Getting tired of the pain!
I had a mastectomy (for DCIS)just over 2 weeks ago and 2 nodes removed...all went well and the pathology report is good. But I am still so incredibly sore! Last week when I saw my surgeon for what I hoped would be arm exercises and a dismissal,instead he took out about 20cc of fluid and told me to come back in a week. I…
Exercise after bilateral mastectomy
Hi. I'm new to this website. I had a bilateral mastectomy in November because of extensive DCIS. I had a number of complications after surgery that slowed down my recovery considerably. Thankfully none of the DCIS had become invasive and I'm not scheduled for any additional cancer treatment at this time. I am getting ready…
Just something to make you smile. Tonight my daughter was watching a survival show with her husband and 3 little ones. It was based in the North Pole, the survivalist said "if you look closely you can see signs of life", Ian my 5 year old grand son excitedly told Landon his 3 year old brother "did you hear that he said if…
I am home from going out in the storm.
I got my treatment today.I am going to stay in tomorrow.I will get my last treatment Mon.Thanks everyone.Love and Prayers.(Pat).
Doc called with surgery date
I will be having bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction on January 5. Even when I say the words it doesn't really seem like it is me. I'm trying not to think about it and enjoy Christmas with the husband and kids.
Ha Ha
The last fight was my fault. My wife asked, "What's on the TV?" I said," Dust!" What is the difference between a dog and a fox? About 5 drinks. Do you know the punishment for bigamy? Two mothers-in-law. The most effective way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it once. First guy (proudly): "My wife's an angel!"…
Is Anyone Else Having Any Trouble With The Site?
It seems that this past week I have been getting those error messages again that the site's server is overloaded and that the site is having trouble. It also seems to freeze up on me every now and then. Is anyone else having trouble or getting those messages? I thought I would email Greta if it wasn't just me and tell her…
Oncotype 15...still have to have chemo
My surgeon called & said I didn't have to have chemo on the 23rd of Dec(great Christmas present.) However, my oncologist, feels I will benefit from chemo. I can honestly say breast cancer is the worst roller coaster ride ever...I was told my biopsy said not cancer, but then it was cancer, no chemo, yes chemo!!! I am so…
Had to share this one. Amazingly, this lady was able to get so very many doctors, nurses, aides, supervisors, administrators and even the janitorial staff involved! Just too cool. Enjoy. (copy and paste the addy below and you're there) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEdVfyt-mLw Love, light & laughter, Ink
Good news.yohooow
Hi everyone.I am reaching the end of my rads.I have two more boost and I am done.I am very tired but very happy I am almost done.I see my Cancer dr, Mon about taking the Cancer pill.I actually went to a beauty shop yesterday.My eyebrows growed back and they were every where.So I got my Brows done.She looked at my hair and…
Let the journey begin
Today I had my hair shaved off. Well almost all of it. Tomorrow morning I am going to have my port put in, then Friday, First round of chemo. I was suprised that I was not more upset about my hair, but I'm fine. I've been sporting a doo rag. I say let the journey begin because this is it. All of the fears of the unknown…
stressed about change in Health Insurance
okay, I am getting ready to have surgery on Tuesday - masectomy with flap reconstruction. My health insurance at work changed from Blue Cross HMO to Blue Cross PPO and it turns out the Plastic Surgeon is an out of network provide so the health insurance will only cover 70%!! Then I looked up the breast insurance and she…
Good news.yohooow
Hi everyone.I am reaching the end of my rads.I have two more boost and I am done.I am very tired but very happy I am almost done.I see my Cancer dr, Mon about taking the Cancer pill.I actually went to a beauty shop yesterday.My eyebrows growed back and they were every where.So I got my Brows done.She looked at my hair and…
Am now taking Aromisen
Hi everyone, Sorry I haven't been on for awhile. If you will remember I am the one that had a mastectomy, then radiation, and two weeks later started bleeding under the skin. Then went from that to an infection, was put on Arimidex for 36 days but could not stand the pain so went off it. Now the infection is cleared up, I…
Update from surgery
Hello Everyone the surgery was on 12/29 they got all of the cancer this time. I also decided to have the right breast removed cause I had cancer ther five years ago I just did not want to face it again on that side. Went back today and both doctors are really please with everything on how things look. I know I will have to…
