Sacramento lunch - June 2
If this shows up twice, forgive me. Something is going on with this site - again. Linda (Gabe N Abbys Mom); Rena (Re); Deborah (Chickadee) and I (Suzanne/Double Whammy) are having lunch in Sacramento June 2. It would be fabulous if there's anyone else in the "neighborhood" who can join us. Here's the information: Date:…
The hardest thing I have ever had to deal with
My mother is everything to me. I know this is cliche but my mom is my WORLD. About 2 weeks ago, she was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer that has spread to her bones, lungs, and brain. This is obviously a very late stage. My mother is a doctor herself and she's had breast cysts on and off for a while throughout her.…
Is swelling under arms a concern?
Hi. I am 8 weeks post bilateral mastectomy. 4 nodes removed from right side and only one from the left. I feel my incision is healing well and I don't have a lot of pain there. However, under my arms is very swollen, feels warm and hurts. I am a heavy woman. My surgeon just keeps telling me that this area is just "me" (aka…
Free mug for a lucky 1-year survivor!
Cleaning out our kitchen cupboard last night, I found a mug I bought myself 2 years ago to celebrate my 1-year cancerversary (just celebrated 3 years this month!). It’s a white mug with pink lettering: “Here’s to Survival! 1 year cancer free.” If any of you is nearing your 1-year cancerversary, I would love to pass it on…
May has been a tough month
I was diagnosed May 17th of last year. Today, my BFF was diagnosed with breast cancer. Is the world going crazy? Please send up a prayer for her. She is still reeling with shock.
Save The Date Hershey, PA Meeting 2012
Hey girls, We are planning our second annual Hershey meeting September 28-30, 2012. Plan on arriving Friday or Saturday. For those arriving on Friday, we will meet for dinner. Saturday will be our spa day and dinner that evening. I know some of you are close and will not be staying but we have rooms reserved at The Hershey…
Is this a progression?
I posted a lot a few months back. Since then I have been very busy. You probably know my story. My husband has stage IV breast cancer. He has very widespread mets to the bones. His spine is fully engulf with mets, both femurs, hips, sternum, ribs, clavicle--recently a small tumor was found in liver. He has gotten…
hair growth
Yay!! I'm so glad to finally be at the stage of writing about hair growth. It seems, as you all know, that we wait forever for our hair to start growing back. Well that's what I've done. Could not wait for the 4-6 weeks after chemo for the growth to begin. I guess that was a healthy way to view it, one step at a time. But,…
Anyone need mastectomy camisoles?
I don't know why I've held on to them so long... One is an XL with c/d pillow foobs, the other is a large with slightly smaller pillow foobs. I wore a 16 at the time and both fit fine. Both zip up the front and have pockets for drains, and they're white. I only wore them for 2 or 3 weeks so they're in very good condition.…
Texasgirl10 update
I checked in with Dawne earlier. She did not have pnuemonia just some sort of infection is all they have said for now. She was feeling much better just really tired. Temp has been down today too. She really wants to go home but they have said probably not till Saturday.Thank you all for the prayers and concern, she…
salls41-Sandy , How are you doing 1 week later?
Just checking in to see how you are doing now that some time has passed with those drains? Are you still having minimal pain? Are you doing ok? Prayers going up for you now, Rebecca
Finally saw dermatologist today about the hair thing
For those who are new, my last chemo was September 23, 2010. I still have very little hair on my head (maybe 25% of what I used to have). This is consistent with the rest of my body hair. I have some, just not very much. Today I learned pretty much what I already knew, but it's still unknown whether it's possible that I…
DO NOT OPEN anything from ~lsqxx00~
It's spam! Coach online advertisement. If we don't open this crap, then IT will have to STOP IT'S careless spamming because we aren't giving IT a chance to continue. By NOT clicking on this REPLY to our discussion topic, the spammer will get bored and go away. That's how it usually works. HUGS Mary
Anyone in the Roanoke VA area?
