Orange Stool
Hello Everyone! I have completed chemo and radiation 2 weeks ago tomorrow. I have had orange colored poo for over a month. Any ideas what this is and if i shold be concerned? Thank you, Leslie
nodes shrunk but not gone
Question re node involvement after treatment. 15 weeks after treatment MRI showed no tumor but 2 mesorectal nodes had shrunk to half their size but not gone away. Stage 3 . Does that mean an APR is next for me?
low grade fever, loose bowels with no warning
Hello, I was diagnosed with anal cancer Stage 2 T2NO. I have completed the radiation and chemo protocol on 12/10. On 12/13 was told my blood count was 4+ and I could be a poster child for cancer. I went back to work full time on 12/23 and have continued to have bowel episodes that are loose, pain in abdomen at times,…
Strange recurrent fevers
Hello everyone! I am almost two years post treatment, with many of the common issues everyone here is suffering due to radiation and chemo. The challenges never end. I do have something new and wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this, or has any advice or input. Two months ago, I had a fever that seemed to spike…
Rear Cleaner
I was diagnosed it anal cancer in 2008 and wish this would have been available then. I do not know how well it works but thought I would share. It cam across my Facebook page. I have been a member on this site for several years and reading others issues this has been a common problem. I am posting link for anyone…
Which lubricant do you safely use with dilator to avoid UTI
I had been using Astroglide with my dilator but then switched to the Walmart brand equate Personal Lubricant Jelly which was much cheaper and worked just as well. The problem is I had just gotten a UTI and was wondering if this may have been the reason. Doing some research I am finding that many of the lubricants contain…
New MRI Results And Plan....
Cancer still gone but radiation Inflammation and anal ulceration continue 1 year 3 mths post treatment. Terrible teeth pain. Need surgery for removal. Colostomy Surgery February 12 or sooner Possible Hyperbaric Treatments after Colostomy
Worried Son
Dad was told in march that he had stage 3 rectal cancer doctors told him it was curable . He had 8 months of radiation and chemo. They told him after some tests his tumor didn't shrink much . This week finally had his surgery . It took 8 hours and the doctor said it was the worse one she had done . But they got the tumor…
Holiday Wish
Happy Holidays to you all! Wishing you good health. Eve
Mucus During Treatment
Hello, I am into my 4th week of radiation. I have been diagnosed with Stage IIIA anal cancer. I feel as if I have a raging yeast infection because all I want to do is scratch. And...I have mucus when I go to the bathroom and smells awful. Does any of this sound normal? L
Tattooing for Radiation
Hello everyone- Going tomorrow for mapping before beginning radiatio/chemo treatments. Nurse casually mentioned they would be tattooing me. Has anyone else had this done? Thanks so much! Eve
narrow stools
I was diagnosed with anal cancer last Oct. I had Stage 1 possible Stage 2. I went through chemo and radiation. I finished radiation Jan 14. I had a CT scan and no cancer so far. I have to have a sigmoidoscopy done in April just to make sure. Over the last couple of weeks my stools have become very narrow. It feels like I…
My Four Favorite Words...
On Friday I read 2 voice mails from my cancer doctor that for some reason I missed on my flip phone. Last cat scan showed another area in my rectum that looked suspicious and when I was in his office he scoped me and said I was fine but looked at the scan again after I left and realized he scoped a different area than the…
Pending Pain
Hi everyone! I am new. I am trilled to find people to talk with that understand. I am beyond upset and scared regarding pain. Was scheduled to have old implant replaced from mastectomy 14 years ago; and scheduled a colonoscopy just to check it off my list. What was thought as diverticulum came back as pre-cancer; sending…
CT scan
I had my CT scan 15 months post treatment. No Cancer :) . The past few days, I have problems pooping. No pain, I've taken maralax and natueal vegetable laxative after Thanksgiving dinner, but very little stool comes out only after I put a suppository in. I have a call into my surgeon to ask if I should use a fleet emama.…
How long before the burning subsided?
I'm just getting a little frustrated, I know I'm only 5 weeks post treatment but the progress seems to kinda stall and some days regress in regards to the pain in my ****. Am I expecting too much too fast? I mean I am doing pretty darn good getting my independence back some and a little strength back but can't figure out…
CT vs. PET (Survey)
In the first two year after treatment, were you monitored by CT scan or by PET scan, and at what frequency? All responses appreciated. I am currently be monitored by CT scan 2x per year, but I am part of the observational arm of a clinicial trial.
