I'm still here, with issues
Hi everyone. At the end of April it will be one year since I finished treatment. I've healed well from the burns, but I'm still dealing with extreme fatigue. If I don't get a nap in the afternoons, I'm completely useless by dinner time. I'm still dealing with diarrhea most every day. Yesterday I had what I consider a…
Four biopsies since 2016!?
I finished treatment in January of 2016. A few months later I got a colonoscopy with biopsy by the original GI doctor who found my cancer. I really wasn’t impressed with this doctor as he was not aggressive about scheduling work up and referrals for my cancer and I ended up doing all that myself. He was quite young and…
I had my last treatment on Aug. 14th. Now waiting for PET scan In Nov. to see if it's gone. I was stage 1. I hope it's gone...I started having lower back pain this past week. Maybe nothing but, every little pain makes me wonder.
Interesting New Findings in Anal Cancer Treatment
No Weed For Me For Symptoms on Canada Legalisation Day Today...
Not interested. CBD oil did nothing for me. Interesting to watch on nsws...not my cup if tea!!
Staying a Survivor
so what is every one doing to stay a Survivor? I had finally stopped smoking cigarettes, having sex with men that were bad for me ( ex husband of 10 years & the ex boyfriend after him), ,removed toxic people/stress ,was not a red meat eater & had got to no $$$$problems then i found out i was stage 3 & 3 lymph nodes. so…
Feeling undeservingly blessed...
Hi all, So I met with both my oncologist and radiation oncologist today to go over the results of my scan after radiation for a second dx of anal cancer mets to my lung. "Previously measurable disease at the level of the left hilum is not currently measurable and there are no suspicious pulmonary findings, developing…
Any thoughts on fasting for immunotherapy infusion?
Hello, I’m new to the site. 61 y/o/f. Dx Was 10/15. 1/16 Chemoradiation to abd and pelvis 4/18 chemoradiation to lymph node found higher in abdomen 9/27 CT scan shows mets to liver. Immunotherapy to start tomorrow. Any thoughts on fasting during/around infusion time being beneficial? I think there have been studies done…
Has anyone had leg pain after pelvic radiation?
My radiation ended in early December and for the last month, I've had leg pains in my left leg. I thought it was sciatica, but the symptoms don't seem right for that. I hurt in the middle of my buttock, then down the side and front of my leg. It feels a little like shin splints and sciatica and is starting to be all the…
What does diagnosis T4 N3 mean?
No Weed For Me For Symptoms on Canada Legalisation Day Today...
Not interested. CBD oil did nothing for me. Interesting to watch on news...not my cup of tea!!
Ten Years
Please disregard my previous post (copy and paste did not work!). I only meant to post that I reached the 10-year mark on Sunday without much fanfare or celebration, aside from a piece of carrot cake at Golden Corral. The day was spent riding in the car, heading back home from a very busy and exhausting week cleaning out…
Post 73 Days...Still Sore Bum...
....continuous loose stools and anal fissure that doesnt seem to heal. Wearing one Compression Stalking on right leg ( very difficult to put on each morning...especially with arthritic left hand fingers!). Taking 20 mg blood thinners once a day ( was taking 2 ) now just one. Blood Clot from Radiation Treatments. CT…
5 Year Anniversary!
Hi everyone. Although I didn’t have anal cancer but I found this forum through a person in this group for which I’m forever grateful. I was diagnosed in May of 2013 with Stage 2-3 rectal cancer and went through of 9 months of radiation, chemo, surgery and more chemo treatment. I count my NED from the day they removed my…
Anal Cancer and Pain
Hi everyone. I just found this site. I've been diagnosed with stage 3b anal cancer. The unbearable pain is what sent me to the doctor. Is it just me or is it the "the norm" for anal cancer? So much pain!!! I've started with the radiation treatments to stop the bleeding I had and tomorrow I begin both the radiation and…
I was treated successfully for anal cancer 6 years ago. Today I received a message from my colorectal surgeon's office asking me to schedule a colonoscopy. My last one was 6 years ago and led to my diagnosis. I couldn't find anything in the guidelines about anal cancer survivors requiring colonoscopies more often than…
Had Surgery Yesterday for Vaginal Stenosis and I'm l'm Probably More Frustrated Than Relieved!
