Junk Swappers - names are sent
If you haven't gotten a PM from me with who you are sending to let me know - think I sent them all out and to the right person. If you have any questions you'd like to ask the person you are sending to PM me with them and I'll ask - it's kind of fun to keep it a 'Secret' until the box actually gets there as to is sending…
Mastectomy vs. Lumpectomy???
Ok this is a toughy I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of stage 2 breast cancer in October at the age of 22. This is the last week of my chemo treatment and my tumor has completely melted away (praise the lord). I still have to have surgery because there was cancer found in my armpit lymph nodes. I want to preserve my…
Tamoxifen + Prednisone... Anyone have that combo? Issues?
I've been on Tamoxifen since September, and I had to start using prednisone last week for an upper respiratory infection (I had allergic reactions to 2 different antibiotics). I feel like I'm going to jump out of my skin! My boss at work was teasing me about 'roid rage, and I shrugged it off. But last night I felt like the…
Nerve wrecking:(
Ok, I had a stereo-tactic biopsy on Wed. Didn't go well, I passed out in the middle, they didn't get enough samples or the right one... My primary care dr called me Friday morning to tell me that pathology results came back and appeared to be normal, but second part of report was missing???? Then I received a call from my…
Yearly pap and colonoscopy
Just diagnosed with Stage 2 IBC---meeting with ocologist on the 15th to find out what course of treatment I will need. No lymph node involvement. Whew! Did I read someplace on here that you need a pap before your chemo treatments? Also, due to some severe anesthesia reactions in past, have never had a colonoscopy...will I…
What are tumor markers?
Do docs do tumor markers with stage 2 cancer?
All of your prayers and good wishes are definitely working!
I met with my oncologist and here are my PET scan results: "Decreased glucose hypermetabolism within the right 8th rib. Stable sclerosis within the 6th and 12th ribs, WHICH ARE NO LONGER HYPERMETABOLIC." (caps are mine ;-) In English, this means the 8th rib has less cancer activity and that the other 2 ribs are showing now…
Radiation vs. Lymph Node Disection
I'm 48 years old I have Stage IIA, ER+ 90% and PR+ 50% Her2 neg breast cancer with initial tumor just under 2cm lymph node under arm blew up two days after breast biopsy (anyone else experience that?) the node was then biopsied and was positive I did 4 rounds of AC and 4 of Taxol mammogram and MRI can no longer detect the…
update 1st chemo
thurs chemo wasn't bad port was wonderful but then when I got home was very sick ended up in er and got a male nurse that was a a-- of course my daughter set him straight got to love your kids for not putting up with anything. Still sleeping alot had my shot today to build up good cells.Talked to nurse about changes since…
Hi Everyone, I was diagnosed on January 20 with breast cancer. The following week had a lumpectomy took out 3 nodes and cancer was in part of one. Already had first treatment with a total of six. My fiancee and I had plans to go to Florida in April to get married. We are now getting married in town with family, but still…
5th chemo and a rough day today
I had my 5th chemo on Thursday and my onc warned me that this one and the next one ( my last one) will be the hardest. So far, he's not kidding. I've been out of it all day today. Plus, I had to go to town to get some new church shoes, and my hat flew off of my head with that big gust of wind that just rudely appeared.…
Exchange sukrgery tomorrow!
Kind of looking forward to it/kind of dreading it. They tell me it's nothing compared to the mastectomy. I will probably feel great. Would appreciate input on what to expect. Thanks.
changed my pic
this is my Bunko group and I'm in the middle (the one wearing a hat). Char
Shout out to Sunrae
How are you? I haven't seen any posts - or did I just miss them? Hugs, Sue
Port removed
I got port removed Wed. Still have blood clot and arm swelling. Doc says it will go away with time. Still on comaden. I still have herceptin till Dec. so I will have IV from now on. Thank you, Nanette
new pix, checking in from Mexico
Just want to say hello to everyone! I have not been on line for a bit...but I have you all in my thoughts and prayers all the time. I posted on expression page a new photo taken yesterday of me at a cave site. I feel good....but still do not have the strength or stamina of past. It is hard for me to watch my friends go…
Finally, tumor markers went down!!
