Pulmonary and respiratory problems after treatment?
I completed my radiation/chemo at the end of March, and in mid June started getting more and more out of breath. Three years ago, I was diagnosed with a mild case of pulmonary hypertension. Hypoxia was/is an issue, and I sleep with a CPAP/oxygen concentrator. I use a portable concentrator when I exercise or feel out of…
Anal cancer again after 10 years
I have received a second anal cancer diagnosis 10 years after the first one. The docs say it’s not a recurrence after such a long period of time. A surgeon where I live in SC wanted to schedule a colostomy as soon as my biopsy came back positive. He didn’t even suggest seeing any oncologists before surgery. I don’t trust…
Recently diagnosed following colonoscopy
A large golf ball sized polyp/ tumor in the lower end of my anus was found during a colonoscopy last week. Yesterday I got results of the biopsy and was told it is squamous cell cancer. Surgery for removal of tumor is scheduled for a week from tomorrow (8 days) and I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed right now. What questions…
Sorry for My Absence!
Hello Everyone, both newbies and veterans here! I'm sure some of you thought I had disappeared for good, but I am here to let you know that's not the case! I really have no good reasons for my absence, other than to say that I have found the break quite beneficial. I am on a total of 3 support sites and I think getting…
Ten Year Anniversary!
I just wanted to add a short update that I celebrated my 10-year anniversary since completing treatment. I recently developed gluten intolerance which may have nothing to do with my cancer treatment but with urgency issues I have to carefully watch my diet. I find taking Metamucil helps keep me regular and increases my…
Considering Refusing 2nd Round of Chemo
Well, I'm at the end of week 2 of Nigro Protocol, and mucositis has really set in. In the 8 days I've had it, I've lost 6 lbs. It's getting pretty unbearable. Holding a mouthful of lidocaine gel for several minutes and then spitting it out allows me just enough time to choke down some broth, protein shake, creamed potato,…
Spouse of cancer patient
So is there anyone who can chat about this. All new to me and have some unanswered questions.
Radiation Side Effects
I am so relieved to have found this discussion group. So far I am an anal cancer survivor. Was diagnosed in July 2009 - then had surgery, chemo and radiation. I finished radiation in October 2009. I am having a problem with my hips not being limber at all. I have reduced flexibility and range of movement I used to be able…
Urgency and bleeding
Hi I am in remission. I finished my last radiation last November and last chemo last October. I go in every 3 months for the exam where I bend over and they look up my anus. The Dr only sees scar tissue said it looks good in my back passage. I have had 2 CT scans with contrast. Everything came back normal. I have symptoms…
Anyone develop diverticulitis after treatment?
Sorry if off-topic but I'm 2 1/2 years out of treatment for AC doing the Nigro. Doing great, blood counts finally getting in the normal ranges and I've finally notice a huge improvement from the urgent bowel issues following treatment but I've been getting bad flare ups of Diverticulitis in my sigmoid colon. My colorectal…
pain , anxiety, broths, drug trials: surviving anal cancer
hi fellow cancer fighters! a few posts mention anxiety after diagnosis ... I suffered intense anxiety too, worsened by the pandemic for sure. my docs/nurses were ok , not great, with this. if the diagnosis makes you panicky, make sure you bring a companion/advocate to all appointments, in case you have strong emotional…
Greetings from Kenya
Please someone to welcome me here.Am new.
Diagnosed on 12/1/21 and New Here
Hi, thank you for this board! I'm supposed to start Nigro protocol on 1/10/22 for T3N1M0 squamous cell carcinoma. I like and trust my team, but honestly, starting to feel overwhelmed and afraid, of the unknowns, I guess, of side effects and how to treat or lessen them, and care for myself. I'm hoping to read and pick up…
Cancer charities
http://www.tampabay.com/americas-worst-charities/ This is a link of the worst rated charities in the country as reported by the Tampa Bay Times. It is outrageous that so many of them are aimed at cancer. I try to give to charities as much as I can and since being diagnosed, I have given more to cancer charities, even…
Any suggestions for protection from occasional fecal pellet leakage?