I had surgery for vaginal stenosis yesterday morning. Surgery seemed to have gone well, but all the other stuff is making me so frustrated I could cry. Onc Gyn managed to removed scar tissue which seemed to have completely blocked the opening, HOWEVER, it disturbed all areas around anus which had FINALLY healed up! Once…
Any recurrent stats? Or info?
my mom was diagnosed 1/15 with stage 2 Anal cancer treated with standard protocol. She was doing well until 2/17 we found out she had a recurrent Anal Cancer, she was treated 5/17 with an apr colostomy and has her struggles but overall doing well. She had a petscan July of this year and it was clear her dr seemed shocked…
incision site leaking in rectum
Hey There !! i had stage 3 rectal cancer , done radiation ,chemo, had surgery . the incision area did not heal fully due to what i was told soft tissue from radiation and now scar tissue so area will not close completly doctor had me do 3 Barium enema test over a period of year to see if it would heal on its own ! Nope so…
Lactose allergies/intolerance
SO I am about 9 months post-treatment and was having a lot of issues with urgency and bleeding in the morning. It would always seem to be a bigger issue when I had dairy. I wondered why after my morning protein shake (whey protein isolate). It should not contain much whey but I hear people still have issues with it.…
moving forward and all that jazz...
Hi everyone, Thank you all so much for the kind thoughts, prayers, and well wishes, so freely shared for myself and each other throughout this journey. Last week I finished radiation to my lung area for my second metastasis of anal cancer. (Initial dx of stage 3b anal cancer in 2011, 1st mets to lung in 2015, 2nd mets to…
Wanting to find a reason to chicken out of anoscope
Hi, I am scheduled for what I think is “regular“ anoscope as opposed to the high resolution anoscope procedure I’ve been reading about. I live near Kansas City. Should I cancel the regular scope and try to find a provider who does the high resolution type? Cancer was large but had not spread to any nodes, CT was good in…
Getting where you need to go for treatment.
When I found out that I still had cancer, Martha suggested that I see Dr Eng at M.D. Anderson. I felt that it was pie in the sky to travel somewhere far away due to the cost of housing and traveling, so I opted for Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in NYC, which is much closer for me. * The radiation oncologist's…
I'm a little over two week past treatment. The depression is setting in.
What Other 'Complications' Can One Expect After Treatment Ends???
Very Frustrated!!! Thanks Any Input or experiences would be appreciated!! Thoughts??
So far so good...
Hi everyone, Just a quick check-in to let you know I'm doing well (or so it feels anyway). I am half way through my SBRT radiation for my most recent (last one was 3 years ago) anal cancer met to my hilum (lung area). The radiation treatments themself seem like a walk in the park after pelvic radiation but do come with a…
"Anal cancer, part deux." Part 2.
The past --- I was treated for anal cancer in 2014 - 30 radiation doses and 2 boluses of mitomycin & 5-FU via medi-port on day 1 and what would have been day 28 if I'd been able to go straight through. I was very sick and had a lot of gaps in treatment both because of the radiation and the neutropenic fevers. I was…
Extreme newbie
Seems I am just starting this journey. Just diagnosed with anal/rectal cancer. Stage 4, no lymph nodes but liver Mets. I thought I had a hemorrhoid. So confused. Stage 4 sounds bad but no lymph nodes sounds good. Can't seem to find much regarding survival...which concerns me. Doctors are saying chemo and radiation but no…
Honestly...Should Have Been Dead By Now...Anal Cancer
If it wasnt for the treatment. My time was up but medicine has kept me going with complications. My Final Destination of sorts. Should have passed on at 56 Naturally. It was my time to die but treatment has kept me alive. Now with new chest pains when I swallow or breath...an Anal Fistula and a Leg Blood Clot.…
Let The Countdown Begin!
I was diagnosed with anal cancer on June 18, 2008 and finished up my chemo/radiation on September 9, 2008. I have experienced a lot since then, some good, some not so good. I rejoiced and celebrated when I reached the 5-year mark in 2013. I remember being so happy to be alive and relatively well, despite a few of those…