Radio Frequency Ablation
Well, we heard from Dr Middlebrook in San Antonio and he suggested that we contact MD Anderson to see if the oncologist would refer Jim to their Interventional Radiology Dept. for Radio Frequency Ablation. He felt it would be a good procedure for the lesions to his liver and is generally an outpatient procedure. I made the…
So I have had 18 radiation treatments to my esophagus with 12 more to go as well as 33 to my neck with 6 carboplatin treatments. One of many problems is a persistant cough, it feels like a dry spot in my trought. Any stories or sugestions. Brad
Good news from PET
We had our appt with onc. to follow up on PET last friday. I am happy to say after two rounds of chemo the cancer has shrunk a lot they said! That was very nice to hear. The plan right now is to continue the chemo and bring the surgeon and rad docs back in to see what they want to do from here. Nancy
2 questions for all you experts
2 questions: 1. Jim has had neuropathy since the last week of radiation/chemo. He was on Oxaliplatin and 5FU. Does this go away or is it something he'll have from now on. Both feet are affected, the left one more than the right. Toes and the balls of both feet are numb, as well as his fingertips. They always feel cold to…
Husband starts 2nd round of chemo tomorrow
Well were off for round 2 of chemo this week. He has done amazingly well with the first round of chemo and all the radiation so far. My husband is in the National Guard and has still been able to participate in PT (except for the week of chemo, he was really fatigued with that) and we work out most every day. He does have…
New on board - Husband has Stage IV EC
Hi everyone - Although I'm new to this site, my husband has been fighting Stage IV EC since last May. He is 48 years old. He has mets to his lymph nodes and therefore has been told surgery is out. He is on chemo indefinately, with perhaps a chance of radiation somewhere in the future. He started on Irinotecan & 5FU last…
New to the group
Hello and thank you William Marshall for the welcome comment in another post. I read in one of the posts that you are interested in how people are first diagnosed. My husband went into his internist over 2 yrs. ago for his routine physical. It was noted that he had a little anemia in his blood work. The dr. sent him in for…
Waiting to hear
We are waiting to hear from the Dr in San Antonio about Theresphere therapy. He will be back in the office on Tuesday to review the scans sent over from MD Anderson. Still haven't heard from them about the HER-2 gene. Seems like we do so much waiting. Sally
Radiation Therapy
I have finished chemo three weeks ago and now I am being told Radiation Therapy is the next step to reduce the chance of EC coming back. Doctor is telling me 5 1/2 weeks of radiation 5 days a week is what I need. I need input as to what to expect from radiation and any input on side effects would be greatly appreciated.One…
New on board - Recent Surgery and Chemo
I am new to the group but very happy to find a place to exchange information with other survivors. I was diagnosed with Stage IIb Esophageal Cancer last October. I had an Ivor Lewis esophagetomy and gastric resection in December of last year. I started chemo with Cisplatin, Epirubicin, and 5 FU in February and have…
My fight begins on Monday
After almost 3 months my treatment plan begins on the 3rd,I hope I'm ready for it..After waiting over 3 weeks to get into UCSF for a second opinion everything is a go..Just got marked for radiation and will go to the infusion center Monday morning for Cisplatin and then home with a pump for a 96 hour dose of F5U..Radiation…
Thanks for all the great information and references!!!
