How did I get here???
Hello all! I am a 53 yr old mother of 3 recently diagnosed with stage 2A SCC of the anal canal. My days since have been full of phone calls to insurance copanies and cancer treatment centers, doctor's visits, diagnostic testing, and an occasional breakdown. How I got from I think I broke a hemorrhoid to I have a tumor aka…
Single Mom - how much help will i need?
Hi, I'm in my mid-30s and have an 8 year old and a 2 year old. I've been diagnosed with anal cancer and will be getting 28-30 radiation treatments. i'll do 2 IV treatments of mitomycin (Day 1 and Day 28/30) and will take capecitabine chemo pills everyday during radiation. I'm trying to plan out support for my kids (and cat…
I am 3 1/2 years from treatment. I am doing well. I have however been dealing with a great deal of gas that can be very embarrassing. I seems to be getting worse. Has anyone else dealt with this problem?
My Mental Health
I had problems with bowel movements, kind of a constipation, but not really. It felt like every now and then a rock was preventing my bowel movements. I tried everything from changing my diet to drinking more water to taking diatery supplements, and nothing worked. About two months prior to my diagnosis of anal cancer, I…
Endometrial carcinosarcoma cancer
I am in need of financial help so I can get my treatments. This is my 2nd time for cancer. I had Breast cancer in 2020. Having insurance isn't enough. Drs Office wants $2,000 down with $600 monthly payment till I have met my deductible, which is $6000. added to the $80 copay every time I walk into their office. My…
Anal cancer awareness day
I do not like that any of us were given this diagnosis. But today is ACA day. So get out there and advocate if that's your thing, be proud of yourselves for making it through the treatment! Keep fighting everyone. 💙💜💚💙💜💚
hurt after bm
It's been two years since my last treatment for anal cancer. I had a very hard bm about 3 weeks ago, since then I hurt after every bm. Maybe hemroid? Anyone else go through this? I see my surgeon on Friday.
Ileostomy, anyone?
This is my first time finding this forum, it would have been very helpful when I was scared out of my mind when I was first diagnosed! I just completed treatment 1/24/23 and am so ready for my burns to finish healing and start feeling more like myself. Going through the posts, it seems like a lot of people got through anal…
Strata xrt
a couple of weeks ago I talk about a new ointment my r. oncologist suggest that a pharmacy rep had recently left him. It is a wound dressing for radiation dermatitis. when I had first mentioned it, it was I was gearing up for the really bad time. The biggest help I found was it reduced the pain when pee hit the open sores.…
neck and shoulder pain
Has anyone had unexplained neck and shoulder pain after treatment?
Clear scans other than the typical residual inflammation.
I have been so busy trying to reclaim some sense of my life that I haven't had time to post for a while. Dec 12 scans looked good for now, no mets! The tiny nodule in my lung remains unchanged and unremarkable. There are no other areas of activity lighting up. I have a greatly diminished activity in the area of known mass.…
Pain for hours after bm
Hello, I'm 3 years and 4 months out from treatment. Had my CT scan last month and all clear. For the past week I've been in pain in the anal area for hours after bm. I was doing so well for a while. Not sure why I hurt so bad. I see my colon Dr. on wed. for 6 months check-up. Anyone else have this problem?
Anyone with pelvic pain after radiation for anal cancer?
HPV 16 18
Hi have high grade anal dysplasia .. AIN 3… due to HPV 16 19 I do t have anal cancer but thought I would join here to see if anyone can just give me insight if anyone has /was treated for these kinds of lesions and what was your treatment. I had 2 HRA for biopsy but surgeon didn’t really “treat “ the area just cut out the…
4-1/2 years out from tx. hard bm just a little blood first day. Now very sore butt.
Neck and Thoracic Pain
I'm 6 years in remission from anal cancer. Now I have weakened thoracic (can't stand up for more than 15 min) and neck pain causing headaches. Anyone else?
