Gastric sleeve before tumor removal
my mom is scheduled for gastric sleeve surgery to lose about 50lbs before she can have surgery to remove her metastatic tumor in the vaginal wall recurrence of anal cancer. She is also undergoing chemo every 3 weeks, I’m very nervous for her to undergo this surgery while having chemo being weak
numb feeling on left side
My left side lower back above hip has felt numb for over a month. I am going to chiroproactor but not helping much. Anyone have this before? I'm a little over a year out since my last treatment.
Life After cancer
All, I was diagnosed last year with Stage 3 on July 5th, and started treatment on August 20th. Last year at this time, I was a mess. Completely frightened by the diagnosis, worried about my kids, etc. Anyone that is going through this now can understand. I want to let everyone know that it does get better. Treatment was…
lymph nodes
I have T1 anal canal cancer with two lymph nodes showing up on the MRI i HAVE NO SWELLING OR PAIN IN THE LYMPH NODES. What does it mean if the lymph nodes are not swollen??
I have been noticing that one of my feet/ankles have slight swelling and a feeling of tightness lately. I was concerned that this may be lymphedema. I am about 10-11 weeks past last radiation treatment. Anyone else have this from radiation? If so, recommendations?
3 recurrence
My mom started chemo the end of May for recurrent anal cancer to the vagina wall. Lymph node were inflamed but biopsies and came back negative in April, scan may 20 showed more inflamation in another lymph node. Dr is concerned, 3 rd round of chemo to start July 11 first set of scans since starting chemo July 25. I know…
Crazy weather...
Hi all, Just thinking about everyone and hoping you have been spared from some of this seasons stormy weather. I know we have members from all parts of the country and even some outside that, but it seems there have been some significant widespread storms that can create additional havoc on treatment schedules and recovery…
Tips to help prepare for Treatment?
I'll be starting the Nigro Protocal soon and trying to think of things I can do now while I still feel good to help be prepared...or am I over thinking it? I do have a supportive partner but one person can only do so much and work full-time too. I've signed up for daily transportantion (if I just can't). Gotten a bunch of…
Post 66 Days Back Wearing Diapers Again....
All my poos are 'soft and wet' staining my underwear and changing 5 times a day has me back wearing diapers...frustrating after post 2 mths...developed a horrible chest cold...bad first thing in the morning...have to question Docs and Pharmacist now about drug interactions (no Aspirin Products ie including Voltaren and…
Strange worrisome symptoms
Hi. I hope not to offend anyone by posting here as I do no have a cancer diagnosis. I have anxiety and have had stomach and bowel issues my whole life. I am now 34. I have had hemrriofs since I was a teen and bowel movements have always been inconsistent in Size and frequency.. I recently had an endoscopy ( feb 19)showed…
Severe Anal Infection. Waiting For New Treatment. Pills Don't Work. Stinging
1 year 8 days Post Treatment. Doctor visit revealed severe anal infection from ulcer. Very painful and stingy hard to walk and sit period also sometimes very brutally itchy. Epsom salt baths leave area dry and stingy. Beat Cancer to leave me in this mess. Complications from Cancer Treatment. Not healing stumped Cancer…
How long before I can go swimming? problem with anal incision,.
I had a problem with the incision bleeding after a hard bm. I did see my Doctor and by then it looked like a paper cut. Anyway, I'm doing better now. I will be going to Fla. in Sept. I wonder if it is safe to swim in a pool? Not the ocean..
Percassts Better For Anal Pain Than Hydromorphone...
Percs knock pain down Morph turns you into a sleeping Zombie little effect on Anal Pain.
Warning: Avoid Flax At All Costs..
Rip you open like a sardine can...the vicious pain. Stupid Doctor "Eat Red River Cereal! ....never again. Pain vicious today from consuming flax seeds not ground...Warning DON'T!!
hard bowel movement. Bleeding from incision
I'm 11 months out from treatment. I had a hard bowel moment this past Sunday morning, incision bleeding. Scared me. Bleeding stoped, but bum is sore and angry. I talked to my Doctors (surgeon) nurse. I go in on Friday to be checked. I recently started a part time job, already have missed two days. UGH I pray the cancer is…
Anyone over 65 have good results with treatment?
