OT bad weekend
MY teen niece had to be cut OUT OF HER car on Sat...(she is ok went home yesterday) and my 7 yr old grandson got stitches in forehead the next day...then my good friends mom to ER yesterday also! Just venting...ahhhhh Denise Vacation in 11 days MUCH needed..
Hospital update
I was in the hospital from Monday until last nite. They did a MRI last friday and found a tumor on my brain. The tumor is 2 inches and causing me some pressure which is causing a lot of nauseau. Hopefully, I am in a good place right now and they are doing everything they can to help me, I cannot express how wonderful my…
Opinions needed. IV vs. Port
Hi all you lovely Warriors, I'll be embarking on treatment for my second bout of breast cancer within less than a year. I'm not looking forward to it at all and as of now am working on getting my arm raised high enough to have my PET scan. This gives me some time to do research here. I had a port last year and hated it…
Children after breast cancer
I was wondering if anyone has gone onto have children after Breast Cancer? I had triple negative breast cancer. I finished up my last Chemo August 04, 2011. I had six weeks radiation after. So I have been fully done with everything since December 28, 2011. I saw a fertility specialist. About a week after that I got what I…
Lots of thoughts lately
Hi girls! I'm having such an incredible trip, have met such incredible people, and have visited some pretty incredible places.. but for some reason I am having a hard time clearing my head. For starters, I know my Xeloda is not working. I don't need my doctor to tell me its not working. The evergrowing tumors sticking out…
Today is BecMag69's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR BECCA HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you a day filled with love, laughter, and all that makes you smile! ♥ Cat
Mammo results
I had my first mammogram post treatment this past Wednesday and it was normal! I was so nervous but I figured it would be OK since the treatments whole goal is to kill this nasty stuff but it sure was wonderful to get the call that it was clear! I have been having generalized breast soreness in the affected breast for a…
OT - I am very sad tonight
I am feeling very sad tonight. One of my friends/co-workers lost her fiancee to liver cancer. This is the second time this has happened to her. She lost her husband 2 years ago to the same beast. And as if that is not enough to deal with another good friend of hers that was staying with her had a stroke. And all of this on…
Saturday was CatOwners Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR DEBBIE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! May all your dreams & wishes come true! *I'm so sorry I missed your birthday! Just got back from a vacation and having a hard time getting back into the swing of things! ♥ Cat
Cancer Walk was Great!
Did the Heaven Can Wait walk this morning with my husband at my side. There was a good turnout. There was somewhere in the neighborhood of 3900 walker/runners. The reall great thing was that there were 430 Survivors! Yeah for all of us! I have posted a couple of pictures on my expression page if you would like to take a…
Very recently diagnosed w/ Cancer - Scared and Mad!
Hello! I'll make this brief: I had a biopsy on May 24th on a swollen lymph node under my left arm. The diagnosis; Metastatic Breast Carcinoma. This is weird because they did mammograms and ultrasounds of both breasts just before the biopsy and didn't find anything there, just several under my arm, one that was 'huge'. My…
Heaven Can Wait Breast Cancer Walk
I will be doing our local cancer walk on Sunday. Heaven Can Wait is a fund raiser for "Sara's Project" which provides help and support for breast cancer paitents. They were a help for me at the beginning of my journey and I feel that by doing this I am helping others who are just starting out. I will definitely be taking…
Relay for life
First time ever walking in the Survivor Lap but such a great experience to see everyone in our Alaska community area out there with such positive spirits ... we had different live music groups every hour .... it never got dark enough to see the luminaries as we have so much daylight now ... I thought of all of you on this…
Celebration of Life/Survivor's Day
Greetings Pink Sisters & Fellow Brothers: I wanted to share with you this morning. Olga(New Flower) and I went to Torrance Memorial Medical Center's annual Celebration of Life dinner this past Wednesday, June 6th. It was an evening filled with INSPIRATION, KINSHIP, and genuine THANKS for just being. We were 9 women at our…
movin' on
Hi all, I haven't been on in a long while. My cancer history is lumpectomy Sept 2011 for IDC Stage I w/ micromets, finished chemo in late Jan 2012, and rads exactly one month ago. The next path is suppose to be meds which from what I've read both here and in researching are horrendous. My impression is that you're…
Just got biopsy results...