Newbie from the UK. Diagnosed with AIN iii this afternoon
Hi all Following an appointment this afternoon, I am now awaiting a CAT Scan appointment before referral to St Thomas’ in London. I am a 38 year old pre-menopausal female with AIN ii/iii stage perianal lesions and a recently excised AIN ii/iii polyp. I first noticed the lesions Jan 25th , having been to my GP for treatment…
The Waiting
A "newbie" also. Approximately 2 yrs ago, after having my gallbladder removed, it became visibly obvious that I had a rectal prolapse. Since that time I have had many ups and downs with this condition and about 3 months ago decided to have it evaulated for treatment by a colorectal surgeon. Prior to my appointment, I had…
Blood in Stool (On/Off) for 6 months, Now Many Swollen Inguinal Lymph Nodes
Hello everyone, I am a 41 year old male. For the last six months or so, I have been seen small amounts of blood in my stool (on and off). In the last few days, my groin area has started feeling dull pain - and when I massage both sides of my groin, it is fairly obvious that I have several swollen inguinal lymph nodes (at…
Treatment Side Affects Question
I was diagnosed with stage 2 rectal cancer on 10/03. I have I spot on my rectum and one node in my pelvis. I begin six weeks of Radiation/Kemo treatment beginning 10/24, followed by a 3 weeks of recovery and then five cycles of kimo. My last kimo should be March 20, 23. I am scheduled to begin a new demanding job on 11/31.…
neuropathy from 5FU
Has anybody developed the side effect of neuropathy from 5FU? From what I know, it usually appears (when it appears at all) in the hands and/or feet but I have it in my knee. I had 3 surgeries on that knee way back in 1990 but I started to feel numbness there last week, my med onc said it could be neuropathy from the 5FU…
Itchy Skin No Rash - Post Treatment
Hello, I am about 18 months out of treatment. About 1 year ago I noticed severe itching on my left forearm yet there was no rash nor visible skin issue. This would only happen every month or so. In the past 2 weeks it is affecting both forearms - still no rash. Prescription cortisone cream doesn't seem to help. Has anyone…
Possible drug-related anxiety during chemotherapy
Hello, I have just finished my first week of FOLFOX chemotherapy and wondered if others have had a similar experience. I was emotionally tired the day chemo started, had quite a bit of energy on day 2 but food aversion/nausea started on day 3. When I had my pump removed from my port, I asked the nurse about feeling…
Post Treatment side effects
As I have mentioned in the past, I was diagnosed with squamous cell anal cancer in December. I started treatment Dec. 27, flourfouracil and mitomycin with 7 weeks radiation. Post-treatment Pet and MRI show NED and two months after treatment I was feeling pretty good. But now I'm getting a whole new set of issues that may…
Hi Everyone, PLEASE I BEG...CAN YOU READ THIS FULL POST....IM IN TEARS I have made a post under PLEASE HELP ME, 5 YEAR ANAL CANCER SURVIVOR, I am just desperate now, for help, I am a 5yr anal cancer survivor, I also had breast cancer 3 yrs prior to anal cancer, neither were related. After, about 1yr and a half i started…
Help with Radiation burn
Hey all. I’m new here. I’ve found a lot of helpful information but I haven’t come across what I’m looking for. Today will be my 1/2 way point (treatment 15 of 30) and the burn I have is almost unbearable at times. And this weekend I began the dreaded diarrhea. So I’m trying to figure out the right diet to help with that,…
Vaginal Scar Tissue
Hi, I hope someone can help with this problem. I have vaginal scar tissue from my radiation treatment. My Doctor wants me to try a Estrogen Cream for a few months but I see that there are so many side effects, that I am afraid to use the cream. Has anyone had this problem and treated in a different manner? Also, my hair…
anxiety about treatment & side effects
I have a history of colon cancer that required surgery and 6 months of chemo 10 years ago. I'm heartsick facing this new diagnosis and treatment. I'm a serious hiker, and kayaker and still sometimes camp at 64 I worked so hard to recover last time. It took me about two years. I still have mild neuropathy in my feet, and…
Would like to chat to others the same.
Hi Nice to meet you all. I am from Australia and would like to share my experience of having an Abdomnoperineal Recection of the Rectum back on the 31 August 2021. It is nearly 12 months now and i still have pain where I was cut open.. Does anwone else have the same?
Cancer Story 7/31/2022
The months before the surgery were extremely tense and stressful for everyone involved. After the cancer was detected through the colonoscopy, some basic tests were done to ensure that the cancer was localized and had not spread to the other organs in the body. It was a massive relief to our family to know that the cancer…