HPV and risk for anal cancer
Hello, I am a 33 year old female who is terrified of a possible cancer diagnosis. At age 21, I had an abnormal pap smear and was told i had a strand of HPV. I had a colposcopy to remove and test the affected cells and told to come in for paps twice a year, for two years. All paps came back normal and I was cleared to…
Back Pain/Sacrum?
Have any of you had lower back pain/sacrum with your cancer diagnosis? My lower back pain started with the rectal pain over two years ago. They did every test known to man ,MRI's catscan's even a Petscan. They found that I have Grade two Spondolothesis in the lumbar spine and recomended a spinal fusion. However the…
Newly diagnosed Anal cancer patient
Hello all, I was diagnosed with anal cancer a week ago. I habe an MRI on July 4 and a lymph node biopsy on the 8th. im wondering about the side effects of chemo. Also did anyone get mouth sores, if so, how did you manage them? Those are one of my fears.
New cancer victim and scared
I am going to be hooked up to a 24/7 Chemo pump on Monday, 1/27/2020 and getting a PET scan so the Radiation Oncologist can put his treatment plan & schedule together. I am told I will have at least 5 weeks of treatment, 5 days a week. I am scared, nervous and everything else that goes with learning you have the BIG C. I…
NCCN Patient Guide for Anal Cancer
NCCN(National Comprehensive Cancer Network) has issued an EXCELLENT booklet of guidelines for anal cancer patients. It is up to date and comprehensive on details relating to this cancer. I wish that there had been some publication like this on day 1...discussing symptoms, testing, diagnosis, treatments ,side effects,…
Biopsy to confirm anal cancer
New here......I'm so worried. I'm having a biopsy under general anesthesia on Tuesday. My surgeon believes the mass is about 4 centimeters. With a tumor that size what is the liklihood that it is curable? The likelihood that it has spread? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I'm having my first colonscopy after 2-1/2 years after treatment. Feeling scared since I've been having problems with contipation. Any advice please? June 8th.
Colonoscopy Tues. June 8th scared 2-1/2 yrs post tx
I've had problems with constipation on and off since treatment of anal cancer. I have a New colon surgeon since my last one moved away. They took out several polyps the last two colonscoyies I had nearly 5 yrs ago. Any advice please.
CBD products/ medical MJ
is there any one on here that takes CBD oils/products/ medical mj as a complimentary treatment? while i don't believe (at the moment any way) medical mj/CBD products can cure cancer I do believe that is is a important complimentary treatment that is just starting to be studied . It seems that it is the CBD products that…
Long Term Survivor Hip Pain Question
Hello. It's been quite a while since I've been on. I had treatment in 2012 and thank the Lord I am still alive. Ever since treatment, though, I've had low back and hip pain. Almost four weeks ago I underwent lumbar fusion surgery on three vertabrae L4, L5, S1. The scary thing, now my hip pain when walking seems even worse,…
Random bleeding - advice please
Hi, first time posting. i finished treatment in September 2019. I find like many others when I am constipated that I have slight bleeding. I've been making a real effort to keep my fiber / veggie uptake trying to alleviate any potential issue. The past week especially I've been really good about this. Then I was out…
Knee & Elbow Pain
Six weeks post treatment, I have had soreness in my knees and elbows, or what feels to be behind/back side of these areas, for about a week. Has anyone else experienced this?
Thank you!
This post is simply to say "thank you" to all who participate in this forum. I may not have commented much but I have read just about every single post. I'm 2 years past treatment and doing ok. Moved from FL to TX 4 months ago and having my first appointments with new doctors. Nervous about all of that...hate switching…
Pedunculated tumor
Hello, I'm at the beginning of my journey. My cancer has not been staged yet but my surgeon tells me I have a 3 centimeter pedunculated tumor. Does anyone know if this is good news or bad? What are the chances it has spread? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
still burns after two years
It's been a little over two years since dx. Scans are all good as of last Nov. I still have thin stools and burn and hurt after bm's. Sometime a little blood. Anyone else have this?