I had Anal Cancer in 2008 and was successfully treated with chemo and radiation. It has been 13 years and I am finally searching around for help with a continueing problem due to nerve damage of not realizing I have leaked poop and having it drop out of my panties and into my clog!! Horrible! I take Clear lax and magnesium…
Continued Fatigue 20 Months Post
Hi! New here. Most side effects have subsided and I've adjusted to my new normal. I'm trying to regain fitness and thought I'd be there by now. I still get run down pretty easy and my endurance is lacking. I have CT etc coming up but so far all is well otherwise. Is anyone else experiencing this? Is it part of the new…
vigina problems
after 7 months since my last cancer treatment. still having problems with sex. Hurts very much. I feel bad for my husband. I don't want to give that part of my life up. Anyone else have these problems?
Nerve Pain??
Saw my colon surgeon today, everything looked fine he said. No cancer. I'm 3 years out from treatment. Chemo and rad. I started having pain and burning in the anal area where the cancer was about a week ago. Hurts to sit. No pain when I lay down. Pain and burning after bm last all day. Please if anyone else is going…
Having problem with bowels
Soon to be 3 years in May. Still having problems with my bowels. I can't seem to empty them. I don't hurt, but I know I haven't pooped enough. I see my colon Dr. next week. Not sure what my problem is. I get up every morning hoping to have a some what normal movement. The anxiety is awful. Anyone have this problem?
Stage 4 Anal Cancer?
I'm curious how many of y'all are stage 4 Anal Cancer survivors- and how long since remission. I've been in remission since 2/14/19. The Radiation "fall out" isn't fun, but it sure is better than active cancer. It's hard for folks who haven't walked this path to understand. I've had late term radiation "fall out" and am…
Urine frequency
I am 2 years in remission, has anyone had bladder /urine issues? I do have an appointment with a urologist . It's very annoying , if I drink to much water I'm going all the time and I have to go every hour to hour and a half , if I don't drink enough the same issue. So far I have been tested for UTI and they all come back…
Stage 4 Anal Cancer
For those of with Stage 4, are you on a chemo regiment for life? I did chemo and radiation when I was first diagnose. During my 6 month scan they found a spot on my liver. I had a liver resection. For good measure, they had me complete 4 chemo treatments every 21 days. i have been given the option to continue with the…
Rectal Cancer
Hello I'm new to all this but I been looking for places or someone to talk to about my situation. I been having really really bad anxiety and not able to sleep. I found out I had Rectal cancer June 2021 and of course I didn't take it well at all but honeslt I been pushing it so far in the back of my mind like I forget I…
2nd cancer
Hello and I hope this email finds you well. Has anyone on this site, or has anyone ever heard of someone getting a second Cancer caused by HPV? I am 1 year post treatment for stage 2 anal cancer. I constantly worry, with any type of sore throat, itching in other areas etc that a second cancer is forming such as throat,…
Just to say that I am thinking about you all during this worrying time. Take care folks Liz
Recall on mammogram
My mammogram has shown changes so have to go to a breast clinic next week. Almost 9 years since Anal cancer diagnosis. I think it's true to say if you have had cancer you are always looking over your shoulder. Just a feeling of here we go again & scared Liz
Worried while waiting
Worried while waiting I have an appointment with a surgeon for the 21st of June. The colonoscopy done last week has not come back with the pathology report, but I wanted to give some background for support. I had been bleeding off and on since August of 2018. I was told that it was probably a hemorrhoid and to come back if…
Positive i have anal cancer but no insurance
Hi, all. I'm just beside myself what to do. I'm a single mother, 41, and I have no health insurance. I cannot afford to go to the doctor, and I am quite certain I have anal cancer. I have had hemorrhoids for years but this is different. About 6 months ago I started having rectal bleeding...bright red blood. It started…
Anal Biopsy - my husband
Hi all, My husband is scheduled for an Anal Biopsy and I was hoping to see if this sounds like anything anyone else has experienced. First off, my husband has HPV Tonsil Cancer. He went through radition a few months ago. After treatment he went for a Pet Scan and they still see a small amount of cancer on his tonsil or it…
CT scan
It's been a year since my last CT scan. It was after my treatment and Doctor said cancer is gone. I have my one year CT scan coming up Nov. 19. I still have BM problems, but learning how to deal with my new normal.