Did anyone here decide not to do reconstruction?
I have been considering an option recommended to me by my breast surgeon and by the "second opinion" specialist. They are suggesting for several reasons that I consider a double mastectomy. Depending on the results of an upcoming diagnostic mamogram and ultrasound, I may be forced to make my decision fairly quickly. I was…
Post Surgery Check Up
Well hubby took me to my appt. today and with the exception of the fact I feel gross it all went well. It seems somewhere along the way I got bronchitis so I am coughing up a storm (no fun with stitches) and running light fevers. Doc put me on a z pack which should do the trick, the stuff I was on just was not quashing it.…
rads 2 start next week
I will be starting rads sometime next week. I had a simulation this past Thursday. I will have 7 weeks of therapy. I hear it is not as bad as chemo but still I am nervous.
I'm still up at 1:30 am ... is chemo the culprit?
Am I allowed to take something while in treatment? like a little sleepy aid? Last night I slept. I need my Z's!
Ok, so I had my node biopsy on Thursday...I was feeling better, my pain is almost gone...only bad when I move...lol. Anyway, the dr had given me Gabapentin (prescription) and tylenol 3...I'm not using the tylenol anymore, but I don't know if I'm supposed to stay on the Gabapentin...apparently it's for nerve pain...which I…
Milk- Bad for breast cancer?
Hi everyone, As most of all of you- I read a lot... just about everything I can get my hands on about Breast Cancer. My mom was diagnosed in Jan. 2011. Milk- there seems to be 2 school of thoughts. A few articles say dairy is not good for you and can increase breast canncer symtoms or diagnoses. A side effect of removing…
How Are You Doing Meena? Haven't Seen An Update From You Lately.
Wondering how you are doing Meena after your treatment. Praying you are doing well. Hugs, Kylez
Clean away cat spray? (off topic)
A cat sprayed one of the truck seats and OMG does it ever smell just awful. Anybody have this happen? What did you use to clean it away? I'd sure appreciate help on this one please!
You can all pile out now, ladies, it's been fun...
But please remind me never to take a busload of yowling, bored, restless pink sisters on any more roadtrips! I gave you iPads, candy bars, magazines, milkshakes, and I even stopped off in Rock Island, Illinois so you could ALL get a pedicure. I sent my puppy angel Eefy back there to try and settle you down, and now all she…
Updated Path info
Just received the last path report. Oncologist appt not for three weeks. But, from what I have heard today, this is not bad. See what everyone thinks: I have invasive ductal carcinoma; Stage 11, T2, and Grade 3. No lymph node involvement. I am estro/prog positive, and Her2 negative. From what I gather, I will be having…
A 'girls' week at the gym ... a look into my life, hahahaha
A WOMAN'S WEEK AT THE GYM .... This is dedicated to everyone who ever attempted to get into a regular workout routine Dear Diary, For my birthday this year, I purchased a week of personal training at the local health club. Although I am still in great shape since being a high school football cheerleader 43 years ago, I…
I am riding in Eve tomorrow night
Despite what you've heard about Mardi Gras, it is 90% a family affair and the monkey business is relegated to the French Quarter. The streets of the suburbs and other family neighborhoods are lined with ladders that have special seats for the little kids to watch the parades and be in prime position to catch throws. There…
Survivor Exercise
I just started a "survivor exercise" program at my clinic. It's wonderful - a 12 week program. My physical therapist wanted me to do this to help with several things - one of the main things being range of motion on my mastectomy/alnd side without making my lymphedema worse. Also, I'm on Arimidex, and exercise should help…
Be careful what you post on the internet
I do work for my doctor. One of my assignments is to search the internet for his name to be sure that information is correct, such as name of practice, address, phone etc. This week i searching away and found a posting that went back to a pool party that he gave in the summer of 2003. The posting contained many, many…
If you had to do it again - would you choose Neulesta or low WBCs? Feels like doctor is making me ch
I met with my oncologist last week who said she "could" give me Neulesta if I "wanted it" but, due to bone pain, hassles of getting extra shots and expense, she had not been planning to. I;ve done 8 weeks of 12 of Taxol so far with no drop in WBCs, but my next round of FEC all three drugs are very likely to drop my white…
lifting after tram flap surgery
I am having a single mastectomy and tram flap surgery in 2 weeks. I am concerned about lifting after the tram flap surgery. I know for several weeks I will be limited but what about 6 months down the road? Will I be able to lift my grandchildren?
