of me saying that maybe I should get it every week to lessen the side effects and wondered why the doctor has me going every 3 weeks for 3…
Breast Cancer after Hodgkin's?
Hi everyone, My name is Alicia. I was treated for HD in 1991 with a combination of radiation and chemo (ABVD). I was recently diagnosed with Breast Cancer. IS there anyone else out there that's gone through the same thing? I'm trying to make some treatment decisions and am looking to correspond with others in my situation.…
sent home 4 hours after the start of surgery!!!
Just wanted to share a story with you. I have a friend, a public school Montessori teacher, who had a hysterectomy before Christmas. When I was visiting her two days ago, I learned that a woman who shares my friend's house (along with the woman's husband) went in for a sngle, simple mastectomy yesterday at 7 AM and was…
Numbness in hands and arms.....
Hello pink ladies, I have a question for you....I was supposed to have my tenth round of taxol today (already finished 4 a/c and 9 of 12 taxol) and my doctor called it off because the numbness in my hands is starting to run up my arms. I've been told this damage is irreversible, has anyone else had this happen? I struggle…
Saturday is Julia's Birthday!
I have been having internet problems lately so I wanted to make sure this post made it in time. It is JmG86's B-day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR JULIA HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE!!! HOPE YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY AND A BLESSED NEW YEAR! ♥ Cathy
ALH with "no surprises" on MRI
I was diagnosed with atypical lobular hyperplasia in Dec. Had an MRI which showed "no surprises"..so I guess no new areas of concern. I am scheduled for an excisional biopsy of the 2 areas of microcalcifications on January 23rd. My question is if my MRI came back negative is there still a decent chance they can find…
Trying to post picture. hope it worked. Happy New years!
Has Anyone Ever Switched Oncs in the Middle of Chemo????
Has anyone ever switched oncs in the middle of Chemo? My husband is ready to kill my onc. After my last Chemo before I got so sick, I called on Friday and requested a refill on the Lomotil that I am taking for Big "D". I assumed it was called in and Saturday my husband went to the drugstore to pick it up. No meds. I called…
Penn State/Hershey - Anyone from PA
Several times I have posted and they keep getting deleted, I don't understand. Has anyone been treated at the Hershey Breast Center recently and if so, any insights you can give would be appreciated. Thank you.
How long after surgery
How long after surgery did you have before you started chemo again.
WOO HOO Goodbye 2009, lets kick butt in 2010
I don't know about you ladies, but I am very happy to see 2009 end. I spent it in pain from lymph node removal/masectomy, being bald, burnt from rads, exhausted, stressed out about work, oh, and did i mention being bald until Memorial Day! Lets all welcome 2010 with a bang. We will be strong and healthy, brave and kind. We…
Solo in Tempe, AZ
I have to start chemo in January and I am terrified. I live alone, family is overseas. I moved here 3 years ago but just worked and studied fulll time... not much time to make friends, close friends at least. Reading these sites, realizing what kind of side effects i could be experiencing just terrifies me. And I am…
More decisions*****Anyone have input
I am finishing my last 5 rads next week. I saw my oncologist he would like me to go on tamoxifin. I asked him about letrozole. He said it is better for you but I am not officially into mentapauss. He said I can start the tamaxofin and if I don't get a period in a year we could change. I can also have my ovaries removed.…
Worried about Oncologist!!!
Ladies, Tonight I received an automated phone call from my oncologist's office reminding me that I have a chemo appt on Monday--but the time was wrong!! I am very, very upset, as this is the third time that an error has occurred with this group, and I'm beginning to doubt their ability to treat me correctly. I have a…
Just for the fun of it.
Thought you all may need some new years resolution ideas, hit enter once you get there and enjoy. http://moninavelarde.com/newyears/ ♥ RE ♥
helping with cost of medication/treatment
HI >>> FOUND THIS ON MY FACEBOOK PAGE>>> I DON'T LIVE IN MICHIGAN>>>>BUT MAYBE SOMEONE ON HERE DOES :) <3 ....Helping Hands Fund for Women with Breast Cancer shop.thebreastcancersite.com The 'Helping Hands Fund' at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center helps patients whose medication costs, for prevention…
Blue Moon for New Year's Eve
Tonight is a blue moon. For those that don't know a blue moon is, it is a 2nd full moon in the same month. There was a full moon on December 2nd. Blue moons only happen every 2 1/2 years so the next will not be until 2012. And this is on the last day of the year and that rarely happens. Don't know when the last one was. So…
wishing everyone a happy and healthy new year! God bless you all! love prv and daughter
Big Surprise for Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm going to be grandma again. This is my daughter and grandson in the picture. He is seven so its about time for another. Merry Christmas everyone Jadie
Prayers Needed - Not BC related
I've been wrestling with whether to post this, because I know it will cause sadness, but I do believe in the power of prayer (it has worked so well for me so far) and if anyone needs a prayer right now, it is this family. My boss lost her niece and 13 month-old grandniece three days before Christmas. They were killed by…
Happy New Years!!!
Wishing you a healthy New Year!!!!! love you all!!!!!!!!!!1
♫ ◄ ♫ What Is Everyone Doing On New Year's Eve? ♫ ►♫
Partying? Staying home? Drinking? Not Drinking? My husband made reservations a long ways back to a really nice romantic restaurant for us to have dinner at. I can't wait! We don't go there very often as it is so expensive, but, he felt we could splurge for this. YEA! He says he has a surprise for me. Hmmmmmm I also have a…
Vitamin D decreases pain (for those on aromatase inhibitor)
I haven't been online in awhile but I wonder if the discussion board has touched on the latest findings re vitamin d and pain reduction for those aromatase inhibitors (arimidex, femara, aromysin)? See article at: http://www.medpagetoday.com/MeetingCoverage/SABCS/17546 I plan on bringing the article to my endocrinologist in…
wishing everyone a happy and healthy new year! God bless you all! love prv and daughter
Back from Surgery
Hey ladies I am back home from my bi-lateral mast/recon...The surgery went great but I am still a bit sore from it. They took two nodes from each side and said that they were all negative, but I will receive my final path report on wed. I just want to thank you all for all of your prayers and advice, you have all made it…