I am 67 with stage 2 anal cancer. Treatment scheduled to begin next Monday. Having lots of anxiety over this. Had my port put in 4 days ago. Still very sore there. I notice that many on here are much younger than me and makes me think I won't do so well.
early stage anal cancer
Hi, I've recently received the devasting news that I have this cancer - that's after 5 years being monitored abd treated foe AIN3. i'M TOTALLY IN SHOCK. I HAVEN'T HAD THE SCANS YET SO IM GOING BY WHAT MY DOCTOR SAID TO ME THAT ITS VERY SMALL AND IM ASSUMING IT HASNT SPREAD ANYWHERE - i WONT KNOW FOR SURE 'TILL AFTER THE…
CT Scan Results June 12th 2019...No CANCER
No Cancer Severe Anal Ulceration Severe Anal Radiation Inflamation No Blockage Time Time Epsom Salt Baths LACTOLOSE twice a day Stool Softener(Clearlax) every other day SENAKOT twice a week Percasets for pain Red River Cereal Fruits and Vegetables At moment no need for Colostomy Surgery Still suffering with pain after…
Biopsy Results Back...After 3 Years of Hell..."I Beat Anal Cancer"
All clear but radiation damage ans still 1 Anal Ulcer of Two not healed yet! Meeting with Surgeons next Tuesday for next step. No idea if I still need surgery and/or Ostomy Procedure. Maybe time will tell. So not totally healed yet. Still itch and minor pain. Still wearing diapers but....Anal Cancer Gone. Post 9 mths…
Update From Radiologist Today...Bad News...
Not healing after almost a year post treatment. I thought at least one anal ulcer was getting better( I can't see them only feel) Radiologist did a finger examination despite horrible pain am suffering in 'crack area' frustrated that not healing properly does not understand and has put me on Antibiotics for two weeks…
Update on mom
My Mom was diagnosed with 2nd recurrence (super rare) in the vaginal area. Lymph node came back negative so we are thankful for that! She starts chemo next week same regimen adding cystplain? 4 days on 3 weeks off for 4 months. She is considered starge 4 with Mets to the vagina. After 2 rounds she will get the gastric…
I have just been on holiday to Japan. It was an amazing place & I had a fantastic time but their toilets are the utmost in luxury & comfort so I am sure every one on this site can understand why i loved them so much. I will be looking for a toilet like the Japanese ones. heated seats, bidets... my bum loved it, i just wish…
Introducing myself - my husband has AC
This is my first post here, but I have been lurking for months and have learned so much helpful information from this site. I am an advocate/caregiver for my husband, who was diagnosed with anal cancer in August 2018. He began treatment a month later at a local hospital, with the standard Nigro Protocol, which he completed…
Chronic Persistent Anal Pain...or Death!
Don't think I will be riding a bike anytime again soon...
Post 10 mths Today. Sandpaper Anus and Misery...
They call this : "healing"? No idea why am in such Anus Misery. Oh 22 flat small poos today. So much for going out for a few walks in the warm Spring Sun. Frustrated...Csncer supossidly "Gone" but not healing at all....
Possible recurrence? metastasis? to lung
I am not sure I can figure out how to posts a new thread, but here goes - 3+ years after succesful CRT treatment, I had a routine CT scan (chest, abdomen, pelvis, with contrast) done, and it seems that 2 little nodules noted before but with no activity on 2016 PET scan have contnued slow growth. 1. Continued slow growth of…
2nd Day of 4th Week
2nd Day of the 4th week of radiation. Still hanging in there. Next week 5 days of chemo (so not looking foward to that again!) It wll be so nice when my world does not revolve around my butt anymore!
Scans post treatment
Who has been successful in receiving a 6 month post treatment PET/CT scan? I was rejected by insurance in pre-authorization, and then told that I didn't need authorization. Worried that I will get the scan and then have to pay for it all if insurance rejects the bill. Does anyone have Blue Cross/Blue Shield for federal…
3rd recurrence, tell me will be ok
Hi all, I feel awful I don’t post or check on everyone more often since this group has gotten me through so much. My mom was originally diagnosed 1/15 stage 2 anal cancer treated with protocol, 2/17 symptoms coming back diagnosed with recurrence treatend Apr colostomy things were ok. Mom was having some issues with her…
Just Thought of a Funny Slogan For Surviving Anal Cancer..
"I survived Anal Cancer...It Was A Real Bummer! (Drawing of butt cheeks)