Has anyone tanned after radiation treatments were over?
I was just wondering if anyone either tanned outside or in a tanning booth AFTER they were done with radiation treatments. I know I can't now, but, I thought after I am done..I can. I might want to protect that area where I got "hit" with a towel or something for awhile. And, did anyone tan on Tamoxifen? It seems I read…
Having Followup Mamo on Tuesday
When I had my first mamo after finishing chemo and rads last Sept, I was scheduled for a followup mamo on left breast only in 6 months. Times up. Gonna get that done on Tuesday. I joined Weight Watcher's online on the 9th of Feb. I have lost 6 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks. The new points+ plan seems to be working for me. Pretty…
New Brava reconstruction method
Hi all, I am trying to decide which surgery to have for my breast reconstruction. There is a fairly new method that was described to me where you use a suction cup that you wear for 10 hours a day (or while you are sleeping) that stretches the skin out and then it is filled with fat from your own body that they get from…
feeling so much better on 1/2 steriods! be your own best advocate!
Hi all: I wanted to share in case this could help someone else - I;m in my 8th week of 12 weeks of Taxol and had been getting 10 mg of steriods (decadron or something like that in the drip).I was SO hungry and very charged up, waking up at 5 am every morning, lots of energy but like a caffeine buzz all the time. Gained…
hello everybody
Hey everybody. I've just joined today and hoping to get some quistions answered by this great group. I'm a 35 yo, had my last chemo in Dec. 2010. I'm a newly divorced parent of an 11 yo son. So, are there any ladies out there, the same age as me, and possibly in the same situation. And also, when I start dating, when do…
Chemo Brain
Hi there, I am an 'almost' 5 year survivor of Stage 2 breast cancer. I have chemo brain, some days it's much worse than others. Other days I'm almost normal. I was wondering if anyone knew why some days are worse than others. My brother, who is a lot older than me and 'considered' to be very intellegent recently accused me…
Couldn't resist this little plaque
While I was in Kohl's, I passed a display of plaques, and this one jumped right out at me, so I bought it, but I want to share it with you. Maybe you've heard it before. "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.' I think we have all learned to dance in the rain, don't you?…
What Is Your Favorite TV Show?
I know you all have one, so, what is it?
"Junk Swap" ... Contact Rague
Hi everyone. I know Rague has posted about the "junk swap" she's arranging ... and I don't know how many of you have emailed her with your contact information ... and wanting to join in ... BUT ... I did ... and let me tell you ... it's the greatest excuse to go from room to room ... open a few drawers, cabinets etc ...…
natural cure stuff
I was wondering if anyone else sees this disease as a big money maker for dr.s radiologists drug companys hospitals etc. I just feel like the organization is just putting me on a conveyer belt and moving me down the line ,like a factory, do this, zap that, see me in 2 weeks. Its not that I dislike any one of the Dr.s that…
Today is Padee6339's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR PAT HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! You are very special & you deserve the best- wishing you a day/year with with love & happiness! ♥ Cat
Checking BP after bilateral masectomy
My friend who had the bilateral masectomy 2 weeks ago asked me about taking her BP. She only had nodes rempved on the side with the tumor. Is it ok for her to take her blood pressure on the other arm or not? I know I was told not to use my left arm for BP which was the side I had lumpectomy I was unsure so I came to the…
Saw Chemo Dr today -
Saw Dr. T. today - 1 1/2 yrs since first Chemo and a bit over a year since last Chemo - he doesn't want to see me for another 6 months. YEAH! Especially considering I'm IBC - right now I'm beating the odds. Susan
first day out with no hair....and the wind caused much blushing!!!
