Wake Forest or Atrium Health Levine in Charlotte
I am exploring my options for a 2nd opinion or treatment outside of my hometown. I know Duke is probably the most well regarded cancer center in NC, but Wake Forest (NCI) and Atrium Health Levine Cancer Center in Charlotte are closer to me. Does anyone know anything about these 2 places in regards to Anal Cancer? Thank you!
Scans after Radiation and Chemo
Hi everyone I’m new here and I’m just looking for a bit of clarification my current experiences with Anal cancer treatment stage 2. I finished my last radiation treatment 4 months ago, had a scope done by the surgeon and he claimed tumour was gone “just a scar” this was excellent news. And he doesn’t want to see me for a…
Pros and Cons of traveling far away for treatment
Hi - I don't have an official anal cancer dx yet, my biopsy is Friday, but my Dr. said it is likely cancer from the office exam he did last week. I have been having symptoms for a long time, but they have gotten worse (a lot of pain and bleeding) for about a month which lead me to the CR surgeon. I am trying to do all my…
Newly diagnosed with anal cancer
I went in for hemorrhoids to be removed and was told I had cancer not hemorrhoids. I have heart condition and vascular issues, I'm not sure if I want chemo and radiation. I need to see cardiac Dr and gynecologist they feel it may be at base vaginal opening too. I'm having pet scan next week. How do you make decisions about…
Chemo drugs & Mitomycin combined with RA drugs.
I have StageII Anal Cancer & would like to know if anyone also has Rheumatoid Arthritis, in addition to their cancer diagnosis. My treatment starts 1/8/2024 & I would appreciate any comments on what to expect. Thanks for your help.
Side effects of Mitomycin
On 1/8/24, I start treatment for Stage 2 Anal Cancer, & I will have 1 dose of Mitomycin along with 5FU for 96 hrs. At beginning of treatment & 96 hrs. At the end of treatment. Also, 30 rounds of Radiation. I have RA & concerned about the potential side effects of this drug. I appreciate everything that I’ve learned on this…
Enlarged Lymph Node Still Present After Treatment
Hi: I was diagnosed with stage 3 anal cancer that had spread to left inguinal lymph node. The enlarged lymph node seemed to go away while I was receiving my treatment but 1 month post treatment I felt what I believe is a lymph node just below. I had 33 radiation treatments with chemo. Obviously I will speak to my doctor…
Port removal
I go in for my port removal iny dr office , he said its an easy procedure alot easier coming out then going in. Have any of you had it removed in the dr office?
FISTULA - warning, it's gross
OK, I'm about to try and tackle the fact that the fistula is worsening, and I haven't even started treatment yet. I was only getting gas through the hole from the anus to the vagina, and now I'm getting poo. Really, unbelievably gross. And dangerous for infection both inside the fistula and also migrating into the bladder.…
New To Anal Cancer Diagnosis
Hello, I know for those who have been here for a while these questions are so repetitive and I apologize. I have read some of the survivor stories and they give me some hope for a future with my family . While some stories are terrifying . So on December 1 (officially diagnosis October 31,2023) it will be officially 30…
Dumb question but WHY do side effects vary so much person to person?
First post (sorry, might be long): A had to have a hemorrhoid operation about 3 months back. The Colon surgeon found what the thought was a "wart" near the hemorrhoid and removed it during the operation, and sent it in to be biopsied. Came back positive for Cancer, allegedly a stage 1, but did reach the sphincter muscle…
what to do with the pain after treatment
Hi , on 3rd day since treatment ended. i am looking for any suggestions on what to do with the pain down there. my bum it is red and raw and the vag. feels real sharp pain. i am only taking the drugs at night, still so groggy through the day. sitz or shower lots and ointmennt . how long untill i feel better. i took walk…
My Anal Cancer Experience
Hello fellow anal cancer patients! When I was first diagnosed I visited this forum many times. Although I never posted anything, I gained much knowledge and felt a great deal of support. Now I want to relate my experience with the hope that someone else who is facing the same thing will benefit as I did. (As a point of…
External tumor
My tumor is now pretty much outside my butt hole. is this normal? should i be alarmed ? should i push it back in? Suggestions?