Pain after bowel movement
Hi all. I'm two weeks post treatment and doing pretty well, all things considered. My issue is after I have a bowel movement, I have terrible pain and cramping in my intestines. It lasts about an hour and than goes away. Has anyone else experienced something like this?
Approaching 10 years since initial dx...and "hello"
Friends (old and new)... Its been a pretty long time since I've posted here yet still occasionally read through to stay in the know, and I suppose in a way still feel never alone in my boat! Thats such a BIG part of this support forum...to remind us we aren't alone and someone here has on some level shared the same…
Long term Thriver - question
This is for anyone post treatment for anal cancer, but more toward longer term post treatment. I'm 10 years out still get rust colored mucus after BM especially when a tad constipated. Anyone else have this symptom? Anxiety never goes away! ? Wishing everyone peace and healing this new year!
Stiff/Tight Muscles
6/23/2020 I am experiencing very stiff/tight muscles for the last several years. No matter what I do nothing helps. Does anyone have the same issues? Thanks Dawn
Preparing for treatment - a few questions docs can't answer
A bit about me, recently diagnosed with DCIS breast cancer in October 2020 and went through surgery and radiation for it. In the middle of my rad treatments, I decided to have my lovely 50-year old routine colonscopy where they found sessile polyps that they biopsied. The result was a high-grade squamous dysplasia in situ.…
3 month exam
Hi everyone, I went into my 3 month exam yesterday, the dr tried to look inside my anus but there was stool there and he couldn't really see anything so he had to use some device that cleaned out the bowel so he could see. Everything looked good and all he could see was scar tissue. This morning I used the bathroom felt…
life insurance ?
Hi all, Just curious...have any of you or someone you know with cancer bought a "term" life insurance policy since being diagnosed? If so, what company and are the rates (as probably should be) sky high? katheryn
Radiation side effects
I'm new here... Wondering if anyone has experienced side effects from radiation therapy that has caused osteoporosis, fractures and/or mobility issues. I am a little over a year and a half post-treatment and have been diagnosed with severe osteoporosis. Have multiple insufficiency fractures in pelvis and 4 months ago this…
Radiation Proctitis
I am hoping that someone else here has some suggestions!! I was diagnosed and treated for anal-rectal cancer back in January of 2000. I have my screenings regularly and now have been cancer free for 13 years. I was succesfully treated using chemotherapy and radiation therapy. (35 treatments of radiation therapy) My skin…
Need some advice about diahhrea
I dont post often but get on here periodically to see whats new. I am 8 years NED next month. The only issue i have had over the years is frequent bowel movements and not much warning that they are coming, but at least the stool was not loose. So it was not that big of an issue. Had between 6-8 BM’s a day. The last few…
Anyone have trouble with Pudendal nerve?
I'm over two years out from treatment. Wondering if anyone has had trouble with pudendal nerve after treatment/
Stage 3 & spread to lymph nodes . 5 years later...
i just had my 5 year last appoinment with my radiation oncologist a few days ago. He told me how good i looked , that he would miss me. i hugged & thanked him and that was it. just like that it was all over. it really bought home to me how much i would miss him quietly being by side. and on it. i have been crying off and…
High Resolution Anoscopy and ongoing anal surveillence for HPV
a few questions for longer term survivors: 1. Any long term survivors screened routinely for latent anal HPV and early cellular changes with HRA? if so, did you have cellular changes and any subsequent treatment like infrared, excision, 5 FU topical, or Immoquid? 2. Anyone have a second anal cancer? Not recurrence of 1st,…
One year since end of treatment...
Well, it's been exactly one year since my last radiation/chemo treatment as of May 23. It sure has been one hell of a year! Besides dealing with anal cancer, my 100 year old mother-in-law passed away and then Easter Sunday my mother passed. On a happier note, the month after my last radiation treatment my daughter and…
Sore butt
It's been two years since my last treatment. My butt hole still hurts sometimes after a hard bowel movement. I was doing so well for a few months. Anyone else have this probblem?