Cancer Gone...Now Blood Clot Gone...Wish Teeth Pain Go Away...
Getting better... slowly still Radiation Inflammation and itvh. But no more need of blood thinners and compression stslking.
Living in the moment
My first surgery was an APR with a colostomy in December. This was to remove a reoccurrence that showed up in my October PET scan. The tumor was 5 cm and the surgeon got clear borders and all lymph nodes were negative. A 9 mm lung nodule also lit up in my October PET scan. My February PET scan showed the lung nodule had…
Rectal bleeding after 2 radiation/chemo days normal??
I had not been having much bleeding at all until today. Been constipated....taking stool softners and Miralux without any luck yet. Now, soon after my 2nd radiation I have been passing a lot of blood whenever I have to go to the bathroom. Nothing else is coming out except the blood. Is this normal?? Could it be from the…
Recent CT Report after 2nd anal mets
Hi, I met with my oncologist today to go over yesterdays scan that was 6 months post radiation for my second anal mets to my lung area. I've had an annoying chronic cough for several months now and pretty much figured that meant one of two things...either another growth on or near the lung (as that is often the only…
Anal Cancer
First treatment day begins in 2 days!
It seemed like an eternity for this treatment to begin when actually it was only a couple weeks. First chemo and radiation in 2 days. One way I'm looking forward to it and on the other hand terrified. But, I know, the sooner it begins, the sooner it will all be over and I can start to heal myself. Cancer doctor informed me…
Visited GP today some graphic detail
Hello, I visited a GP today because of itching around the anus. I am a 33 year old male and had been experiencing itching around the periphery of the anus and itching with what appeared to be a wart in an area a cm or 2 away from the anus. With the wart away from the anus there is ocassional light bleeding (2 or 3 specks…
Just got diagnosed - scared to death!
Aftere months of on and off bleeding, discomfort in my butt, irregular bowel movements finally made appointment with a GP who referred me to a colorectal doctor. He tried to give me a digital exam in office but it was much TOO painful and he scheduled me for a colonoscopy and would then do a biopsy while I was under…
Stage 3b almost 6 years since treatment
hello All. Been a long time since I wrote in this board. But I do come in and read every so often. It’s been almost 6 years this march since treatment For me. I was given the all clear awhile ago. But my main issue that lurks in the shadows and my worry that never goes away is the still itch I get in my anal area. I know…
Marcia Cross - Anal Cancer
Marcia Cross has communicated that she went through anal cancer treatment in Nov. 2017. We are all brave fighters in this battle. It's nice that she is drawing attention to our type of cancer and overcoming the shame some associate it with. Link to…
How long of a wait for treament from time of biopsy?
I just found out it will be 2-3 more weeks before radiation can begin. My biopsy was March 5th. Looks like treatment might not begin until the end of April. I need chemo too. I have had chemo scheduled twice and had to cancel and reschedule because radiation is not ready. Does it normally take this long?? I feel like the…
Results of my CT after Cyberknife
I had Cyberknife to a lung met in last December and my first CT since a couple of weeks ago. I met with my radiation onc 2 days ago to discuss my CT. He was pleased. The CT still shows a nodule but he claims it is scar tissue. So I requested to not have another CT for 6 months since there was no other worrisome spots. He…
I think my doctor is wrong about a hemorrhoid
I recently have had a exam and a hemorrhoid was thougt to be found. In the picture I have from it it does not look like any hemorrhoid I have seen online or any were else. No external hemorrhoids either. Lots of bleeding the pain shoots into my back infact that is were is started then moved into my rectum. I have had…
Delayed Anal Biopsy Completed. First Time "Under"
Happy to say i had my delayed surgery finally after 3 mths of rescheduling. I was put under for the first time in my life at age of 57. It went well. Was out like a light..boom. A mix up in pills beforehand will get a talking too with my Doctor next week. On blood thinners not allowed Advil. ( They should know better!).…
Long-Time Survivor Question
