Is it possible to get good (looking) results with a unilateral mastectomy

Jennifer1961 Member Posts: 137
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I had a lumpectomy and am now going through chemo. My tumor turned out to be twice as big as they thought (3+cm vs 1.8 cm). My surgeon strong recommends a mastectomy after I'm done with chemo. A lot of survivors are telling me that bilateral is the way to go to get even looking breasts. I don't want to lose my other breast just to look good, but some women who have had unilateral tell me they regret not having bilateral. I'm 48 and a small A, looking to go larger (maybe to C). Has anyone had a nice looking result with reconstructing one breast then adjusting the remaining breast? BTW I feel like such a vain shallow twit posting this, so please don't beat me up, I feel weird enough as it is.


  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    Not vain nor shallow :)
    I don't have any advice for you as far as the surgery as i had a bilateral. I just wanted to say you are NOT vain or shallow for posting this! I posted similar questions regarding reconstruction before I made my surgical decision. Breast image is a huge part of the breast cancer process for many of us, and this site is great for finding answers and support in so many aspects of breast cancer treatment, among other things. From what I researched, though, since you're wanting to go larger in your other breast, I think it would be easier to get a more symmetrical result. Mine was opposite - I had big boobs, if I had a lumpectomy, I would have had to have a lift and a reduction in my healthy breast. But if you are getting an implant in your healthy breast, it would be easier for them to get a more even look. I can't remember exact sites, but I did google breast reconstruction images, and did see several unilateral mastectomy reconstruction pics.
    Good luck to you :)
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294

    Not vain nor shallow :)
    I don't have any advice for you as far as the surgery as i had a bilateral. I just wanted to say you are NOT vain or shallow for posting this! I posted similar questions regarding reconstruction before I made my surgical decision. Breast image is a huge part of the breast cancer process for many of us, and this site is great for finding answers and support in so many aspects of breast cancer treatment, among other things. From what I researched, though, since you're wanting to go larger in your other breast, I think it would be easier to get a more symmetrical result. Mine was opposite - I had big boobs, if I had a lumpectomy, I would have had to have a lift and a reduction in my healthy breast. But if you are getting an implant in your healthy breast, it would be easier for them to get a more even look. I can't remember exact sites, but I did google breast reconstruction images, and did see several unilateral mastectomy reconstruction pics.
    Good luck to you :)

    I had left side mastectomy with DIEP reconstruction. I decided not to do adjustment, no nipples and no tattoo. I was 46 when I had mastectomy, chemo & radiation, and am 48 now. I feel ok about my boobs and swimming in the public pools without problems. I was diagnosed with stage III.
    Good luck
  • bakerette
    bakerette Member Posts: 74
    As far as getting a good
    As far as getting a good looking set. My plastic surgeon says it is easier to get really good results if they are both done at the same time. So, from an artistic point of view a bilateral would be the way to go. If you are an A at present I'm not sure you can get to a C. It would depend on how much your skin and muscles are able to stretch. My sister-in-law wanted to be a D. But it just couldn't be done. She is a C now that's as far as she could be stretched and she is happy with her results. Don't worry about sounding vain for gosh sake this is your life and your body. Do what makes you happy. These are good at legitimate questions and you should discuss your thoughts and concerns with your surgical team. They will be happy to tell you of all your possibilities.
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    I had a single mastectomy
    I had a single mastectomy last Oct. I haven't yet seen a plastic surgeon as everything I can find and my surgeon and PA said that because I'm IBC that no reconstruction could/should be done for at least a year. He aslo told me that when/if I have reconstruction that to get the best matching results is to go with a mastectomy on the other side at that time. Which makes sense to me - will have surgery to reconstruct so why go thruough surgery to remove healthy tissues and then surgery in the same area later to reconstruct. Had i been dealing with different tyoes of BC, I might have felt different but with IBC (based on the info I've found and been given) there is no reason to believe that it will show up in the other breast any more than it will show up somewhere else. It is a very aggressive form with not the greatest long term prognosis. So far I do not regret doing what I did.

    Don't know what to say about you wanting to be larger - other than it will probably take surgery on both sides. I'm a "C" but body is very narrow so finding the right prosthesis took a bit and they had to order it in. All they had in stock were too wide for me and going to a smaller size was a little narrower but not right or matched. It's great and definately looks 'original'.

  • alexlib_mom
    alexlib_mom Member Posts: 46
    unilateral results
    I am three weeks out from a unilateral mastectomy with reconstruction. I too had a lumpectomy and because of other DCIS that they kept chasing, had a mastectomy after chemo. Good thing since they found another tumor. But anyway, about the matching....

    My surgeon made an effort to make the reconstructed breast "match". I won't know for a couple more months when the swelling completely goes down, but for now it looks pretty close. The reconstructed one is a little bigger than the original breast, but the surgeon said that if it wasn't a perfect match they could adjust later. I was a B before and didn't feel like doing implants because of having to have them replaced in 10-15 years (I'm 41 now), so I did the tram flap (traditional type). I'd recommend talking to a plastic surgeon about the surgery. I had a consult during chemo and it really helped. They can lay out all your options for you including whether it's possible to go up to a C. The breast cancer surgeons know some, but really not much about the reconstruction.

    Hey, you're going to live with these breasts for the rest of your life. Don't think of it as being vain. This is a part of you. I met one woman who had a unilateral with implant and she was upset that the implant was much higher than the remaining breast.

    Hope this helps. Good luck with chemo!

  • Jennifer1961
    Jennifer1961 Member Posts: 137
    Thanks everyone. I'm
    Thanks everyone. I'm supposed to go back to the surgeon next month and get a referral to a plastic surgeon(s). AFter that we'll see what happens!
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Hi Jennifer
    I had a mastectomy of my left breast on May 4, 2010. At the same time I had immediate reconstruction (tissue expanders) plus a reduction of my right breast. I told my plastic surgeon that I wanted 2 perky boobs. I was originally between a 38D and a 38DD. I want to be around a 38C. I have finished my saline fills, but am doing 4 rounds of chemo. So once the chemo is done, I will have the surgery to exchange the expanders for my implants. Do not feel vain. Out of something bad (breast cancer), comes something good (new boobs)! Hugs, Jean
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    I originally had a
    I originally had a unilateral and the plastic had to put an implant in the healthy breast in order to get a better match. They matched pretty well.

    Then 2 of my sisters also had breast ca and the doc decided the other should be removed. The breast that didn't have cancer looks a lot more natural and is a size bigger than the other. However, I am over doing any more suregeries and at least they fill a swimsuit as I love to swim!
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    I originally had a
    I originally had a unilateral and the plastic had to put an implant in the healthy breast in order to get a better match. They matched pretty well.

    Then 2 of my sisters also had breast ca and the doc decided the other should be removed. The breast that didn't have cancer looks a lot more natural and is a size bigger than the other. However, I am over doing any more suregeries and at least they fill a swimsuit as I love to swim!

    My core biospy turned into a lumpetcomy -- tumor to
    gain clear margins - size of an orange, no kidding. Concaved and slightly disfigured, I decided I could like this ... I'm not Mrs. America, have children and I wanted to get on with my life .. Then the bomb shell that would change my life Forever - 8/14/09 - You have breast cancer, DCIS - High Grade, Invasive etc .. and Her2 - positive. I didn't think about a unilateral or bi-lateral - just wanted the cancer out of me and gone. However, as time went on I decided on the BIL - never ever questioned my decision.

    I am slightly larger than before bc, but not by much. Personal decision .. if you were small before, and have the body and attitude to carry a larger set of boobie's .. GO FOR IT.

    Good Luck,

    Vicki Sam