Taxtorre/Cytoxan...what to expect?
I had a bilateral mastectomy in Nov. I am Stage 1, clear margins & lymph nodes, hormone positive, Oncotype 15. At first, I was told I don't have to have chemo b/c of the onco score. However, now I do. I am going to have taxtore/cytoxan every 3 wks for a total of 4 treatments. From everything, I have read, I realize we all…
One Down 5 to go!
Had my first chemo treatment today. Wasnt near as bad as I expected. Having NO Se's yet. Drinking alot of water eating small meals. also drinking gatorade. Go tomorrow for my neulasta shot. They are having me take a claritin before I go. They also told me to take ibuprophen for Bone pain. I go back to work on Wed. Thanks…
Radiation Questions
Hi - My chemo treatments were done last December and I did not require radiation; but I have some questions about it because we will be taking care of my father-in-law who is undergoing radiation treatments for prostrate cancer. I am wondering what to expect after the first treatment? Will it be like chemo or will a…
Anyone taking FEMARA, there is help with high cost.
Hello FEMARA users, The nurse at the Onc's office told me about the Femara Cares Program. It's $10. for a 30 day supply, and Norvartis will pay the rest of the cost up to $800. in any 12-month period. Also there is one 30 day free trial script available at the same website. Both of these can be printed from the website to…
Hi Has anyone out there been denied medical coverage? I have been diagoised with breast cancer and gone through treatments four years ago now my insurance is denianing me medical insurance. I don't know what to do and was wondering if anyone can give me their experience in this.
any one taking Herceptin? what's that like?
Starting Chemo tomorrow for the second time. This time will be getting Herceptin & Taxel. Never had either. Is there anyone out there currently or have had these meds. Wondering what the side effects will be like. I know there different with each person. Not looking forward 2 tomorrow at all. Just got my hair back after…
Bill.S Sighting!
Bill, how on earth are you doing? People around here want to know!
which doc should I ask?
I went into menopause naturally about 10 years ago. Tried Hormome Replacement Therapy from 2001 to 2005 and stopped when that study came out linking it to breast cancer. The hot flashes/sweats that drove me to take it were intolerable. I could only sleep 45 minutes between them at night! Do you know how cranky that can…
Any Teachers here?
I am Stage IV and am starting my chemo on Friday. The last time I went through this, I taught little kids who didn't know a wig from a pig. Now, I am teaching high school students. I don't know what to tell them about the wig, my time off from school, etc. My administration is being WONDERFUL and supportive, but they're…
Happy Birthday Christmas Eve Maize
Happy Birthday a day early. I was worried that with the Christmas rush I would forget. So have a wonderful day tomorrow. Stef
Pending onocology surgery and immediate TRAM resonstruction
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in two tumors just two days before Thanksgiving 2009. I will be having my surgery and immediate TRAM reconstruction on Wednesday next week. For anyone who has had this done, can you tell me what recuperation is really like? I am blessed that my husband is active duty, so I do not have to…
Many thanks
Hi, everyone Thanks to who replied to my discussion for all your support I am feeling much better today than last night, after reading your experiences. And yes, I will continue to keep up with you all, you have given me the strength to continue and not be as afraid. So, next week I meet with the chemo oncologist and find…
3 week update
It has been 3 weeks since I had my surgery. I am feeling better. Some days I still take meds for pain, but not often. The drains came out after 15 days. I finally put on a sports bra that opens in the front today. I'll need a pain pill when I take it off. I've had 2 fills in my expander and my doctor says I won'y need but…
The drive to radiation
Started radiation this week. My drive from work to rads and home again is about 100 miles everyday, it's going to be a long 5 weeks. Plus I live in Colorado where the mountain passes can be a challenge in the winter. Keeping my fingers crossed for "mostly" good weather for my daily drive. Have to admit I feel a bit wore…
help cleaning
Does anyone know if there is financial help for housecleaning? I finally got the nerve to call for some help and the woman said a client with MS gets some financial assistance from the MS society. Is there something like that for cancer patients? Thanks. Barb
Where are Bfbear, Ohilly, Babe Bussie, Phoenix Rising, tattooedinpink and so many more?