We're visiting there next month - sure would like the chance to meet a kindred! Sue
OT - Crazy Horse Volksmarch
Will get to do the Crazy Horse Volksmarch tomorrow. It is at the Crazy Horse Memorial (Custer, SD). It's 10K and starts in the parking lot and you hike up to the arm of the carving and back down. The going up is a bit of a 'hike' as it has quite a rise and is through the 'woods' but the hike back is really just a 'walk in…
A mini refresher for those of you not familiar with my story...triple neg IBC with mets to the lymph nodes between my lungs. I've been on chemo since Aug 2011, my doc wants me to take a chemo break and I'm pretty scared by that idea...now you're all caught up. So what I didn't talk about in my last post...there is a teeny…
I'm rectal cancer but visiting Breast with a question bc I've been having pain
Doctor says that breast pain is not cancer. Of course a doctor left my polyps in my body 10 years ago and now I have cancer so I don't really "trust" doctors anymore. I went for a mammogram at 37. I am now 42, still having the pain in the exact two spots whenever pressed. The pain is not in the actual breast but in the…
Sex after breast cancer?
Ok ladies, here goes! I am going to ask the question no-one asks. I am four years out from mastectomy no reconstruction and chemo. I could not take tamoxifen -- side effects. Since treatment I have not had sex with my husband! What do I do? How do I start? I did an estrogen ring for a while and also probiotics which helped…
Has anyone have eye problems on Femara
My left is now swollen and the sight in the eyes have gone down. Im dealing with docs that dont think it is do to the drug but I think different. The only thing is the ye doc is saying we will watch this . I feel like I got sock in the eye no fun
I guess I can commit a crime
My sons school requires all parent volunteers to be fingerprinted. Today I went to get fingerprinted and the tech could not get my prints. It seems that I no longer have fingerprints, I guess there is nothing that can be measured on digital read. I was fingerprinted years ago, before my battle with the beast, for my…
1st chemo done...
Hi everyone I just wanted to let you all know that i recieved my first chemo yesterday..I will have 8 total treatments..one every two weeks. Mine are on mondays .. Adriamycin and cytoxan (another chemo drug) then I also get steriods, nausea med in iv the one shot of another one. then on the next day tues it get a shot of…
Severe Pain/ Burning/ Intching with Taxol
I am about to go crazy. I am on Dense dose chemo. I endured terrible side effects with four rounds of AC, but nothing prepared me for my first dose of Taxol. Dr. said it would be sooooo much easier. I feel like I am in a nightmare. Besides the nausea, fever for a week, achiness, bone pain, and weakness, my entire body…
HootieGirl's Birthday was May 21st! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!
HAPPY, HAPPY Belated BIRTHDAY Wishes! Hope your Birthday was filled with wonderful surprises and love all around! -Jenny -SO sorry I'm late - I missed my updates.
Silcone implants
Post mastectomy/reconstruction with silicone implants. Is it normal to feel the silcone move around in the implant? Please let me know. Thanks,Pink755
intercourse and chemo
Is sexual intercourse different when going through chemo.
My first time missing my treatment :-(
I was so ill with that intestinal bacterial infection that I was told to postpone my hormone therapy and bisphosphonate injections for two weeks. I can't tell you how anxious that made me! Finally, I had all 3 injections this afternoon. I am sitting here with a very sore butt, but very happy to be back in the saddle again…
never see: Tee shirt other day said "save them all big or small"...! I am sure many have but new to me... heehee Denise
Phyllodes tumor diagnosis
Hello. So glad that I found this site. Just found out in March that I have a couple Phyllodes tumors in my left breast. Will be having a wire localized left partial mastectomy with possible mastoplexy. I was wondering if anyone out there is familiar with this diagnosis and can tell me their experience. Specifically any…
An interesting article re: TNBC
http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/245431.php The article is fairly long...some researchers at MIT have had some success with changing the timing of when current chemos are administered. They've only tested so far in mice, so even clinical trials will be a while...still gives me hope. Hugs, Linda
Spammed again!
To the person abusing this site with your ridiculous spam, SHAME ON YOU! We are dealing with a life-threatening disease (do you understand life-threatening?!) and we need this discussion board to seek advice, encouragement, and to just talk to someone who knows exactly what we are going through. Sometimes we can't get onto…