Back from doctor
He says I have stage 1 bc, just because the size. Man that at least was good news! Only 1.3cm and now the big decision. Lumpectomy or mastectomy? I am going to talk to a plastic surgeon before I make any decisions! I have fears about both. Would you suggest sitting down and listing the pros and cons of each? How does…
meeting radiation doc tomorrow
Hello, I'm a little nervous about my appointment tomorrow....er....today... Obviously not sleeping but not sleeping is becoming a "norm" in my life. It's amazing how lonely it is at this hour of the day. Any bits of encouragement to help me through my appointment will be appreciated. Love, Missy
Skin cancer is all gone
Went to the dermatologist today. He had planned to do an excision on the area where he did the the skin biopsy and found a small cancer. The spot that is left is so small that we went with burning it off and doing a follow up in a month to see that it is gone. We could have done a punch and stitches, used a topical cream,…
Just got to say, My Secret Sister Rocks
Months ago I came here to lurk, and find help and hope. Those parts were easy! Then Claudia had the ornament exchange. Mind you, I am not much for participation,rather preferring to be the shadow in the back, but I jumped in. I had such excitement joy and old fashioned fun creating my west coast friends ornament! Then, I…
First Chemo and Shaving Party! It Was GREAT!
Yesterday I had my first chemo and followed it with the greatest Shaving Party! The chemo went very smoothly, nothing hurt. I think it was more difficult for my sons than for me--they went with me but were pretty uncomfortable at first. Then as they realized that other patients had visitors keeping them company, they…
Survivors Kick Up their Heels
Check out these survivors dancing to I Will Survive in a Flash Mob! We did this dance during a survivor party at my hospital in December, and we planned it ahead with the dancers but the other people there didn't know what was happening. The two women up front are one of the physician's medical assistants and an OR nurse;…
Pammy and Laurissa where are you gals?
I havent seen a post from Laurissa or Pammy in while does anyone know their current status? Hope they post soon with good news.
More Ha Ha's - If Men Ruled The World
If Men Ruled the World... Any fake phone number a girl gave you would automatically forward your call to her real number. Nodding and looking at your watch would be deemed an acceptable response to "I love you." Hallmark would make "Sorry, what was your name again?" cards. When your girlfriend really needed to talk to you…
Prayers answered - Thank you Sisters!
This is an update to my "Prayers Needed - Not BC related" thread from last week. I wanted to let you know that I had a very good conversation with my boss, Roxanne, about how their family is doing after the tragic loss of her niece and grand-niece a few days before Christmas. She wanted to extend her thanks for all of the…
All Sisters please read and coment... It's all about us!!!
Below is my 1 draft of what I'm presenting to the advisory board tomorrow. Please let me know of anything else to add... I am so excited to be representing all of you!!!! Thanks for your continued loving support... Calleen __________________________________________________________________________________________ The voice…
Not BC related
OK friends - I've been away for a bit. I fell down a hole over winter break...I'm not sure why. Today I handed in an application for a newly vacated position in my district. It's a real long shot, because I'm not entirely qualified for it, but it is what I love doing best - teaching struggling readers! Your warm thoughts…
Reconstruction Surgery With Implants Thursday… any advise?
I will be having my implants put in on Thursday… finally getting these awful tissue expanders out after one year of treatment. Do you ladies have any helpful tips or advise that will make this as easy as possible? Also, how long is the recovery? I had a bilateral mastectomy and it was weeks before I could do much of…
Can anyone give some information of the drug Arimidex? My oncologist wants me to take it for the next 5 years. I went to the Arimidex website and the side effects look terrible. Also, my concern is that I have rheumatoid arthritis and already take methotrexate which has similar side effects. Any insight is appreciated.…
BC book for husbands
I was looking for a book to help my husband understand what I was going through and some of the terminology that was beig used. I googled this and found a book "Breast Cancer Husband: How to Help Your Wife Through Diagnosis, Surgery and Beyond". It took a while before my husband read it but when he did he said that it was…
Gardening tips 2
Don't throw out old string vests or fishnet stockings. Nailed to the walls outside they make excellent trellises for your climbing plants. Jxx