New here
I am new here and just wanted to say hi! At the end of March I was diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time and I am only 35. I had a mastectomy a little over a month ago and started chemo 2 weeks ago. I just shaved my head last night as the hair loss was too much. I hope to make some new friends here who know what…
I have missed you all!
I hit a very rough patch with the shingles. Extreme pain. Then I began to feel really cruddy and just couldn't get better. Finally, ended in the ER last Sunday and was diagnosed with bacterial gastroenteritis! The cipro and flagyl that I was given wiped me out. I couldn't lift my head off of my pillow. I called my…
New here
Hello all ... New here. Four years out from stage 2 invasive ductal, estrogen positive. Had left side mastectomy and gnarly chemo. Consultant now with my own business. Married 21 years, mom of one 15 year old daughter. Having some tough moments and missing that support group so thought I would write in. Cheers to all. Look…
PINKKARI -- How are you doing dear Sister in PINK ??? We are thinking about you, and praying.
Please update us when you can .. Gentle hugs dear one. Vicki Sam
Lymphedema, possible bilateral wrist surgery
Has anyone with lymphedema had any type of arm surgery? It's a big possibility I have bilateral carpal tunnel, and the thought of wrist surgery is scaring me. I wear an arm sleeve daily to keep my hand forearm from swelling. Any ideas on how I am going to handle this. I was told no needles, no BPs, and I may be needing an…
Any suggestions would be appreciated :-)
After I had my mastectomy I started having problems sleeping. I would fall asleep and then about an hour later I would wake up and then had a hard time falling back to sleep. My Dr. prescribed me Ambien. I was still waking up at night so my Dr gave me some lunesta samples. Taking that wasn't any different than Ambien so I…
What is everybody's experience with it & has anyone decided not to take it ?
I still worry even though I'm Cancer free. Even though I'm upbeat about it.
Today is STARSEED'S Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day and a healthy, happy year! much love, -Jenny
I'm new here today. I have a recurrence after a bilateral mastectomy, six months of chemist and a year of herceptin infusions. A year and a half later I was diagnosed with stage four and metastesis to my spine and pelvis. I ended up getting divorced after my first treatments ended due to no support from my husband. Now…
My new wig
I wore my wig to work yesterday for the first time. Could there be any nicer people on this earth than my boss and co-workers? They loved it! They told me I am beautiful! The supervisor told me I should forget my own hair and stay with the wig when this is over. I should have thrown the stapler at him ;-) I felt like a…
Need strength and prayers
Oh goodness.. I feel like everytime I start to get better, something else happens. I finished radiation treatments last week. I had 5 treatments of standard body radiation to my spine and 3 treatments to my hip. I don't know if anyone has ever had rads to the spine, but the immobilizer/torture device was too much for me. I…
update-- had chemo today,
Numbers were up some, had chemo, will go back Monday for Herceptin, no chemo, then if needed will have Nupogen shots, on Monday and Tuesday, Cataract surgery on Wed and Friday with followups in office on Thurs afternoon for Right Eye, and Friday afternoon for left eye. Then will do chemo the following 3 weeks, with a bone…
I need some help on using this site. I just signed up and am unfamiliar with chat rooms and blogs and discussion boards. I was recently diagnosed and have 1 chemo treatment under my belt. My friend sent me an invite and here I am. I would love to have friends here!