As I suspected, that little spot was positive... Both the onc and the surgeon are saying no surgery to remove it. There really isn't much tissue there so it would be difficult to get clear margins. And they both worry that (like my previous re-excision) it won't heal and I'll just have a bigger hole in my chest. My onc…
Afraid of reaccurance
I am a 2 year survivor of Stage 2B Breast Cancer. I am 46 years old and scared to death of a reaccurance. Within the last week I see and feel bumps and dimples around both of my nipples. They resemble the orange peel. I am soo afraid. I haven't contacted my dr yet. I don't have insurance anymore and honestly I'm afraid to…
OT - irony of generic forms
Ok, yesterday I had an appointment with the Gyno. I still have a couple female parts so they have to be check out. I was filling out the generic form they have. First question was the date of your last period? easy 9/2010 because I was diagnosed 10/2010. Before I was so irregular I never knew the answer and I had had my…
Every once in a while I post this link. It is a great blog by Hester Hill author of After Breast Cancer. She is an oncology social worker and a 2 time cancer survivor. I find her information informative and trust worthy. Enjoy http://www.bidmc.org/YourHealth/BIDMCInteractive/Blogs/LivingwithBreastCancer.aspx
940 days, 2500 miles, 4 false alarms, a fiancee, 2 puppies and 7 inches later
940 days, since my diagnosis and I am still in a constant state of Zen. It has its good and it has its bad sides like so much in life. For those who are not familiar with the terms Zen, I feel very alert, very aware of my feelings, my surroundings. Lucky at times to be here, guilty on other occasions that others are not.…
Covering gray hair
I am 2 months out of chemo treatments my hair is growing back but very gray. Any suggestions, has anyone dyed their hair after treatment?
New to this forum
Hello all.....I was diagnosed early this year and decided to be aggressive in treatment....bi-lateral mastectomy & immediate reconstruction...I just had my final surgery at the end of April.....I was on the fast track of surgeries, but slow on the mental health side of cancer.... I am in search of mental support on this…
Breast Cancer News
Hi! Peach Sister (Uterine Cancer) just posting new cancer news for breast cancer patients that was posted on Yahoo. I do not know if anyone saw it yet, so I am posting. Experimental drug offers new way to battle certain breast cancerBy Miriam Falco, CNN updated 5:36 AM EDT, Mon June 4, 2012…
Double mastectomy tomorrow
Up again in the middle of the nightl. This site brings me comfort. I am going into surgery tomorrow morning and just wanted to say thanks for the support and encouragement that will continue through my recovery and beyond. You gals are wonderful. Keep posting.
OT. This just made my whole day!
This has got to be one of the cutest little videos ever. For all parents and grandparents or anyone who loves a two year old. Hope you enjoy this! http://www.wimp.com/dancingjive/ Carol
The mug came...TraciInLA
I had a wonderful suprise when I came home today....the 1 year Cancerversay mug that Traci was kind enough to hand down to me. Not only did she send the mug, but a super sweet card along with Trader Joes Truffle brownie mix, hot cocoa (Ghirardelli's) and a Topping grinder concoction of sugar, chocolate and coffee beans…
Today is MJJONES453's Birthday!
Sending BIG Birthday wishes your way - hope you have a FANTASTIC day! much love, Jenny
Just waiting (impatiently) on my physician. My arm is looking awesome and I've had no fever for past 24 hrs. I should get released today on oral antibiotics. Keep your fingers crossed. Katherine says they will be sorry if they don't ;-)
Today is NewFlower's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope your day is filled with everyone and everything you love! Celebrate! much love, Jenny
Hormone replacement
Who and or why do you have to take replacement? I am on tamoxifen (told not hormone) I am clueless..but told I do not need replacement. I had totally hysterctomy exactly year ago...back on tamoxifen. Just curious.. Denise