Sisters... Is there something one can do to prevent lymphodema?

Bella Luna
Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Was wondering... is there anything I can do to prevent lymphodema? Would appreciate any pearls of wisdom you all might have on the subject.

Thank you, in advance, for your input.


  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    They told me to avoid
    They told me to avoid needles and blood pressure in the side the nodes were removed. Also keep that arm clean and if a bug bites, don't wait but clean and take care of it right away. Also don't pick up anything with that arm over 25 pounds. And not to wear the same blouse two days in a row and make sure only clean things touch the arm. This was confusing for me so for the longest time I wouldn't wear short sleaves but now I do and have not had trouble.
  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175
    I was told most of what
    I was told most of what Marcia stated but also high altitudes (mountains-planes) can bring on lymphedema and stuff like scuba diving or snorkeling help Lymphedema cuz the weight of the water puts pressure on the arm.
    You can also wear a pressure sleeve or wrap arm with an acebandage if you know that your going to fly or go into high altitude or wear long sleeves if bugs are bitting ect.
    There are some foods to eat and some to avoid...but i can not remember what they are.
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    I agree with all the others have written, however,
    I've never heard the one about not wearing the same blouse twice! One thing my PT (who specializes in aftercare for breast cancer patients/lymphedema) is doing is teaching me exercises and massage techniques. She said if you keep the area moving and increase your range of motion, the fluid will move around better and not pool. Makes sense to me.

    Good luck.

  • Miss Murphy
    Miss Murphy Member Posts: 302
    Wasn't told much

    I wasn't told much beyond no blood draws or blood pressures in the masectomy side - I had 4 lymph nodes removed all were negetive. My onco also mentioned something about not lifting more than 8 pounds on that side. I've always included strength training in my exercise routine so frankly, I've pretty much ignored that and will do 15 pound weights on occassion but mostly stick ot 8-10 pounds. I started back exercising as soon as I got my drain out and the OK from my surgeon ( about two weeks out from surgery). I have had no problems with lymphedema so far and it's been 2 1/2 years. I've never ever heard anything thing about foods so would be interested in hearing more about that as I eat anything!

    Hugs to you Bella Luna, Sally
  • Yvette39
    Yvette39 Member Posts: 17
    Hi Bella:
    I have lymphedema in my left arm. I have been seeing a physical therapist for training on how to remove the fluid from my hand. I've never had a bug bite or blood draw in this arm. I just think some people end up with it and some don't. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones. I applied for disability regarding this situation because I actually have a hard time working my job when this is swollen (which is about every month for at least 5 days). Good luck to you and hope you never have to experience it.
  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    The skill of your surgeon can help.
    I asked my surgeon for her stats and her's were less than the national average. Besides that I think it has to do with how many nodes they need to remove. We can't control that.

  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    The skill of your surgeon can help.
    I asked my surgeon for her stats and her's were less than the national average. Besides that I think it has to do with how many nodes they need to remove. We can't control that.

  • roseann4
    roseann4 Member Posts: 992 Member
    The skill of your surgeon can help.
    I asked my surgeon for her stats and her's were less than the national average. Besides that I think it has to do with how many nodes they need to remove. We can't control that.

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    roseann4 said:

    The skill of your surgeon can help.
    I asked my surgeon for her stats and her's were less than the national average. Besides that I think it has to do with how many nodes they need to remove. We can't control that.


    Bella Luna ... I pulled out my nifty paperwork from breast
    cancer specialist and physical therapist. What was stated to me verbally and in writting from both is:

    1) No lifting of over 10 lbs
    2) No blood pressure cuff's .... ankles only
    3) No blood draws -
    4) Daily massage and exercise

    Wish something stated in this string of messages, help.

    Vicki Sam