Wimpy Club
Ok. Skeezie wants to be Activities Chairman. Does anyone who joins want to say why they are wimps? Mine started when I was younger than five. I didn't want the shot and hid behind the door! They bribed me to come out with candy. I don't even remember this but it's lingering back in my subconscience. Um, I wonder if that is…
Just back from surgeon
Hi all, just returned from the surgeon's office. Good news and bad news. We reviewed the path report and as expected the tumor was huge, margins are clear, 5 out of eight nodes were positive,her2/er/pr positive. I'm in for both chemo and rads. The right breast was cancer free. I'm feeling great and healing well. He took…
1 down 9 to go
Had double mastectomy May 26th with no reconstruction. Started my last rounds of chemo (Avastin - part of a clinical trial.) today. Before surgery I did TC 4 round and ACT 4 rounds with avastin and figure I will be done Febrary 2011.
Today is Dash4's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR DASH HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you a day/year filled with all the things you love most! ♥ Cat
If anyone kept their boy chest after a double mastectomy, give me your pros and cons
If anyone kept their boy chest after a double mastectomy, give me your pros and cons. The risks for implants are scary. One of my concerns is the availability of clothes to hold forms. I see camis are available. I worry if I try to wear a bra, it will ride up with no breasts to anchor it.
woo hoo! got through chemo today without any drama
my last two chemo treatments were wrought with much drama, delays, and were just plain yucky. today went so smoothly, i am sure it's because scotch freckles was holding my hand. her spirit was with me from my labs and the appointment with the oncologist through to an uneventful chemo. i had the sweetest chemo nurse ever!…
tumor marker rise and on arimidex
I am wondering how anyone's reccurance was noticed initially?? I am on Arimidex and will be done in November after 7yrs post treatment. I am now experiencing rise in tumor markers for breast cancer. I will be at labs again on Wednesday for the recheck. I am stage 3A and Her2 positive and ER PR positive. Not too sure how to…
Recovery time from oopherectomy (sp??)
Now there's a word I didn't think I'd ever use . . . of course, I never thought I'd put the words "my" and "oncologist" together in a sentence either - but I'm way past that! Well, yesterday I asked my med onc about what she thought about getting my ovaries removed due to my risk factors (without having the BRCA test…
Another newbie...So glad I found you guys
Well, July 15 was my day of doom. After a routine mammogram I found out that I had an enlarged lymph node. It was biopsied and then I got the news that I had breast cancer :>( After a visit to the breast surgeon I started to feel a little better and accept that this is going to be the new normal for a little while. They…
Sometimes Just One Little Conversation Can Make Your Day!
I was checking out of my local grocery store today, actually feeling a little depressed, wondering about my future, getting tired of the treatments. My cashier was a young woman I've had many times over the years. She looked at my headscarf and my pink wrist band and said, "Breast cancer?" She took me by surprise--most…
herceptin side effects
hi everyone im new to the board but have been reading all since april. I am having side effects from herceptin, i have already been in the er room and to my family doc 3 times from problems. mostly swollen legs and feet shortness of breath rash on hands etc etc Im wanting to stop this and do something else or quit period
first day in the chemo bay
Today was my first day of chemo. I got my port on Wednesday and chemo started today.I was so nervous but everything turned out fine so far. Hopefully all will be well in the next couple of days.
A Walmart story-
How bout I went to Walmart to get some moisturizing creme...Anyway I had on a tank top and I was kneeling down and someone asked me if I had a port. I stood up and answered yes looking really puzzled until the woman said me too! She works at Walmart and we started talking and she told me she finished chemo about a year…
Is traditional cancer treatment a big scam?
I'm so confused. I've been reading so much about nutrition and alternate therapy. Doctors, pharmaceuticals and hospitals would all go "bust" if the nutrition way was given. Anyone else have thoughts on this, or do you think surgery, chemo, radiation is the best way? I don't know what to believe anymore.