Hi All Had a good laugh today. Went out with my new long, aurburn wig that my hubby loves..to say that i was so hot ( literally sweating) is no exaggeration. got home and put my scarf and hat on....went to the mall on the beach and my hat flew off into the hands of a bunch of good-looking surfers...did i die?? YES YES YES,…
Was I mean? (long post)
An oncology nurse told me I was mean and asked me why I was always angry whenever I called them. You decide: After months of being jerked around by the oncology department I finally just went off on them. For starters, my Dr. moved away - too much of a commute for him. (It happens, no doubt he's got an outside life too!)…
MetastatiC breast cancer
Great to find this website! Hello every one, I have been looking through many site and I found this web site seem very interesting so I decided to share my story. A friend of mine have been diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. She had her mastectomy a few month ago, however her cancer is back and is spreading…
I think I am in danger of becoming permanently attached to the couch
Seriously, I have absolutely no drive or ambition. Just totally drained. My onc appt is Thursday and I requested labs prior to, so that we would have results then. I'm not worried about bc returning (right now), just wonder about thyroid (rads), electolyes, depression. I have Effexor, but never started it. I just want to…
Anyone have headaches with rads?
I've had 8 treatments so far, and had a headache after each one. I will see the rads onc on Tues and ask him also. I've made it this far on the roller coaster because you have all been there with me, so I really value your input. Hugs, Linda
Out of the mouths of children ( kind of funny)
I thought I would share this funny with you guys. I was substitute teaching a 4th grade class yesterday. While I was sitting at the desk working, a little girl came up and touched my hair (shall I say wig) and told me that whoever was dying and cutting my hair was doing a terrible job because it just didn't look right!! I…
Nice thoughtful comments
I have read "what not to say" I was wondering how many nice, kind caring words! I must say I had wonderful friends-always at the other end of phone calls-said how strong I was or how upbeat....I am sure more words will come to top of list...but just curious of the GOOD COMMENTS or acts of kindness. MY Vt friend drove down…
~Let's Wish Cypress Cynthia Good Luck Tomorrow For Her Doctor's Appointment ~ Praying For Good Resu
Tomorrow you see your oncologist for your results Cynthia, and, I want you to know that I will be praying for good results! Hugs, Kylez
Did anyone here decide not to do reconstruction?
I have been considering an option recommended to me by my breast surgeon and by the "second opinion" specialist. They are suggesting for several reasons that I consider a double mastectomy. Depending on the results of an upcoming diagnostic mamogram and ultrasound, I may be forced to make my decision fairly quickly. I was…
Post Surgery Check Up
Well hubby took me to my appt. today and with the exception of the fact I feel gross it all went well. It seems somewhere along the way I got bronchitis so I am coughing up a storm (no fun with stitches) and running light fevers. Doc put me on a z pack which should do the trick, the stuff I was on just was not quashing it.…
rads 2 start next week
I will be starting rads sometime next week. I had a simulation this past Thursday. I will have 7 weeks of therapy. I hear it is not as bad as chemo but still I am nervous.
I'm still up at 1:30 am ... is chemo the culprit?
Am I allowed to take something while in treatment? like a little sleepy aid? Last night I slept. I need my Z's!
Ok, so I had my node biopsy on Thursday...I was feeling better, my pain is almost gone...only bad when I move...lol. Anyway, the dr had given me Gabapentin (prescription) and tylenol 3...I'm not using the tylenol anymore, but I don't know if I'm supposed to stay on the Gabapentin...apparently it's for nerve pain...which I…
Milk- Bad for breast cancer?
Hi everyone, As most of all of you- I read a lot... just about everything I can get my hands on about Breast Cancer. My mom was diagnosed in Jan. 2011. Milk- there seems to be 2 school of thoughts. A few articles say dairy is not good for you and can increase breast canncer symtoms or diagnoses. A side effect of removing…
How Are You Doing Meena? Haven't Seen An Update From You Lately.
Wondering how you are doing Meena after your treatment. Praying you are doing well. Hugs, Kylez
Clean away cat spray? (off topic)
A cat sprayed one of the truck seats and OMG does it ever smell just awful. Anybody have this happen? What did you use to clean it away? I'd sure appreciate help on this one please!
You can all pile out now, ladies, it's been fun...
But please remind me never to take a busload of yowling, bored, restless pink sisters on any more roadtrips! I gave you iPads, candy bars, magazines, milkshakes, and I even stopped off in Rock Island, Illinois so you could ALL get a pedicure. I sent my puppy angel Eefy back there to try and settle you down, and now all she…