OK--this had to be asked--anyone with a New Year's Resolution?
My plan is to lose weight. At my age, I'm really so over being "skinny" I just want to be healthy. So, on Monday (after a good weekend of indulgence!) I'm doing it. I'm a Weight Watchers lifetime member, so I know all about the points, etc. I go to my gym or walk my Vizsla 5x a week. So I can do this. Right? I would like…
mothers operation on 2nd jan
my mothers mascetomy is on jan 2nd i am very tensed,i hope everything goes fine guys please pray for me
Not BC related but exciting news!
Well Boppy of 3 will be Boppy of 4 in May. I have know this for a while but found out today its a girl!! I will have 2 grandsons and 2 granddaughters!! I am so excited!! God Bless (((Hugs))) Janice
How long after treatment was your 1st mammogram?
I finished my rads at the beginning of July. The only treatment I am doing now is the 5 years of Femara. So I was wondering how long after treatment you waited for a mammogram. My rad onc has set up an appointment for me to have one on Jan. 10. That would be fine but my surgeon said I did not need to have one until March…
We are here, arrived safely, WONDERFUL flight (I slept most of it...lol!)
We have now made another sucessful switch. And the bonus is that this time, my daughter came with us! YEA!!! The flight was not full, so we spread out in our little cabin...Me with 2 seats, Kristy also with 2, and Hans with 3....I slept laying down for more than half of the flight. And our cabin crew were so friendly!!!…
Chemo is over
Has anyone else heard someone they love say "well, the Chemo is over now, you should start feeling better". Still dealing with side effects, the worst is the fatigue, the lack of ambition. Just because the actual infusions are over people seem to think you should be all right. This is very frustrating for me; how do the…
My 1st Chemo
Friday is New Years Eve... I will be celebrating with my own mix of cocktails...chemo that is. They said I need to be there for 7-8 hours! Really?? Does it always take that long or is it just the first time? I'm ready and I'm scared all at the same time...
My Last Chemo over -- my CHRISTMAS present arrived
I've been gone a few months, as I have been journeying thru my chemo treatments. And now I am VERY happy to say -- my final "big guns" TCH treatment is finished. Oh I still have a year of herceptin to go every 3 weeks, but that is cake walk! When this journey began, I don't think anyone could have been more scared than me.…
Who knew COFFEE would be a remedy for my leg pain?????
i haven't drank any coffee in months and after not sleeping a couple nights in a row because of my leg cramps/pain (supposedly from the arimidex) I had a cup and the pain went away within 5 min. I've been drinking about a half cup every time it starts now and it works every time. I even had to get up from bed twice and…
The Miracle of Life.... I just had to share...
Went to bed at 10 o'clock last night...still exhausted from Christmas Day hosting. My son woke me up at 11:30... my little sister (who is around the same age as my oldest two children) was on her way to the hospital, her water broke... I called my brother in law and he told me she was asking for me... so I threw on some…
will lump occurs during chemotreatment
My mother already underwent 3 cycles of chemotherapy.she is responding to treatment,next week is her mascetomy but yesterday she notice a small lump in her inner thighs,according to her report her cancer is not spread to other organs we all are very tensed, does any1 experienced such case of incident please share..... is…
Today is Carkris's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR PENNY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you all the things you love most today & throughout the coming year! ♥ Cat
I am dancing with Ned this New Years
I am soooooooo glad the wait is over. I hate waiting for the check up's. However my hospital give's me my result before I go home. I always have a doctor appointment that follows the test. This is a good thing I don't think I could stand to go home a wait like I use to. Kathy ~
How long after treatment will the oncologist be seeing me?
I'm curious about how long after treatment finishes does the oncologist me. My oncologist saw me 5 months after treatment and will see me once more in April and then will close the file on me. Is this common??
**Radiation tatoo removal** What do you think?
October 27th marked my one year anniversary of completing radiation therapy. I still have tan lines to the breast... looks funny to me but hubby says he doesn't really notice it... that's funny because he says he doesn't notice when I look like cr*p either...always beautiful to him...lol what a guy... This last October…
Tell Me about your Lumpectomy Experience...