Just got word from my onc that my tumor markers went down to 23.8!!!!! WAHOO!!! After the 41 last time, I just was sooo afraid they would continue to increase. What a relief. Thank you all for your support! Hugs & cheers, JoAnn
diep flap
Hi all, I had a bilateral mastectomy with diep flap reconstruction in June 2010. It has been a good recovery except for the usual setbacks. I had to have a revision to 1 breast in Nov. Here is my issue now: I have noticed a bruising on my left breast and I have pain there. I have ignored it thinking that I pulled a muscle…
Today is TexasGirl10's Birthday!!
Dawne, Sending you BIG Birthday wishes! Hope you have a wonderful day - filled with what you love most! And a year filled with health and happiness! -Jenny
Up Date Please Help
Well they put it off till this Wednesday because I had taken an Advil on Monday for a fever, of course when I got home they mailed me the directions that told you what you could not have. So now I will be having the MRI biopsy and an CT scan on the same day. Fun. I already had the CT scan booked for that day to check some…
Open Letter to the Kindred Spirits...
This being the Internet, and thus open to the entire planet ( and maybe the Universe if we are inclined to think further than Earth!) we are not always as insultated and in the company of Kindred Spirits as we would hope. I have been a member of this online family since Spring, 2003. As you might imagine, I have read about…
Something to make you smile, today :)
.... still smiling! A bottle of wine A man entered his favorite ritzy restaurant and while sitting at his regular table , he noticed a gorgeous woman sitting at a table nearby....all alone. He calls the waiter over and asks for their most expensive bottle of Merlot to be sent over to her, knowing that if she accepts it,…
How do you send a private message to someone?
I feel rather stupid because I haven't been able to figure out how to send a private message, although I have been able to reply to one sent to me. Could anyone tell me the secret? Thanks, JoAnn
as in Texas? I have family there! small world Ü
Do you have children?
Was wondering if most women with breast cancer have kids or if it's the other way around? =) I don't. (oh wow, i just previewed the post and the date/time is: December 31, 1969 - 4:00pm !!!)
Please send me your prayers
I was told that I was in remission on 02/09/11 from stage 4 breast cancer. On 2.28.11 Mets were found in my brain. For the first time I will have to do radiation on my whole brain for 4 1/2 weeks staring 3/2/11. I never had radiation. I fought my breast cancer for one year by doing 16 rounds of intense chemo treatments.…
Help Please
Hi everyone in Pink Land. Well here I go again. Just had a MRI of course it showed something. I have go tomorrow for an MRI guided biopsy. I am sooo tired of all there test. They say it may just be scar tissue, I don't know anymore. Had Mamo and ultrasound a week ago all was good, Breast Surgeon said let do an MRI to be…
"Look Good - Feel Better"
Just realized I haven't seen anything about this program here for a while and there are a lot of new menbers so thought I's bring it up - again. It is a program through the ACS that teaches women going through Chemo 'tricks' with doing makeup during that time. They also give you a bag of 'goodies' - makeup - name brands.…
I have yet another sinus infection
I have basically been sick since I started rads in early January. I'm on another antibiotic for sinus infection and I have Pink Eye! My body is still trying to rebuild cells following the completion of rads and it doesn't appear to be doing very well )-: I'm now watching my 3 & 5 yo granddaughters and bringing them to…
Something to make you smile, today :)
.... still smiling! A bottle of wine A man entered his favorite ritzy restaurant and while sitting at his regular table , he noticed a gorgeous woman sitting at a table nearby....all alone. He calls the waiter over and asks for their most expensive bottle of Merlot to be sent over to her, knowing that if she accepts it,…