breast double reconstruction
I have just had breast reconstruction after I had finished radiation a year ago. I had the back flap with expander on my right side and a expander placed in the left. Is there anyone out there that has had a similar surgery?
Chemo gone?
Does anyone know how long it takes for all the chemo to leave your system? I finished chemo in January and rads in March and still get that prickly feeling when I have a hot flash. I'm also still very tired sometimes. Could this be from the Tamoxifen?
Skin Sparing Masectomy
Has anyone had a skin sparing masectomy? i go in next Tuesday for surgery and woulkd like to know any info you may have on this type of surgery!
Funny shirt
My sister sent me a funny shirt and I thought I would share it with you gals. It says "Yes, they're fake. My real ones tried to kill me." I laughed and laughed when I opened it. I don't know where I'll wear it. Not to work, but maybe to the 3 day walk when I do it!
capsular contracture treatment with SIngular and Accolate
I am a two and a half year survivor of breast cancer and was hoping someone out there has heard of this treatment for capsular contracture (a hardened capsule formed around an implant). I have looked at the Baker scale for capsular contracture and I think I rate between a III and a IV. It is painful and feels like it is…
my first fill on my expanders
Wow I was not expecting the feelings I had after getting my first fill last week. it really scared me alot. I could only handle 40cc and then this week I could only handle another 40cc. I feel like my chest is about to explode when I get it done. Any tips on how to handle this? I have been taking my Celebrex about 1/2 hour…
Has anyone here ever taken ARIMIDEX? What effects did it have?
went to dr
First thank you to all of you who supported me and helped me with this situation. I did see the onc gyn today and my vaginal cap (still dont know what that means) opened more and that is why i was bleeding. No sign of infection, but he put me on antibiotics anyways. Thank you all again for your blessings. Take care Laura
Acronym Soup
OK... I figured out NEDS. What's the chance of compiling a guide of these things to help some of us that are less savvy?
Breast implants
I will be undergoing bilateral mastectomy in a few weeks. My only option for reconstruction is breast implants. What are the pros and cons you have experienced? I have the information from a clinical point of view, but I would like actual life experiences. One of my biggest concerns if I choose to not have the implants is…
Has anyone had the 7 day take home shots "lovenox" after surgery for blood clots?
After surgery they gave us this take home kit of 7 shots to give in the belly once a day for blood clotting. The nurse showed him how to use it on me and she also said it doesnt hurt. Well the first day was a breeze...i didnt feel anything. I think i was still under enough drugs that it didnt hurt...now it brings tears to…
This is real...i have cancer, it is sinking in uuuggghhh
I am scared to death. I was just scheduled to start chemotherapy on August 2, 2010My Medical Oncologist is waiting on BCRA, PET scan results. He said he would tell me the treatment plans (what drugs going are going to be used and how many rounds) at 8:45 am and then we will begin chemo that morning. I am scared this is too…
Am I crazy to like steroids?
I take them twice a day before & after chemo. They really ramp me up and I can get twice as much done in half the time. Plus I tell my hubby and the guys at work that they have to be careful cause I might get 'roid rage on them...and I would get off scott free. They're walking on tiptoes. Yeah! Cindy
little people icons
How come all of you have little people icons next to your names/ I'm the only one who doesn't.Is it because I don't know how to do the ABOUT ME page? I tried and can't figure it out. Not too smart on the computer. LOL Thanks, Wanda
Ouch my neck
I just got my port placed today and my neck is sore. They ran a catheter through the juglar and placed the port on the left chest wall. I am glad I got my port but man am I sore.
Hi! I'm new to this board. I actually was over at the Esophageal discussion board trying to get information on that type of cancer being that my father was diagnosed in March with Stage 4 gastroesophageal cancer. Since I was there I thought I'd check out this board to see if there is any need for another survivors…
Free Tram Flap vs implant
BRCA1 positive with DCIS recently found in left breast. Plan to have mastectomy but biggest decision is which reconstruction to do, please tell me your experience with either the implant or the free tram flap. The DIEP procedure is not available in my area.