Complications Post Cancer Treatment..More Common According To Surgeons..
Am not the only one out there according to colecteral Surgeons that has 'beaten Cancer' for the time being only to be left 'in a mess' from the Radiation Treatments. Like a trade off. 45 days of Chemoradion for misery of anal ulceration and radiation inflammation a year after treatments... Have come to accept my fate now…
8 year survivor
I haven't been on this board for a long time, but I'm still on the planet. In 2011, I was diagnosed with stage 2 squamous cell. I made it through treatment (rough time) even though I wondered if I would feel fine again and I do. In 2015, I was diagnosed with pre cancer of the breast - DCIS so more radiation after a…
*New Growth On Anus...No Wonder In So Much Pain!!
Antibiotics after 7 days didn't work. Waiting for CT Scan Results. Terrible pain after every BM. Thought Cancer was 'gone' looks like it returned with 'new Growth' jutting out of bum' Painful to touch.... gross!!! Very Upset and frustrated post 11 months...
Burning Bum Feeling and Spasms...
No idea what I consumed yesterday to cause my bum bum to feel like it's on fire today. Went shopping with my Golden Goose David but couldn't sit very well in car...**** was on fire. What we eat the night before can sure play havoc the day after. Maybe the humidity plays a role in our bodies as well. Very hot and sticky in…
Pain with BM, 15mos Post Treatment?
Hi everyone, I am 15 months post treatment, and have been having some pain with BM's. It seems to come and go, but have had it moreso lately. It's a skin-level pain, and feels like a stretching, or cutting, and is in different places at different times when I have a bowel movement. Sometimes it's where the tomour was,…
Getting Cat Scan results since finishing treatment 4 months ago today....
Nervous....first check up with digital showed no tumor. Now, today, getting results from cat scan taken 4 days ago. Do you ever stop thinking and worrying about this? Also been gettng biopsy of cervix. Last one showed abnormal cells. I asked if that might be because of pelvic radiation but gynocologist said no. Getting…
PET scan today
So I had my two year PET scan today. Was diagnosed October 13, 2017 and finished treatment with radiation and chemo December 17, 2017. Put all my weight back on and feeling great. Had my pet scan today and everything looks great. You think the waiting for results would get easier and maybe it has some but still makes me…
Feeling scared CEA levels are up 7.4
Just got a call from my oncologist nurse to come back in for blood work in a month. My CEA level is 7.4. ugh anyone go through this? This is the info I found: Blood Markers for Cancer. ... Elevations in CEA and CA 19-9 levels may occur in patients without cancer. For example, elevated CEA levels may be observed in smokers…
Topical chemo
I was diagnosed with anal cancer Stage 1 after a colonoscopy. I was initially told that I would need chemo/radiation from my GI and oncologist. My care team also includes a colorectal surgeon. He felt that in office and surgical removal was the answer. Constant monitoring. I had surgery in July and all 4 samples came back…
anyone else have problems with constipation?
I'm a year out from my last treatment. I still have problems with constipation. I talke stool softners. Anyone else have this problem?
Treatment for life - immunotherapy and long-term side effects
Hi, everyone. Quick background - diagnosed Dec 2015. Chemo (mytomycin and capecitabine) and 27 radiation treatments Jan 2016. Cancer returned, pierced the rectal wall and attached to my spine. Abdominal perineal resection with permanent colostomy Jan 2017. Biopsy still showed residual cancerous cells. I’ve been on Opdivo…
Newbie - Lori
Here's my story. I was diagnosed with anal cancer April 2018. Stage 2a. Did the 6 week chemo/radiation treatment. Everything has been going well up until my last appointment when my blood work showed slightly elevated liver function. Dr. ordered an ultrasound which I had 2 days ago. Yesterday I learned that it didn't look…
Is worry normal after one year post treatment. bowles still a problem
Seems like every little pain or strange body feeling, makes me wonder if something else is wrong. All the Doctors appts. and checks ups. Always scared they will find something else. How do you cope with this?