Dr. Rosenfeld - hot flashes and cholesterol
Was sort of watching TV this morning when Dr. Rosenfeld was on. He said 2 things that were sort of interesting. One was about a study that said that the earlier you have hot flashes after starting menopause the better - less likely to have heart problems. (Wonder where that puts me - have never had hot flashes either when…
I paid $3.91 per gallon of gas, this afternoon .. for premium
geez, the price of gas has gone up almost .20 cents in the past 5 days. I have no doubt, that we will be seeing prices climb close to $5.00 per gallon, soon. Living in Southern California Vicki Sam
OK I peeked ;-)
I had my bone scan today at the hospital where I work. I was able to go straight upstairs and pull up all of the images on my work computer. The right 5th and 8th ribs are still lighting up, but I think a little less so. I didn't see anything else, but, of course, this is not my area of expertise and my view on my little…
Grade 3 of 3
Diuagnosed with IDC and had a partial mastectomy this past Monday. Received only partial results of my pathology report, as doctor was out of office. Was informed the margin area was negative, which is good, but am grade 3 of 3. Was told the Stage and the T size would be give at time of oncology appointment. I have been…
I'm sicker then a dog.................can I take Nyquil?
I can't breathe through my nose, the worst sore throat ever and I can't quit coughing. I'm miserable. Can I take Nyquil while on Tamoxifen? TIA
Today is Kat11's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR KAT HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! May every glowing candle on your cake become a wish that comes true! Have a great day & weekend! ♥ Cat
See you later!
I don't normally put out information like this on public sites, but I will be gone for quite a few weeks. We are going on a long awaited trip to Australia,New Zealand and Tasmania and I didn't want you to think that I had just abandoned you all. So pack your bags ladies, because you are coming with me...in my mind at…
Today is WhoKnowz's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR ANGELA HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you all the best today & throughout the coming year! ♥ Cat
Bone scan down; PET to go!!!
I have in my hand the official reading of my bone scan and it says "unchanged osteoblastic metastatic disease...with no new sites of metastatic disease." For me, that is great news and I'll take it! Now, I will get the PET scan report on Monday. Please keep the good thoughts and prayers coming--I know they are working!
Let's direct everything good toward Cypress Cynthia
She had her PET scan today. And we all know how the waiting game goes. Let's direct all our good vibes towards good results for Cypress Cynthia. And let's turn the waiting game into fun. I will start the first question and you can direct towards anyone you want. Mine is of course toward Cypress Cynthia. Tell me when and…
Back Home and Resting
Hello all my wonderfully supportive friends. I am home sore but no worse for wear, Colin is taking extra good care of me making sure I have what I need and that I don't do anything I should not be doing. The surgery took about two hours and doc said it all went as planned. He does not use that lego type cover over the…
My Beautiful Angel died
My heart is broken, my Beautiful angel died yesterday in my arms. She was my costant companion, never did she leave me, when I was sick and fighting for my life. Bear and Angel were boyfriend and girlfriend, he is missing her also. I'm not sure what I'm going too do without her. Angel is the one in the picture Bear is on…
Former Rad Girl made Good at appt.
A hearty thank you to all my Sisters in Pink for coming along with me on my radiation oncology appointment. It's true, thinking of you calmed my nerves. I put my face on and marched right on in! My doctor is so warm and encouraging. She did do a breast exam and felt my scar tissue from my two lumpectomies. I see her in a…
You are more powerful than you know, Kindred Spirits! I just got home from the oncologist, and.....
Are you ready for Good News? Validation that your wishes, prayers, meditations,etc are indeed powerful? NO CHEMO! Oncologist said they removed the cancerous lymphnode, I have been responding so well to my meds otherwise~ that I stay on the Tamoxifen for another 3 months!!!! I don't even know where to begin~ I am so very…