My Gpa is dying :(
Today we have been at the hospital all day cuz my grandma called sayin they didnt think my Gpa was going to make it anymore....we have been calling all the family to gather at his bedside for tomorrow morning so everyone can say there goodbyes and then they are going to take him off lifesupport...I really love my Gpa! I…
Going To My First RELAY FOR LIFE --- My UPDATE On How It Went! :)))))
My hubby and I are going to our first Relay For Life this weekend, and at first, I was really excited and wanting to go. I have read so many of your posts from those of you that have been to them and found them so inspiring and so awesome. And, I want to not only walk for myself, but, for all of my CSN sisters here! I want…
VickiSam Exchange Surgery 7.21
VickiSam, Just want you to know that we'll be thinking about you this Wednesday as you go for your exchange surgery. You've been such an encouragment to me the past 10 months. Thank you! I'm praying that your exchange goes smoothly with no complications. No more rocks in our chest!!!!!! Maybe we'll be able to sleep again…
Ouch my neck
I just got my port placed today and my neck is sore. They ran a catheter through the juglar and placed the port on the left chest wall. I am glad I got my port but man am I sore.
I am going for my second Chemo (TC) on Tuesday. My Onco has never mentioned the Neulasta shot. I read alot of post and it seems almost everyone gets it. Is there a reason some get it and some don't?
Panel wants Avastin withdrawn for breast cancer
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38324215/ns/health-cancer/ Panel wants Avastin withdrawn for breast cancer Health advisers say the popular drug's risks outweigh its benefits A panel of cancer experts said Tuesday that the government should remove its endorsement of Roche's drug Avastin for breast cancer, after follow-up…
I have my last chemo treatment on Thursday (did chemo before surgery). My surgery is at the end of August and I get physically ill when I think about it. Does this go away???? I also feel like they should do more chemo...just in case!
Dawne.Hope ..did you think I would forget about you ??
You will be in my prayers and thoughts on Friday. I don't know if I will be in a semi-coma due to pain killers, but I did want to send my well wishes to you mu friend. As I sit here at my computer, logged in at 4:32 a.m. sipping my 1/2 cup of coffee -- Yes, I know that I am not suppose to be having any by mouth after 12…
how to survive chemo and radiation
I just finished chemo and radiation. I been in treatment for almost a year. I have her2neu cancer and treatment will take a year. My first treatment was in Dec. 31,2009, new years eve, imagine that. I am working on a website to answer questions. Chemo was hell and Radiation was exhausting. My red and white blood cell are…
I have had a very emotional day. I was scheduled for my exchange surgery tomorrow and woke up this morning with spider bites all over my sides and back. The Dr does not want to do surgery until I am healed. So everything is on hold for now :( It seems like I am not meant to have this surgery. The Radiation Onc. wanted to…
Nipples: One Yes, One Not-So-Yes...yet
Hi All, Can I whine? OK, one nipple is looking fabulous. It's healed, happy and as it should be. And then there's the other gal-Lefty. Lefty still has a yucky scab on it and is STILL bleeding if it gets bumped every so slightly. I took a close look at Lefty this morning and I'm afraid she's just not connecting to the skin…
Yay - I'm home!!
This is going to be a short but sweet post, I came home from the hospital today & am so glad to be in my comfy bed, but I'm soooo tired! I had a double mastectomy on Thursday, with expanders put in also. They also did the sentinel node biopsy, and that came back negative (yay!). I'm getting around really well, arms moving…
Plugged Drain??
Ladies,overall I'm doing well. However, my drain on the right side seems "plugged". Very little drainage is coming out as compared to the other side. I'm not dizzy, no swelling,fever, nausea etc. I do have what appears to be a blood clot in the collection bulb. I called the 24 hour nurse and was told to follow up on Monday…