I am scheduled for my lumpectomy on 01/06 at St. Joseph's hospital in Orange, Ca. I went in today to get all my pre-op stuff done. First of all, my regular doctor wasn't there, so one of her assistants handed the forms to me with little or no explanation of the procedure or what all the pre-op stuff entailed. On top of…
I am not depressed. But I am tired of it all. I belong to support groups and I talk with a therapist concerning my cancer issues. I do take an anti-depressant (Effexor) in order to control my anxiety because my oncologist does not want to prescribe Ativan to me. The way she put it is that Ativan works to calm at the moment…
On Christmas Eve...fatigue. Wanted to go to Christmas Mass and couldn't get enough strength to get dressed and rive there. This was a true disappointment. Anyone else ever experience this type of fatigue?
Just lost job and...
I lost my job on 11/15/2010. Was laid off among 29 other people there. The only diference is I still have to go thru radiation now. The hospital is helping me with the cobra for now at 400 monthly till (hopfully)my medicaid kicks in. Well, I have to interview for jobs,need to get a wig, but my question is,how or do I tell…
Today is E_Hope's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR E_HOPE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you all the best on your special day & throughout the coming year! ♥ Cat
good news...just got call
I had d & c last week..have an appt to gets results after the holidays...but the office called so not to worry over Christmas (honestly I was not worried-uncommon I know) so anyhow...no cancer, all clear-no surgery needed as we thought I may need...yipppeeee next month is 3 yrs since this all started for me! (D & C due to…
Mamogram,good news.I want to share.
Hi everyone.I had posted about two weeks ago that I had found a lump.It was in the same Breast as where I had Cancer before.I had a mamo and ultra sound done.And by the grace of God it is ok.Thanks for the Prayers,I appriatte it so much.I will have a wonderful Christmas now.I Pray that you all have a wonderful Christmas…
Clinical studies regarding the benefits of Broccoli as an anti-cancer agent
I am always interested in knowledge pertaining to natural foods or herbs that are beneficial in our fight against breast cancer. I've read in books and heard previously, that the cabbage-like vegetables were good for you in their raw form (broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, cabbage, etc.) So I found a site by the…
Radiation Treatments
What are Radiation Treatments like? What should I expect the first appointment? Will there be side effects to this like with Chemo? Onc. mentioned Aromatase, anyone know anything about that?
I really thought I would never have to shave my underarm again,
It's just over a year and now there is a little fuzz. Rats! It was a direct hit of radiation, still a little 'tan'. I was so bummed since I was told not to shave and now I have to. No lymphedema and I don't want to encourage any. Did you have regrowth after rads? Sue
not the news anyone wants to hear
yesterday's appointment was a very difficult one. my cancer is so aggressive, growing so fast that it has my doctors' heads spinning. in 9 days i went from liver being totally clear to liver being blasted with cancer. i have bone mets. am in so much pain that i cannot walk. for the first time ever, my doctors are talking…
Chen, wondering how you are this week
Since Reggie went to Hawaii. You said you would be spending time with Siobhan, any other plans? I hope you rest and relax. Sue
What is after treatment?
I finished all my treatments at the end of October. Before I was diagnosed with BC my husband was already retired and I retired from my job when I found out I this disease. How do I get back to my life from here? I have worked for at least 35 years of my 40 year marriage and then went straight to treatment after…
"Every time you hear a bell ring, an angel gets it's wings"
Merry christmas to all you angels in pink. I believe angels are soft but very strong. They are courageous because they protect us. They can fly to greater heights because they have wings. I pray that all us angels in pink fly to greater heights in the year to come. I pray courage and strength and protection and health for…
My ornament
Since I was away for the holidays, I just got my ornament today from June when I picked up my mail from the post office. I do not know her CSN name. It was a beautiful angel and since my tree is still up, she sits proudly upon it. Thank you so much, June. Hugs, Renee