I'm so new to the diagnosis, I don't even have TNM numbers yet. Should have them on Thursday. Docs are initially saying T2. I thought I was coming into acceptance of this and ok with what was coming but after reading some of your posts, I'm now very scared. The docs are saying this is beatable, treatable, etc but in…
Hip pain after treatment
Hi guys. 4 yrs clean, stage 2 cancer. 2 weeks chemo pump, 6 weeks radiation. Year 3 after treatment, I started having hip issues. It’s now gotten to the point that I cant walk 50 feet without extreme pain. If I stop, it only takes a few minutes to go away, but starts again when I start. Have had tests done, steroid…
How does everyone cope with scope appts ?
Hi all, Just had my 4th, 3month follow up anoscope appointment yesterday, good news is all still looks clear. I finished my treatments in Sept 2022. So I am one year out and have at least another year of scopes every 3 months. And then we'll see about adjusting the time line? I am not a wimp, in fact I'm pretty damn tough…
Oncology appt.
I'm going for my annual oncology this week. I'm over 5 years out now and so far the blood test have been good. I get really bad anxiety every year when I have to go see her and get blood work. I've had oral thrush for over a month now and that gives me high anxiety. I hope and pray this is my last time to see the…
Med side effects
I am a female about to start chemo + radiation. The chemo meds are Mitomycin and Florouracil (5FU). My treatment plan is 30 rounds of radiation, with the addition of 5 days of 24 hour chemo the first and last weeks. What were your experiences?? Am I likely to have hair loss? My Oncologist has said hair thinning, but I have…
Mosquito bite reaction after chemo
Does anyone out there have allergic reactions to mosquito bites after chemo. Mine are horrible. What do you do for relief?
Hi. I have not been diagnosed with AC but I am having a routine colonoscopy this Thursday. For the past few weeks I’ve been having slight uncomfortableness or tenderness when have a BM. Actually, it starts right before I go to the bathroom. Almost like a heaviness. As it passes through, it gets less uncomfortable; however,…
Treatment Centers/Anal Cancer
Hi, all - admittedly, never did I think I’d be doing a Google search for anal cancer…of course, I don’t think anyone has that as a bucket list item. Since this cancer has nowhere near the the “press” as other cancers, I know it’s important to be treated at places where they see more than one of these cases a year. Can…
Fibrotic tissue in anal canal
I am 3 months post chemo/radiation treatment of stage III anal cancer. At my recent post treatment appt my colorectal surgeon did a digital exam and said I had fibrotic tissue in my anal cavity. I have a colonoscopy and examination of my rectum scheduled for June. I have had extremely narrow stools and take MiraLax daily,…
Looking for counseling ..related to post cancer related issues
I'm 2 years out of treatment in remission from anal cancer, praise Jesus. I was diagnosed as state m stage 2, only symptom - booty itch. I had the same treatment as most here - chemo and radiation for 6 weeks. It was hell, I'm so so so glad it's behind me. [content removed by CSN support Team] I'm still struggling…
Radiation burns
I am starting treatment in 9 days on July 16th. What part of my outer skin will burn? Just my butt cheeks? Or inside of thighs too? What about front of abdomen in pelvic area? I don't quite understand where the machine will be, but I know I will be lying on my back with my legs slightly separated and my ankles positioned…
Dry Mouth
Has anyone had a problem with a dry mouth well after chemo ended? I'm 4 months out from treatment and lately my mouth is sooooo dry I can't stand it. I thought it was from the menopause, but when I asked my gyn, he said he never heard of that before. I didn't have any mouth problems from the 5-FU while in treatment, but…
zetapup checking in for the first time
Dear fellow cancer fighters, so glad to find this discussion board about anal cancer. In this post, I am going to give you a capsule version of my experience. I'll be chiming in to other threads and posting on expanded remarks in the coming weeks. Take care everyone !!! Zetapup I am a 60 year old woman with no prior…
vaginal burning
Hi everyone: I had intense vaginal burning months after my radiation treatments ended. i went to 4 different doctors, and none of them knew what to do. have you experienced it?
Has anyone ever just walked away mid-treatment?
Somewhat of a rant (sorry) but frustrated (try to condense this): Stage 1 anal cancer. Doctors came up with my generic treatment before my scans were even done saying the "5 weeks of radiation and two weeks of chemo" are standard now for this (stages 1,2 and maybe more it seems). I don't see how one cookie-cutter treatment…
High Resolution Anoscopy
I have a history with repianal HPV lasered in the past (the called it AIN 3 despite that my anal canal is clear) and yesterday i had an anoscopy. The doctor said everything was clear this time. Nevetheless this time i am very sore when i tried to go to th e toilet and i saw mucus coming out with the stoll. Is this…