tips - no hair yet and snow skiing
For you skiers or cold weather girls out there - I'm from Florida and need some tips. Going skiing in a couple of months and still won't have hair yet (I do feel better in a wig here.). Can't see wearing a wig to ski tho. Under my ski helmet, should I wear a light weight covering over my head to keep warm outside or is the…
Bad Bad Rash
My Dr thinks it is from Taxotere.She is not sure if she wants me to do anymore chemo. I have had 3 rounds out of 6.She wants to do some kind of test that tells if I am low or high risk.It will take 4 weeks to get it back. If she does have me do chemo she will use a different drug ( said it would be stronger). Has this…
What kind of BC?
I was asked by a new physical therapy assistant today "what kind of breast cancer do you have?" I was kind of stumped by the question, as I know that non-BC people (as I was prior to diagnosis)have no clue about all the different kinds. She is really clueless anyway, since she asked me how come she could feel a breast when…
anybody ever had a vein in the mastectomy arm knot up?
mastectomy arm had a pulling sensation in it ever since it turned cold so i saw a lymphedema therapist and in January I'll start physical therapy no swelling or anything just want to get started learning how to take care of it to avoid lymphedema,but the therapist told me to keep it massaged and to rub it from elbow to…
Wishing my CSN sisters a happy and healthy 2010
It has been a trying two weeks. Finally got our daughter settled in her new apartment after her boyfriend of 9.5 years told her he wanted a break and asked her to move out. She is now in her own apartment and looking forward to new beginnings in 2011.We are wishing that 2011 will be a better year for everyone; it certainly…
New here and Intro
Hello ladies, I found this site on one of the books i just received from my doctor. I am 25 and just found out i have breast cancer on Wednesday. It has been a very hard week and just trying to enjoy the holidays and not go crazy about this just yet. Breast cancer runs in my family but of course you never think it will…
appt with Onc. tomorrow
Found out I wasn't able to take Tamoxifen, body won't metabolize it. So, I tried Toremifene(Foreston) for 3 weeks and had to stop because of the side effects. Put me into a bad depression,not pleasant at all. I'm finally feeling like my old self again after surgery and 33 rads. for IDC. Now the big question, what to do…
I've been thinking about you Heidi - Please post when you can.
I have been praying for you Heidi, and, wondering how you got through your holiday. And, if you have any news yet from your doctor. Please post when you feel like it to let all of us know. Hugs and prayers, Leeza
fluid build required draining
I ended up with an uncomfortable build up of fluid under my arm and outer quadrant of my breast.I went in to the breast center to have the fluid drained. It helped a bit but it was recommended that I pad the sports bra to increase the support and compression. The NP suggested I contact her by Friday if I need further…
~~~~ Wishing My Sisters A Happy & Health New Year ~~~~
*˛°.˛*.˛°˛.* ..★.*HAPPY NEW YEAR*★* 2011*˛. ˛°_██_*.。*./ ♥ \ .˛* .˛。.˛.*★ 。* ˛. (´• ̮•)*.*. /♫.♫ \*˛.* ....˛_Π_____.♥ ˛* ˛* .°( . • . )˛°../• '♫ ' •\.*./______/~\*. ˛*.。˛* ˛. *。 *(...'•'.. )*;...╬╬╬˛°. .|田田 |門|╬╬╬----- TO EVERYONE :0} Praying that we all have a very happy and healthy 2011!
Stage IV TNBC and the kids?
My wife has been diagnosed with stage IV TN. She was originally diagnosed in May of 2006 with ductal carsonoma in her left breast. She had a bilateral with reconstructive surgery. Her cancer came back in Feb of this year in the super cavicular, medial steinym and bone just under the sternum. (Forgive my spelling) She has…
treatment #2 tomorrow and results from pet scan
tomorrow at 1 is my 2nd treatment in my spine ---- prayers again please it helped last time!!!! Should also finally get the results from my last petscan!!!! treatment is at 1 then I have to lay there for 3 hours! I shall post when I return home :) {{{huggsss}}}
Stage IV Triple Negative
I'm new here, and it's my mom that has Stage IV TN. She was originally diagnosed in October 08 with stage 2a TN, had a lumpectomy with sentinel node disection (all nodes were clear), went through 4 rounds of chemo (Cytoxin and Taxotere) and 33 rounds of radiation - after which she was good for almost a year and a half.…
Can I vent?
