Visited with my Onc. today and was telling him about my ice cream making obsession, actually I even brought him a pint of carmalized mango ice cream, then I was showing off my tie dye silk scarf. This all came about because finally I feel like I am starting to recover from the whole 2 year ordeal of sugery, chemo, rads,…
mamosite radiation
I was just wondering if anyone else has had mamosite radiation?
Today is Dot 53's Birthday
Hope you have a wonderful day - filled with lots of fun and surprises! CELEBRATE! -Jenny
CT Scan Results *UPDATE*
were good. I think. The doctor says the lung nodules remain stable BUT ... it is noted that there are more in my right lung. That is the side I had the lumpectomy and radiation. He says it could be inflammation from the rads. The radiologist could not make a determination and cannot rule out cancer. ( an afterthought ....…
Pathology report came back clear
My wife, Amy, staged out at IIA IDC in October 2011. After 6 mos of chemo (Taxol/FAC) and a bi-lateral mastectomy with expanders, completed last Thursday, we were laying in wait to see if the lab results showed evidence of disease in her lymph nodes. Since the very beginning, her nodes have always been suspect and looked…
Today is Lolad's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Sending BIG wishes your way - for lots of fun and love all around! -Jenny
Sticky fingers
I am having a problem that I am wondering if anyone else has had or if I just am getting "lucky" again. Shortly after finishing 6 rounds of chemo, my fingers started to hurt. Never had arthritis before. Now I'm having trouble with trigger fingers. They lock up and I can't straighten them unless I use the other fingers to…
Please send up prayers for my Chemo Angel
I've had a Chemo Angel, Donna, since shortly after being initially diagnosed--early 2010. She has been wonderful with literally hundreds of cards, emails, letters and gifts coming to me until after my treatment was over for the first time. We've kept in touch all this time, and she was my inspiration to become a chemo…
No Expiration Date
Earlier while looking at 'stuff', I saw where someone said they liked "No Expiration Date" as a way to think of NED. Being IBC, my first thought was 'Love it'. The more I've thought about it, the more I'm not sure. Now when I think 'expiration date', I think of 'Peggy' in the commercials for CCA when 'she's' told 'I didn't…
Swollen calf, ankle and foot
I finished chemo February 10th and finished radiation April 6th. I am having problems with my left calf, ankle and foot swelling and turning dark red, sometimes purple, when I sit. When I stand up, my foot goes back to normal color, and when I elevate my legs it gets better also. My onc got both a test to look for clots…
New member
Hello, I am new here and have so many questions. I guess I should introduce myself first. I am a 43 year old mom of 5, ages 14-2. I was diagnosed last April with Stage 3a Triple Negative Breast cancer. I completed chemo on 8/8/11. At the time of my mastectomy on 10/28/11 i was told i had a complete pathological response.…
What does it feel like when BC spreads to your bones? I have had a painful spot on my skull for 7 months. Finally got the onc to do a bone scan. That happened today so no results until Monday, going to be a long weekend. I also have some pain in my lower back. I was stage 3 with 12 positive lymph nodes. I think I had a…
Just so tired
of this. I feel like saying anything about anything to any doctor just doesn't matter. I did see the new MO. He is a good doctor. I like his mannerisms and how easy it is to talk to him. I did mention the thyroid results and he didn't flinch. I take that to mean I shouldn't worry. I don't want to be a PITA with my doctors.…
Port issues
I was just wondering if any one else has this issue... Sometimes my infusion port just hurts. Out of the blue, relative to nothing. Anybody else have that? Other times it is as if I don't even have it. Just a little oddity that I wondered about!
Today is GreyHoundLuvr's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day filled with fun and love all around you! Celebrate Big! -Jenny
Exchange Surgery and Port Removal Complete!!!
Yes... the Surgery is complete and all went well. My New Girls look GREAT!!! On the road to recovery... Off work for a week and 2 weeks from teaching my fitness classes. Can't beleieve how times flies... This same time last year I had my double Mas scheduled and 3 more outstanding chemo treatments to complete. Geeeez, so…
Feedback on breast implants please
Hello everyone, need some sage advice from this great group. I had DCIS in 1999, had a TRAM flap. Now diagnosed in other breast DCIS and am looking at an implant, run out of skin to do more, lol. Those of you with implants, what do you think? Did you go saline or silicone and why? What did you think of the procedure, did…
Is this nausea normal?
I had my last chemo treatment two weeks ago, last one of 6 TAC. I am still nauseous after I try eating. Is this sick feeling ever going to end? I am also feeling very fatigued ~ is it the cumulative effects of the chemo? I am beginning to get tired of everyone asking how I feel because I feel like I should be feeling…
Surgery day is here
Well we made it this far. We have 5am check in at MD Anderson and, in a few hours, my wife will be one step closer to cancer free. We have a double mastectomy with reconstruction (expanders) on the menu, and also getting rid of that awful port...for that we are truly thankful. We had to celebrate Mother's day and my oldest…
Surgery Scheduled now my legs are swelling
My bi lateral is scheduled for this weekend and I am scared silly! Now, my legs have decided to swell 5 weeks out of chemo..what is this all about? I am taking lasiks, keeping legs up but not helping much. Do you think this will delay my surgery? I have an appointment pre surgery with my surgeon. Just looking for someone…
ODD replies on one of posting
tab to report as Offensive..which it is not..just nothing to do with this board or subject.. anyone else notice? Denise
How to decide - Chemo or no Chemo (Oncotype scores of 15 and 11)
I am so torn and emotionally tired. I am 41 and was diagnosed with breast cancer in January. I had a double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. The pathology showed 3 tumors, the largest 2cm, all in 1 breast. No lymph node involvement. ER+. I had Oncotype testing ran on 2 tumors, the 1st score came back with a 15 and…
Dates of mine to remember
Sat was 4 yrs since I started radiation...17th will be one year since hytercomty due to tamoxifen and June 28 last day of radiation...! NOW all in past...moving forward.. Denise
Hives a week out of Chemo?
Has any one experienced hives after Taxotere and Cytoxan infusion? My hives were so bad that they put me on steroids. The medical staff also says that one week out is too far beyond the chemo treatment for the reaction to have been caused by chemo. I wonder if any one else has had hives during chemo. Hope all had a…
Colonoscopy Prep...
This is not really related to Breast cancer, but you have all become my source of comfort and insite. I was scheduled for a colonoscopy tomorrow and have now been told to call in the am and rescedule. I started drinking the prep and after one glass began to vomit. I called the doc who said to take an hour break and try…
Today is NancyJane4's Birthday!
To; who ever keeps posting the Coach crap!!!!!
You keep coming back under different screen names....not just on this board either.... YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF!!!!!!!! You may one day need the support and love this board provides to those of us who are battling for our lives....Remember, Karma is a B*** h!!!!!
Gotta love you kindreds!
Thank you for the flowers!...it was a tough day at work today and I got home to a lovely surprise! You lifted my spirits and brought tears to my eyes at the same time. There just are not the right words to say how much you all mean to me. Happy hugs, Linda
OT - new tattoo ideas?
I posted this on another venue too. I am looking for ideas any help would be appreciated. Ok, I need some inspiration. In 2008, I did the Avon walk and completed the 39 miles for the first time. (I had done the walk twice before but not the whole walk) Back then I wanted to get a tattoo of the pink ribbon. I had been doing…
Mother's Day
Happy mothers day to all the moms.