Radiation after reconstruction
I would really like to hear about anyone's experience with radiation after reconstruction and chemo. I've been told of very serious side effects that would reqire additional surgeries to correct. The radiologist gives me odds of there being problems in 1 out of three cases;that doesn't sound too good since I seem to get…
Hello Beautiful ladies As always I have you all in my prayers... I would love to meet all of you if possible (which I know it’s not since we are live all over the U.S.). So I was thinking maybe the pinks ladies in FL can meet up and get together... Debi and I have discussed this a few times but with our busy schedule it…
Luminaria to Honor CSN "Kindred Spirits"
I am attending my third Relay for Life tomorrow. Just as I have done for the past 2 years I will again honor all of the "Kindred Spirits" on the CSN. The first two years I carried all of the names that I could remember in my pocket as I walked the Survivor's Lap. This year I will light a Luminaria to honor all of the…
Diagnosed Nov 2009
Here I am 2years 7 months since diagnosed with stage 3 Triple negative ductal cancer, dang can't remember the term, but not in situ. (Still have a little chemo brain!LOL) I went thru 4 rounds of Docetaxel, Capecitabine and bevacizumab. The 4 rounds of AC with bevacizumab. Then a double mastecomy. Then 5 rounds again of the…
hair loss and herceptin
How long after chemo is done will hair start growing back, shaved my head last week because it was getting way to thin. Don't really mind the bald look since I have some cute hats but curious as to how long after chemo is done and I go to just herceptin that my hair will start growing again. Only two more chemo treatments,…
I went to my mail box to find a small package from our New Flower. She and I both have lymphedema and she sent me a wonderful decorative sleeve to wear over my arm when it is wrapped or over my pressure sleeve to make it more decorative. I LOVE IT... I have posted a photo of it on the expressions gallery, THANK YOU New…
OT - Solar Ecllipse 5/20/12
In the W/SW USA this late afternoon/early evening there is a solar eclipse today. The area of totality crosses the OR/CA border and moves SE toward TX. The last I say on TWC said most areas will have cooperative weather for viewing it. BE SURE YOU DO NOT DIRECTLY AT THE ECLIPSE unless you have a welding helmet/glasses.…
Lymphedema Risk and Acupuncture?
Hi There, I'm scheduled for a lumpectomy and sentinel node removal on Thursday. My husband is an acupuncturist and wants to acupuncture me after my surgery and while I'm receiving radiation therapy. I'm a bit freaked out about the potential of getting lymphedema after my node removal. Does anyone know if there is a risk to…
I hate the term "cancer survivor!"
Hi - I'm new here; dxed with Stage 2 breast cancer 2 1/2 years ago. Pretty easy ride. I hate the term "cancer survivor" and would like to start using another term. Cancer fighter; Cancer soldier; Cancer winner; Cancer victor; Cancer winner; Cancer standout - something - anything but survivor. What do you all think?
Has anyone gone to the Block Center for Integrative Cancer Treatment in Illinois?
Do you feel you were helped there in any way? All replies welcome!
Lumpectomy Close Margins
Hello, I wonder if anyone might have had a similar experience as mine and how they followed up? I had a lumpectomy last Thursday. The pathology report says the margins were "close" for both the DCIS and invasive cancer components of my tumor. The distance from the margin for each is 1 mm. My surgeon didn't recommend…
1st timer " triple negative" feelings of loss
Hi, first of all I was so glad to have found this site on TNBC. I have been feeling so lost since diagnosed back in august of 2011. There is so much on the negativity of this disease that I was starting to wonder if there was any hope left. My sister, aunt and uncle have all passed from cancers and I just thought that…
I have some really mixed feelings...
...about doing this. But starting Monday, I will officially be on disability. In some ways I feel like the cancer is winning and pushing me to this decision. Another part of me is disappointed that I am not completing my commitment. And yet another part is excited and happy that I will have some energy to spend with my…
Pink Sisters...please read diagnosed 2009...by Vicki...read the post below hers..it's troubling
Please read the post below Vicki's....it really sounds like a " sister" is in trouble and struggling....she needs lifting up... Hugs, Nancy
An update of sorts
Started my new cycle of Xeloda today and this has been an easier day than the 1st round, 1st day. Couldn't figure out why my onc does 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off and when my WBC dropped like a stone last week I understood why. She doesn't like to use WBC boosters and was glad my count came back up without the need for…
Today is RE's Birthday!
Sending Happy Birthday wishes your way! Hope you have a beautiful day and a happy, healthy year! much love, -Jenny