Breast Lump
After removing the Cysts in her breast, after 2 months her nipple start to wound, then until now the wound is not healing, and she take a mammogram and will see the result on Tuesday. if there are survivors in this situation, please help me, I BEG YOU. HELP ME PLEASE. I'm just a kid that wants to live longer with my…
Any suggestions on how I can prepare for a double mastectomy?
I am a 41 y/o female. On 5/10/12, I am scheduled to have a bilateral double mastectomy with no reconstruction. I am starting to get a little nervous about this surgery. If anyone out there has had a double mastectomy and is willing to share their experience with me, I would greatly appreciate it. Do you have any…
Laurissa's fight is over
Laurissa Passed away Saturday at 4:53pm.with friends and family close by.She struggled hard the last few hours of life, but now a can take comfort in knowing my sweet angel Connie Jean is on a new journey with her Lord and Savior. I'm sure He has prepaired a welcome home party for her, with family and all who went before…
Dr. Susan Love
I just received an email forwarded from a friend who is involved in the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation. Dr. Love just sent a message to the members that she has leukemia and will be undergoing treatments for the next several months. I want to use a whole bunch of four letter words but can't post them here. Suzanne
My 1st Chemo !
Good Morning Pink Sisters: I had my 1st chemo session on Friday, June 8th and it went well. I know it was the prayers & positive thoughts from you all that got me through it. The staff was excellent and I met the rest of the chemo support staff (nutritionist,social worker, chaplin, ACS patient rep.). My chemo nurse Jo-Ann…
When people say stupid things
Hi, I'm recently dx IDC, Stage 2, ER+ PR+ Her-. I'm mentally and emotionally preparing for a double mastectomy on June 13. I'm stunned by some of the things people have said to me.... Why are you poisoning your body with chemo when baking soda cures cancer, I know how you feel--- I had a tonsillectomy when I was 9, etc…
Has your plastic surgeon ever suggested...
that you get a second opinion? Out of the blue my PS suggested getting a second opinion to me. I trust my PS implicitly and was a bit taken aback by this... Your thoughts please!
newly diagnosed
Wow, you really sound like a really great bunch of ladies. I want to thank you for taking the time to comment on my post and for giving me advice and sharing with me. I am glad that I decided to join this network. You given me some very helpful ideas. I will be keeping you all in my prayers. Thank You again. :) More soon.…
Texasgirl10 is home!!
Dawne got to go home late yesterday afternoon. She was very glad to get home!! When I checked in with her earlier in the day she said she was feeling some better. I think she is still really tired and just worn out. Thanks again for all the prayers. I am sure she will be on in a few days when she is feeling better. God…
I have been remiss. So sorry!
It has been nearly a month since I have been to this site. Let me first say that it was not a health problem that kept me away. Some of you may remember that I stated I was going to first shift at my job. This of course was much more desirable than my previous third shift position bur because we need to give our clients a…
6 months cancer free - but can't seem to function....what the heck?!
Diagnosed in 12/2010 - Stage 3, ER/PR positive - lymph nodes positive. So removed lots of lymph nodes, double mastectomy with reconstruction. But first 16 rounds of chemo. Adriamycin, Cytoxan and Taxol. All done in 2011. Had my reconstruction in January of this year. ANYWAY.....I have read on a previous post about the…
Today is GrandMax3's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Sending lots of wishes your way for a wonderful, fantastic day ... and a year filled with happiness and health! -Jenny
"The secret world of health care pricing"
I heard this story on National Public Radio today. I thought it was interesting enough to share. http://www.marketplace.org/topics/life/health-care/secret-world-health-care-pricing
New Flower in SF - open invitation
And we have arranged to meet in SF Sunday 6/17 at 6:30pm at the Moscone Center. Pleeease if anyone would like to join us you are most welcome to. I am coming from Palo Alto so can anyone nearby who wants a ride let me know. hugs to you all Mariam
chest vs arm port
I am to get my port put in tomorrow(eeks).I have a choice and didn't know which is better? I think I'd prefer arm but some feel it's more apt to infection. HELP :)
Tamoxifen Treatment and medically induced menopause
Hello I am a 7 year survivor and I am struggling with menopause symptom's that scare me. I am experiencing allot of anger forgetfulness and rage I am finding hard to control. I have been through therapy and counseling but I feel that they do not understand me like someone that has had the same experience as I... any advice?
