Cluster Bowel Movements
Hi I am new to this site i had stage 3 rectal cancer and have compleated radiation treatment and chemo last year . as of now i am cancer free . had to wait to have ilistomy reversed due to a small leaak at incision. Doctor fixed leak , just had iliostomy taken down after 2 years on june 19,2017 my questions are to…
Fractured Sacrum from Radiation
I endured radiation from October 2013 to December 2013, plus two weeks of chemo, for treatment of anal cancer. And so far, I'm happy to report that I am 7 years NED this month. But I just learned something that has me a bit thrown. I had an MRI a few months ago and learned that I have a fractured sacrum. Now I don't know…
Hello all, my mom seems to struggling a little with some enteritis from raidiation. has anyone else experienced this?
Feeling scared and concerened
Hello, I'm a little over two years out from treatment. I still have bowel problems, mostly thin stools and contipation. I have to have my gallbladder removed soon and so afraid of having bowel problems after surgery. I have to take stool softener now everyday. Anyone here have some advice? As of now my stools are thin and…
Mom update
My mom was diagnosed in 2015 stage 2, treated with standard protocol. Was well until 2017, went for scans and was found to have a recurrence. had an apr colostomy in spring of 2017, doing great until spring of 2019 was having issues with urine and urgency, another recurrnece to the vaginal wall. Her doctors put her on…
I am usually on the colon cancer board since my husband was diagnosed with stage 4 CRC 3.5 years ago at 37. Sadly my dear sweet friend was diagnosed with anal cancer a few weeks ago. We live in an area where the health care is not great. So we learned right away to get a second opinion. I was happy when she decided to get…
12 weeks post treatment, lump in groin
I am really stressed today _ I discovered a lump in my groin last night. I've never actually felt a lump before throughout all my treatment. I did have 2 lymph nodes show on the MRI but there was no lump. Is this a really bad sign? I also seem to have developed vaginal thrush _ could this cause a swollen lymph node? And…
It's been almost a year since my last treatment. I'm still getting use to this "new normal" I tried going back to work but the stress was so much, after nearly two weeks I feel I can't take the stress working in a Vets office. My BP is high and I do take meds for it, sometimes they dont' work. UGH I just have a tough time…
Been too long since I've said "hello"
Oh my goodness...I can't believe its been months since I've posted here. I see so many (too many) new members and just wish this place was not so needed, but thank God it is here as it has been for me and so many others such a life line at times. I pray the New Year brings us all an abundance of health and healing…
Coping with itching and inflammation: my experience
Hello, everyone, I was treated for stage 1 squamous cell carcinoma almost three years ago. Surgery, radiation, chemo. It has been a long road to recovery but I am most of the way there. I wanted to post about itching and inflammation because I have made some progress on that front. I have experienced gradual physical…
colon cancer
Can anal cancer turn into colon cancer?
Can someone help
Two years since last treatment. incision is still sore after hard poop. Anyone else?
RECAP + new lesion.
Greetings, all. It seems like the only time I come here is when I am having problems. So, why should tonight be any different? .^_^. RECAP: 2014 - Anal cancer diagnosed, stage 3C, local metastasis. Had Mitomycin, 5-FU, and radiation. It took me a long time to get through the treatment, much longer than 6 weeks. I was…
Rectal Bleeding
6 years out from treatment! As of today my rectum is bleeding bright red blood, no other symtoms of anything. Any ideas? I can't get into the doctor until Monday (11th) unless, for some reason, it turned into an emergency this weekend. Thanks, Kris
pelvic floor therapy
Anyone have pelvic floor therapy? I'm scheduled next week first appt.
Has anyone had to have the APR Surgery?
I completed my treatments on 4/9, but a pathology report I had on 6/8 came back as suspicious for possible malignancy... my surgeon said that means it is inconclusive and they have sent the tissue samples to Moffitt Cancer Center Pathology for them to run test on it. I am now waiting for them to contact me to set up an…
Abdominal Lymphedema
I can't be normal and get lymphedema in my ankles legs or feet, I got in my abdomen. What next, or should I even ask?!!!
Chronic Radiation Enteritis
I finished treatment (radiation and chemo) in May 2011 for anal cancer. I had acute radiation enteritis while I was going thru treatment, and now 1&1/2 years later I have been diagnosed with chronic radiation enteritis after having many bouts of bowel obstruction. The last bout landed me in the hospital for three days this…
lichen sclerosus diagnosis 4 years after treatment
Hello to all, I have been having problems and was worried that my anal cancer was back again but instead was diagnosed by my obgyn with this rare incurable autoimmune disease called lichen sclerosus. It is a skin disease that affects the analgenitourinary areas. Basically your immune system attacks your skin in these areas…
Weight Loss After Cancer
Hello! I was diagnosed with stage 3A anal cancer. I have completed treatment and I have been found cancer free. I have lost 17 pounds since Feb. 18th. Has anyone else experienced this? Creative in Denver
Dark spots on skin
Has anyone else developed freckle-like spots on their skin? I just noticed a lot of them in my "bikini" area where I usually shave. I sure hope they go away afterwards--I'll never wear a swimsuit again! Becky
Question for those who've had brain radiation: have you developed failing vision that can't be corrected with eyeglasses? have you suffered painful burning on scalp long after last radiation treatment?
Stage 4
Hello all, I was finally able to find with forum again and log in! My mom was diagnosed in 2015 stage 2 treated with protocol, recurrence March of 2017 treated with apr colosotmy in May of 2017, then April of 2019 another recurrence to the vaginal wall. My mom has been on chemo for a year now, every 3 weeks. scans last…
Foundation One Testing
Has anyone else had this testing done? Was it at all useful to you and did your insurance pay for it? My onc sent off tumor tissue for testing and they solemnly issued a 19-page report that has 18 pages of medical gobbledegook and one of legal gobbledegook. They apparently identified five mutations in my tumor, none of…
Anyone have post treatment ear problems?
I just thought I'd post and see if any of you have had anything like this. I started having really weird feelings in my left ear like I had an earpod in it when nothing and sometimes blocked, sometimes I can hear my breathing and can't sleep on that side because of the clicking and thumping of my heart. I finally got to a…
?4 Survivors
I have not started treatment yet but have read many posts here. From what I have discovered is that that most painful aspect is the radiation burns (correct me if I’m wrong). 1. Does pre-moisturizing of the area help lessen the effects from severity? And if so, what types would you recommend. 2. I understand that the…
Hello Everyone. I have a question about fissures. I'm 4 yrs out from having Anal cancer. A week ago, I went for my six month checkup with the colorectal doctor. He did the exam with all the various instruments as usual. The Dr stated he seen some changes, because, I now have a fissure and immediately scheduled a biopsy.…
I'm 18 months past treatment. incision still sore sometime. Anyone else have this problem? Seem to take forever to heal.
Long term follow up
Hi everyone, I have not posted for awhile but have still been reading posts from time to time. I have a long term follow up question. I just saw my oncologist yesterday and got another all clear, and it is my four year mark. He says CTs are not needed past 3 years and the DREs are not needed past 5 years. He says I can be…
DVT in Picc line vein
Well another unpleasant surprise. I found out yesterday that I have developed a DVT in the vein that my Picc line is in. This has completely unnerved me and I'm now on Lovenox injections twice a day and am scheduled to have the line removed tomorrow. I am uncomfortable with this procedure being done in the outpatient…