I Crashed Again, But Still Hanging In There
Haven't been here for a couple of weeks since I got another infection, this time my sinuses became so clogged I had to temporarily stop my chemo and am on antibiotics for the time being. I ran fever, chills, lightheadness, extreme fatigue and couldn't get out of bed for about a week. Sinus problems was caused by the…
Travel, altitude and chemotherapy
Hi all I start chemotherapy Friday. I've been invited to the mountains (after Nadir)for a few days. Is there any reason not to go? Altitude is about 5000 feet. Of course, I don't know how I'll feel at that time and it is about 3 hours from medical care. Thanks Suzanne
Just found out I have to have an ultrasound on my thyroid
I guess I just knew it when my doctor saw my TSH score of .04 and told me he wanted an ultrasound. I called the nurse today and she said that they do so an enlarged area on my thyroid so they are supposed to call me back today to set up a biopsy. Anyone else had this? For daily bible scripture encouragement and prayer…
Ok I think i over did it
A couple days after i had surgery i have been spending many hours in the hospital at my grandpas bedside and this morning everything caught up with me. I am feeling really run down and then found i had a fever all day...im just hoping i didnt pick up anything while visiting with my grandpa in the hospital...its probably…
I feel that time has dragged along between diagnosis/treatment
Reading several posts here, it seems like a lot of you have had immediate treatments after your diagnosis. Mine started back in February and feel like this has just dragged out. Here is a summary of my timeline. 2/2/10 - Gyn checkup. She felt something she didn't like in my left breast. 2/8/10 - Diagnostic…
How are you doing Meena 1 with your recurrence?
I haven't seen you post anything as to how you are feeling or doing on chemo. I pray that you are doing well and handling chemo easily. Hugs, Leeza
I cry all the time
Hi Sisters, I was never one that cried a lot but now I cry all the time and I'm not sure why. I've completed Chemo and have 4 weeks of radiation left. It has been tough and continues to be a challenge some days are worst than others. My husband, sisters, and friends have been great but suddenly I don't want to talk to them…
reoccurrences and tamoxifen?
I see in a lot of the posts that people are having re-occurrences. I'm so sorry to hear it. Can I ask whether or not any of you experiencing this were taking tamoxifen? My dr is recommending it and I have typically gone with their recommendations, but the side effects sound pretty miserable. I'd appreciate anyone's…
Questions about being triple positive
I am ER+/PR+, HER2 After a year of Herceptin, will I have to take an oral medication for 5 year? Can someone share their experience please... I am a newbie...I get port inserted Monday the 26...I start Chemo the following Monday the 2...My Med Oncologist an I will discuss my regimen/treatment on the same date it is…
Four Days Away
We had our four days away as a family and had a great time. Hershey and Amish country. Donna held on to her hat on the flume and one of the rollercoasters. She sat out the more extreme coasters; said she didn't want to lose her head. But she was generally feeling good and enjoying the time away. Lots of eating; not enough…
question about being triple negative
forgive me if this is a stupid question, but it seems to me that everyone on this board knows so much about their cancer. i don't know if it's because i have inflammatory breast cancer that i was thrust into chemo so fast it made my head spin, but i don't feel informed. i did learn, after going for a second opinion after…
I'm investing in Drano
Today is 14 days after my first chemo and my hair has really started abandoning ship. It started about two days ago and this morning I could stuff a pillow! I'm pretty ok with it and wondering how soon before I need to break out the red-red-fire-engine-red wig? Any stories?
Is it a support "group" if only 2 people show up?
So I know you've all been breathlessly awaiting my report...:-) I went to my very first breast cancer support group this evening. It was...disappointing. Only one other woman came. The facilitator (who's an oncology social worker at City of Hope) is clearly very knowledgeable and experienced, and did her best to get…
I am moving across the country and need to find new Onco. -HELP
I have made a life changing decision since I know my time is shortening. Stage 4 with mets my bones. I want to move closer to my family in Washington state. I now live in Ohio and have a good Oncologist but where I am moving is a small town - Moses Lake, Washington and I know my dr. choices will be very limited at best. Is…
36 with breast cancer - new to the family here
I had a lumpectomy and three lymph nodes removed three weeks ago and start six months of chemo next Thursday. I scared myself on the web since I'm triple negative, but was smart enough to put the iPad down and play with my dogs instead. Anyone else out there in their 30's?
emotional rollercoaster
I met with oncologist yesterday and he recommended chemo. I was so prepared by reading all of your posts about chemo & rads before my bilateral mastectomies. Then I had my post op and my surgeon said because the margins were clean and the lymph nodes were negative he didn't think I would need anything besides Tamoxifen.…