Again, so soon? A new record?
Hi all, I've received so much help when I was scared or needed questions answered that no one else knew but you warriors. I had a roller coaster ride last year. Mammograms, ultra sounds, don't need biopsy, biopsy, benign, lumpectomy, by that time the lump had grown to be 6 1/2 inches, (when cancer was finally found)…
Nipple Saving Mastectomy- Are You a Good Candidate?
I am posting this because I realized that not every women out there realizes that just like there are different kinds of breast cancer there are also different kinds of mastectomies. I was diagnosed with DCIS in December. My surgeon told me my options were lumpectomy with radiation or mastectomy where they would save the…
Skin & Nipple Sparing Double Mastectomy
Hi. I am 44 and having a skin and nipple sparing mastectomy next week for a diagnosis of DCIS that is too large to remove by lumpectomy. This type of procedure with implant reconstruction is supposed to produce a very natural looking breast post reconstruction, The surgeon will only do it if there are no cancer calls found…
Who/what do I need after surgery in the way of help?
I do not know if I will need to have somebody in every day to help me get out of bed after surgery and help me get dressed. If I have reconstruction after my bilateral mastectormy, I will stay in the hospital overnight and maybe one more night. Did anybody go through this who lived alone and do everything all by…
Robin Roberts..Good Morning America..
Have you heard about Robin Roberts? She had bc 5 years ago...I remember seeing her on the show, bald...a real trooper! She has developed what is called MSD...you can goggle it for an explanation of what exactly it is...but it was caused by her chemo...they never said what chemo cocktail she had....it is like…
questions re:replacing tissue expanders with implants
Hi, I am having my tissue expanders replaced with implants on Thursday (3/18)YEAH!!! I just wanted to hear what it was like for some of you. My plastic surgeon says it's no biggie. Just wanted to hear it from someone who's been there. Also, he says I will need to wear a bra constantly for the first few weeks---any…
Do not take benadryl if you are taking tamoxifen.
I saw a post about someone doing this to sleep. But it keeps the tamoxifen from working. You can google to find out more info. Just thought I would let you guys know. Thanks, Rhonda
HER2/neu Positive ~ Newbie
I'm a newbie here . . . here is a short intro and a list of dates/events to date I'm 42 (soon to be 43) and mom to 2 and stepmom to 2 - all under the age of 12. Very active within our community, PTA and Girl Scout Volunteer and I enjoy working out. I have been diagnosed with HER2/neu Positive (ER/PgR negative). May 7th -…
Cleaning for a Reason
This has probably been posted before but I didn't know about it until someone sent the information to me this week. Too late for me, but maybe some of you other new in treatment ladies can take advantage! Get that help cleaning! http://www.cleaningforareason.org/
I took a wonderful vacation in Spain and thought of all of you! How are my beautiful ladies (and bro
My beautiful ladies and brothers! I don't spend that much time here on this forum anymore because I found the gang on facebook. But I want you all to know I think of you often and always keep you in my prayers. I went to Spain to see family and to get to know some parts of the country and loved it! I so much needed that. I…
How much soy is too much???
I was dx with Stage 1 IDC, ER/PR+ ('strongly positive' on report). I am two years in to the 5 year Tamoxifen treatment. I've read that those dx with estrogen positive cancers should avoid soy products. While I do avoid the obvious, soy milk, edamame, soybean oil... there seems to be soy in every stinkin' thing at the store…
I,ve posted an update to Who's had Taxotere/Cytoxan..3 year old post
My update is the last post to that question...Who's had Taxotere and Cytoxan 3 years ago... Hugs Nancy
When is your anniversary?
When do you consider your anniversary to be? Is it a year from the date you were diagnosed or a year after the date you finished treatment? Happy Monday everyone! Sinai
Lymph...? fluid buildup
Hi, so I had a double mastectomy on March 21 (about 2.5 months ago), all has gone well for the most part. I did have to have the build-up of fluid in my armpit (2 nodes removed) drained 3 times at follow-up appointments. I do stretches and have quite a bit of strength back in both arms with great range of motion. My…