Thank you for all the great information and references!!!! It is good to know that my symptoms post surgery are "typical" and improve with time. In answer to some of the questions: I am 61 years old. I did not have chemo prior to surgery because my EUS showed staging of T2N0M0 but when the surgical material was sent to…
In the thread I started about "9 years post-op" some mention was made of statistics and that while they may be grim, they have absolutely NO bearing on an individual. The best article I've seen concerning statistics and cancer is the piece by Stephen Jay Gould written after he was diagnosed with mesothelioma. It's a short…
my Uncle's EC has spread
My uncle's EC had spread to bone and presently his kidneys have shut down and bowels are not working well. My cousin (his nurse practitioner daughter) said that he is in good spirits, but everyone is in shock I think. It was so hard to write my dad's caring bridge report (that is goo) knowing this news.... Kim
update on UNCLE-- (not doing well) and my DAD
just an update...my dad (stage3-post chemo-rad & the surgery was 12/09) just had check up (2 days of appts) at Duke--my mom said that the Dr's said he passed with flying colors. He will have PET test at the end June-.. He lost a pound I think but is doing very well overall according to his doctors. My parents even sang…
Thought I should check in
Hi All, I just wanted to check in to let you know I'm still here. I have had alot going with my aunts funeral and trying to get ready to move. I am sorry that I am unable to post alot, not just yet. I know there are alot of new people on the site that I haven't introduced myself to, but I'm still here lurking in the back…
My dad- update
Hello all, We found out today that my dad's tumor did not test positive for HER2. This is disappointing, because we were hoping to try the Herceptin that some of you have mentioned here. They've also found something in my dad's lower spine. They are unsure of what it is. They have chosen to not biopsy it because it's in a…
The best of luck to you as you start your treatments, Yovana. Your youth and early detection both work to increase your odds of a full recovery. Please keep us advised of how things progress. It's not a lot of fun, but you can come out the other side to find a high quality of life. Eric in Atlanta
In a state of Confusion
Like many of you know, who read my last post, my father had his G tube inserted Monday afternoon. With most G tubes they are performed endoscopically. Well, my father was unable to have it done that way, the surgeon didnt want to test the esophagus since it seemed to him that it had closed up even tighter. Three weeks…
A new update on Eddie
Ed started his third round of oxiplatin and xeloda today and then the dreaded pet scan comes in two weeks. The oncologist had to sit him down today and say "NO" to this ridiculous idea of a new motorcycle and Eddie was not a happy man., started telling the doctor he is 56 years old and can make his own decisions so from…
New Here, Husband Diagnosed in February...no idea what to expect.
My husband is 36. He was diagnosed with EC in Feb. Stage UT3 UN2. He was having difficulty with food going down, feeling like it was getting stuck in his chest, he also said he had a burning sensation. I had to force him to go to the doctor ,they put him on a couple of acid reflux medications and after a month of not…
treatment question...
Lyle has been gagging soooo much that it is difficult for him to lay down for radiation. His meds just don't seem to be helping him all that much. He has missed a total of about 1 1/2 weeks of radiation treatments between hospital stays and sickness. Has anyone else experienced this? I just want to get the treatments done…
So Here's My Story...
Hello All! Glad I found this board and am learning a lot reading the other posts. Thought I would share the story of my battle with "The Big C". So here goes nothing. After several months of having trouble swallowing and eating which got progressively worse, I had an endoscopy in mid October. After finishing the procedure,…
For Cancerbeater
Please give us an update, that is one thing you have to do on this board is keep us posted. We all are family and I want to know how you are doing and your wife also. Hopefully you are better, if not get your BIG BOY UNDERWEAR, and keep going on this journey like I said it will get better. Lori/MOE
Newbie with major feeding tube problems
I am contacting you all late at night hoping that we, can get some information and help for our wonderful father. He has esophageal cancer with a 5 cm tumor, the cancer is also at the base of his esophagus, liver and lymph.We are really struggling with his feeding tube and have been to multiple Dr's and the Emergency today…
More States declare April National Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month
Hi all, Great news - I learned today that Illinois and Connecticut declared April Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month. Best, Cindy
PET scan on friday..........nervous.
My hubby is getting another PET on Friday to see how the CA is now. He has had two rounds of chemo. He has lymph node involvement, but a biopsy came back inconclusive, so we really don't know if the nodes are ca or reacting to the ca. The doc says thats why they want to rescan now, because they don't want to withhold more…
last year my dad was given a 20% chance to make it 5 years . i have not seen him for 6 to 7 years and he has never met my two lil girls. we live in NY and he is in IL. i would like to go see him and let him meet his grandkids but with the work so low right now so is money. i was told that i might be able to find a charity…
G Tube Surgery Today
My father, who I stated earlier was diagnosed with Stage IVB cancer a month ago, had a G tube placement done today. They were going to do it endoscopically but found that the esophagus would not allow for the tube to go down to the stomach because the cancer has squeezed the walls closer. This has changed over three week…
Thanks for the kind words and well wishes
So, we didn't get far with MD Anderson (as Jim and Sally can tell you) so we talked to our onc here today and she will be starting Layne on a strong chemo ...and he is going back on essiac tea and he is a candidate for trials now and for different radiations including spheres if he does well in the chemo. So we are going…