Okay, I'm done right now with all the reading and researching... knowing 11 days now about having cancer... after feeling shock I went into "research mode." Now I'm getting angry. What happened is that I have been reading some of the side effects of tamoxifen, which I am supposedly going to take for 5 Years. That's after…
another drain question
Does the fluid ever stop draining all at once or will it be a gradual decrease. Mine continues to drain appox 35cc per day. It is five weeks since surgery. DR says everyone is different. Your opinions and advise would be appreciated as always. ann
Had a wonderful Xmas
Had the most wonderful xmas in Charleston SC at my brothers house. Posted some pics at my expressions.
New and 2nd radiation treatment today.
I have visted this site many times and see that all the lovely ladies here always offer really good advise. I have been through 16 treatments of chemo, bilateral mastectomy w/tissue expanders and yesterday I started radiation. I have to do 25 treatments and continue Herceptin every 21 days up through July. I'm worried…
Chemo #2 down, 4 more to go
I had an excellent visit with my Onc today prior to chemo. He couldn't measure the masses. Praise God, the chemo is working & that was after only one treatment. He feels very optimistic about my survival, even though I do have IBC. I told him that God has already healed me of this beast, but he ( the dr) just doesn't know…
When will it all end??
Hi all, I wonder where all this will end.. In March I had an abnormal mammo and had to have a biopsy came back with DCIS stage 0 grade 2 ER+ PR-, so I had a lumpectomy on my left breast in June followed by radiation treatment, I can not take tamoxifen as I have a history of DVT so my onc said we just watch and see. I had…
Had CT scan & mapping yesterday
Yesterday I went to the hospital and a radiologist tech did a CT scan of my right breast mastectomy and then tattooed the area. I am scheduled to have a "dry run" next Thursday. Depending on whether I actually start radiation that day or the following Monday, I will be done by Feb. 11th! I am starting to moisurize now in…
Has anyone had reconstuction for Lumpectomy? or mostly Mastectomy ?
Hi, It's been almost a year since my surgery and I have a hole in my breast. It's above my nipple about an inch and it's about 2 inches circular shaped above that. It's not super noticeable, but I notice it and I hate it. I am starting to think about reconstruction and am wondering how to think about this. I am wondering…
Happy New Year
Sorry I have been away from the site.....can't keep up and yes, sad, but true, I am a FARM F-REAK. I hope all is well. And for those who are not well....know that strong prayers are being sent out for you. It was good to see some of the humm veterens on the board. I have missed you all. Take care and Happy New Year. I love…
Forgot to share the good news!
With all the craziness of the holiday last week, I forgot to share my news. On the 20th I had an appointment with the urologist for a cyscopy because of the trace of blood that has been in my urine for about a year. I was holding my breath. It turns out that I had a kidney stone lodged in my urethra. Because it was in my…
Happy News!
I just have to tell my happy news! My youngest daughter gave birth on December 10th (I've been out of town since I got the call from the hospital!)to my third granddaughter, Peyton. I refer to her as my little Christmas angel - she's a perfectly beautiful 6 1/2 pound baby with lots of dark hair and we'll just have to see…
getting weary of all this
Diagnosed with ILC in February, multiple surgeries ending with double mastectomy and reconstruction. Found out two months ago that it is now stage IV metastatic in my bones. I am growing weary of all this, this cancer that has taken over my life. Statistics say 80 percent die within 5 years. anybody have any positive…
Smbly53 and I met in cold, snowy upstate NY
I got to meet Sue on Christmas Eve in upstate NY where I was for the holiday visiting my mom. She is the sweetest girl--I feel like I've known her for years. We had lunch and a glass of wine at an Italian restaurant. She showed up with a wonderful basket full of goodies for me. We're planning on meeting again when I go…
I Lost My Sister Today
After a courageous 17 year battle with bc my baby sister passed away today. She was a true warrior. I'll always remember her warm beautiful smile. I'm sure she was greeted by all the angels and has already made friends with most of them. I grieve for her husband and children who were her wonderful caregivers these last few…
CA15 results....
I have been hearing from alot of BC friends lately that they are getting great CA15 scores and I am really, really happy for them! But it has given me some concerns on my score and if mine couldn't be better. Not that it is bad, but my score was a 25 and it seems everyone else is getting 10 or 15. My oncologist is happy…
Oh well I got the Medi pot put in on 12/21 and by x-mas eve I had to go to the Hospital and today is i don't even know i think it's 12/28 and i'm still here they don't know when i'm coming home it gave me 2 kinds of infection don't worry they removed it x-mas day. But my Dr. said it has to go back in eventually which i…