There are so many that I don't see at all anymore and haven't for weeks or months. I just pray that they are just doing so well that they don't need this board anymore and are living busy and great lives!
Calling all Angels
Just needed to be here and feel your love and prayers today. I have been going through quite a bit in the last month. I developed a strange and very painful exema/infection on my hands. On my left side (afected side) it is the worse. my lymphedema is acting up and making things worse. I traveled to Bilings yesterday to…
Taxmoxifen and chest (wall) pain?
Hi everyone. I've been on Tamoxifen for two months now and the past few weeks I have been experiencing chest pain (not heart related) while I'm sleeping which wakes me up every night. I take the pill before I go to bed and two to four hours later I am wide awake and my whole chest feels like someone is sitting on it. If I…
Thank you for my beautiful snowflakes!
Sometime between last Thursday and this Wednesday (due to weather I didn't go to the mailbox), I got 3 beautiful jewel encrusted snowflakes that are hanging and sparkling in the window near the 'puter. The sun (finally) and reflections off the snow makes them so beautiful. Christmas may be over but these snowflakes will…
Taxol Side Effects-Any Input
I had my first taxol infusion on 12/28. On the 3rd day following my infusion I could barely walk. I had debilitating pain in my lower legs, ankles, feet, arms, wrists,elbows, and hands. I was in bed for 4 days. My legs and hands were weak. During the first half hour of the infusion I had a very restless reaction and the…
New to all this and really overwhelmed
Hi, I have been diagnosed with breast cancer on 11/17/09, had lumpectomy & had some lymphnodes removed on 12/30/09, had my follow up today. The good news the tumor was removed completly, 7.5 cc in size, but the 10 lymphnodes that were taken out were positive. I am told it is treatable, and will begin a very aggressive…
Anyone else experience this?
I had a lumpectomy 3 weeks ago for DCIS and about 5 days ago my nipple became very sensitive and sore and my breast is swollen actually more than right after surgery, The incision is healed and not red but there is a small area of pinkish color about a half inch from the incision area. It bothers me more now than right…
Swelling ankles & feet
I haven't been on here for a few days. I was attempting to quit smoking and was focused on Quitnet all week. I was doing well... almost a week. I broke down today because of news I got at work today (a long story that I won't get into right now). Last night, my ankles & feet started to swell up. When I woke up, it seemed…
Chat down again?
There appears to be a problem with the chat room........... let me know..........
fresh underwear during chemo
Just had my first chemo today (taxotere and cytoxin. I tolerated it well, but they give you sooo much IV saline and with all the H20, well..........one time I went to the bathroom, the flow started before I could sit down on the toilet! Yikes, soaked my underwear and jeans. Next time, I'm going to bring some fresh undies…
Help me decide
Hi, I just got back from my first appointment with the oncologist and I have to do chemo, hormon pills and Herceptin. I have stage 2, grade 2 and had a lumpectomy. My doc told me since I don't have lymph node involvement I can do TCH = Taxo, Carbo and Herceptin or (as he put it) get the whole kitchen sink and get AC/TH=…
Tomorrow (tonight) is a bit tough....
It was 5 after midnight, I was here in Holland, 3 years ago, when the phone rang with the news my daughter had died. I still miss her, but keep her firmly in my heart. She had her moments, but also had times of joy, and the biggest smile. I feel like turning the phones off tonight, not a single call do I want to have...my…
BBC News Health Yesterday
There is an article saying that cancer survivors are dying of neglect.... Because many oncologists refuse to acknowledge the late side effects of treatment (Including thinking you are going mad (memory loss) and neuropathy... and all the other nasties) It states that follow up care , especially in the emotional field is…
First of all my usual tuor marker test is Thursday but my Onco appt. isn't for a week after that and I am wondering how I can last that long without knowing. It was 5 years Sept 09 so you would think I was used to it by now. Also, can anyone tell me how to respond privately to members and add them to friends list if it…
Going for next to last treatment for radiation in a snow storm.Am I nuts(probley).
Hi everyone I know it sounds crazy but I have a total of two treatments left of Rads.I really want to finish them.just my luck (huh) we have a snow storm moving in here in Ohio today.It hasn,t started yet so we are leaving early to get my treatment.Its been since Jun. all this started with surgerys ,test and treatments.I…