Hi. Long-time survivor (6 years) checking in. Just wondering if any other long-timers have issues with skin irritations with the areas where your skin received the radiation and what you do about it. I like to swim but even salt water pools seem to irritate those areas if I go more than 3 - 4 times a week. Don't see much…
Colonoscopy update
hey guys, had my colonoscopy today. Not sure if the worrying ever gets easier. Everything looks good cancer wise. I do have some ulcerative colitis at the last 20 cm. Not sure how thats distinguished from radiation proctitus. Length of colon affected? Anyway that was all a relief. Couple pseudopolyps so nothing to remove.…
Black skin on anal tags and vagina
Hi I am an eight years survivor. I have not been on here in quite some time. It took Eight years for me to get to my new normal and I’m loving every day of it. FOr anybody out there who is suffering, hang in there, it does get better. I have never recovered from the radiation dermatisis, my skin is very red there and open…
After loop colostomy, everytime he poops it bleeds down there
Hi, My dad had a temporary colostomy in May last year. He was subsequently treated for scc. His scans in December seemed to show NED. However for the last month or so my father has started getting pain down in the anal area. Also, whenever he has constipation it hurts more, and after output comes from stoma he experiences…
Anal stricture
Hey guys, A little over a year since I got the all clear. Things are going well except still having some issues with small bowel movements and just not getting it all out at once or twice. Having to go several times a day. I think this is probably because of an anal stricture that is present that can be felt during the…
HPV Anal Cancer RSO oil
Throat Lesion
I get on here to read posts every few days but dont post often. I am 6 1/2 years NED. Just had mammo/pap/visit with anal cancer doctor & all is well in these areas. but started having the feeling of something stuck in my throat a week ago then saw a white spot on my tonsil. I went to my GP day before yesterday & he is…
Recurrence ?
Hello i was treated for anal cancer in March 2017. I just had scans in December and everything was fine. I saw my surgeon in June and October for occupational bleeding but I was cleared. Unfortunately I just noticed something that might be a wart the size of a small pea. It itches occasionally lately and it reminds me of…
Diagnosed with stage 4 anal cancer and will be receiving Folfox for 9 sessions with the fanny pack. Has anyone else had this chemo?
Anal skin tags
Has anyone been told they have anal skin tags?
Long term chemo effects?
I am three years out from treatment. I have a lot of the GI problems many of us describe. I just deal with those and thanks to this forum I know I’m not alone. But I have another weird thing that occurs periodically. I get super achy mostly in pelvis and legs- joint pain. I almost feel like I’m running a fever but I’m not.…
Anal Itching
I posted this comment a few days ago in a different thread. I am reposting so it does not get buried. I know that what to do about anal itching comes up often. Try a hydrocortisone creme. I like this one: Walgreens Hydrocortisone 1% Intensive Healing, which has extras like vitamins, chamomile and anti-oxidants. It is used…
Lost CSN Content
I'm sure everyone who has logged onto this site in the last few days read the notice that during the recent outage on this site, content contributed after 10/29/18 has been lost. I am only posting this to encourage people, especially newbies, to repost your introduction. For anyone who posted seeking information, please…
118 Days Post Treatment. Anal Ulcer Pain Like Before...
Every poo itch and pain. Using Calmaseptine Cream once again for itch. Not much relief. Had Ultrasound yesterday for "spot on left kidney'...MRI 9PM Friday November 2nd. Just had a soaking bath which helps getting rid of poo other than hand-held shower device. Stinging pain and itch from Anal Ulcer...Surgeon 2 weeks ago…
When I saw my colorectal surgeon in August, she insisted that I have a colonoscopy, since it had been 5 years. She allowed me to wait until after my insurance changed on October 1st., so that I would have better benefits. Well, today was the day. Everything went fine and nothing of concern was found, even in my anal canal.…
3 Month Scan Bad News...
Results and exam today with Radiologist and Onocolgist. Large Tumour gone. No mastastis. But concern on fissure growth is larger and kidney issue. Need to see Surgeon and MRI and Ultrasound for Kidney. 50/50 results after 45 days of Radiation and 2 weeks of Chemo. Doctors say "Cancer is a Stubborn Disease". OttawaMarc