To Lori "Moe and Papa"
Thanks Lori for blogging on some of my posts. I would love to talk to you via email, you can leave it for me and I will definately write to you. I think we both are in the same boat, my husband is stage four with lots of mets. I need to connect to someone who really understands my situation, and yes, William Marshall is a…
Husband saw the radiation oncologist...same clear results
Tom saw his radiation oncologist this morning at the U of C...and he said the same thing we heard on Good Friday...it's all clear. He is also moving...his wife is from NC and he will now be at Duke...before July, I believe, his name is Dr. Salama and he's a great doctor. I had to drive up to get him due to the train…
Restaged today and questions regarding pro's and cons of Surgery..
I had posted on here about my cancer early last month..At that time I was staged a 3A at another medical center but wanted to get another opinion..I waited 3 weeks to get into UCSF and was worried about the time lag.Well that wait was worth it,I had a PET/CT yesterday and the oncologist phoned today and said the lymph…
Lori, are you around for some questions?
Hi Lori, When Jeff had to be dilated what were the symptoms? I have started to cough and choke after eating and sometimes that just causes everything to come up. It just seems like I can't hold back the coughing then that causes the gagging. It only happened once a month or less now I have had about 3-4 times this week.…
updated now.
This is horrible to me guys. Okay the dr couldnt put a stent in because its on the side of the fistula I think that is what they said. Any way since he has this hole all the fluid goes into the hole and into his lungs. So they need to fix it asap. He is on two vents, they are moving him to presby and dr.luketich is going…
Pray for my dad
Long story will update later, my dad had a cardic arrest due to trouble breathing he is stable now and in the ICU, they found whats causing the fluid in the lungs, there is a hole on the side of his esogus which is spilling into the lungs. Which is why he is not getting better, He is under going surgery to have a stent put…
Scan results
Today I received the results from my PET and C/T scans. They both came back clear. Oncologist gave me a 99.999% bill of health. They did see two small (8mm) spots in the chest area. I now go next week to a new Doctor to get opinion on if I need radiation to rule out the two spots 100%. This all means that I have two more…
headed out to oncologist on tuesday
So we will be traveling from Mississippi to Houston Texas so my dad can be seen at M.D. Anderson. The process is just getting started and we are scared to death!
Pain question...
Since Lyle has had the stent put in his esophagus he has more hiccups followed my pain in his chest. Eating is better...but sometimes the pain is very intense. In my opinion, it seems the pain is increasing since we are almost 3 weeks into treatment. Has this been true for anyone else? Lyle wants to be independant as much…
my dad's battle
Just thought I'd update you all on my dad. Things are quickly declining for him. He was in the hospital for 2 days, they are still in California. They discharged him and I have told my mom it is time to let him go. He has suffered for so long and is just so miserable. So, hospice has been called in and they are taking good…
Esophageal Cancer Found this Weekend
I am entirely new to this forum, maybe a forum I never invisioned myself visiting either. Last Thursday, my father was taken to the hospital for excessive vomiting. He had cold chills and couldn't hold anything down. Blood work was done and everything came back normal. He had a CT Scan which showed issues with his…
Yet again, and an update on ct results
Dad had his ct scan on the 30th. He went yesterday for the results. Well ever since his ct scan he has been having alot of issues with mucus. So yesterday he goes to the Onc dr, his hr was low and so was his bp. He had 3 rounds of chemo and they were going to discuss his next step yesterday but he got sick instead. so they…
We got the best results this morning!
My husband's ct scans showed no cancer anywhere. The esophagus is clean and so are the rest of the organs. We are truly blessed this Good Friday. His diagnosis was in August, Stage IV with one met to a lymph node under his clavicle, non operatable. He qualified for a clinical trial using the chemo drug Erbitux. I don't…
End of treatment nearing
I have one chemo treatment remaining as of right now. I go April 5th for a PET scan, then April 6th for a C/T scan. Praying for a clean PET and C/T Scan. I then have my sixth and hopefully final chemo treatment April 7-9th. I have learned so much about cancer and chemo since my tumor was found October 16, 2009. Surgery was…
Dad is still in Hospital.
Well he spent the easter in the hospital and as he says his holiday home. So far he has spent every holiday in the hospital since the DX in November. Well he is still having issues breathing, they have his O2 on 10. He is getting breathing treatments every 2 hrs. The weezing his getting better. He is on 3 different…
Round 1 of Chemo finished
I wanted to give a quick update on my Dad and also ask a question. Round 1 of my Dads chemo ended Friday. He stayed in the hospital for the full 5 days of receiving chemo, his chemo medicine is 5FU and Cisplatin. He also received week 1 of radiation, has 4 more weeks to go of radiation, he will be admitted back in to the…
Hello to all my CSN family, I just wanted to post a little HAPPY EASTER TO ALL, what a year it has been not just for me but for everyone on this board. I hope everyone enjoys their day with their loved ones, family friends, soul mate significant other etc. We all are family on this board and to you all here hope everyone…
Arizona Spring
Lyle and I live in a lake community in Arizona. We had a wonderful time sitting at the lake yesterday fishing in our 78 degree weather. I love that guy!! He always takes my fish off the hooks for me!! (grin) Happy Spring everyone...and Happy Easter! May you have wonderful times with your loved ones! Susie
Hello everyone, I don't post much but I have to share this, One year ago today Jeff was diagnosed with this ugly disease we call CANCER, little did I know that i would be on this board. As many of you are aware we started Chemo in April, May, and June, a full esophojectomy in July, spent 12 days in ICU, not knowing if he…
Prayers please
My husband will get the results of his last week's CT scan on Good Friday. His last endoscope end of Novemember showed the tumor was gone and the one in the lymph node was not active. He's gained back all the weight he lost during chemo and radiation...and has felt fine. In fact he went golfing today and is going again…
Dad had a scary night
he went for his CT yesterday. Then around 1am he got up cause he had to spit. It was like pea green he kept bringing this stuff up. He said it feels like he has a chest cold without any other issues. He is not having any issues breathing, just wheezing a little. Mom called both drs and they said its not from the ct scan.…
new here. for my dad
My name is Angela and I'm 25. My poor dad has been through so much. He is 59, and six years ago he had a bad stroke that left him unable to communicate... however, he has never let that get him down, and still goes on walks, cooks, and lives a happy life. He started hurting a few months ago and we figured his reflux was…
Prayers needed please
Guys we are need of prayers here. My dad went for his CT scan today to see what the next step is. He may need more chemo or go for radition. We will find out news on April 1st. Oh I cried when I found out he was going on April fools day. But our last two holidays really sucked so we have to hear some good news and have one…
Just checking in
Hi All, I thought that it would be a good idea to check in and let you all know how I'm doing. I have good and bad moments. I wouldn't be normal if I didn't. I am in the process of looking for a new apartment the one that I'm in is to big and I really need to be closer to my family, since I still unable to talk the Dr.…
to newbies & Thanks William & Sherri- uncle geting 2nd opinion in Tampa at MOFFIT
thanks for the sugestions on facilities in Florida area111---my aunt wanted mE to pass on the "thank you" she initially really thought they could stay local---but when finding out that the docs weren't as familiar with EC as they exspectd ---they took the reccomendation to go to Tampa--MOFFITT for a 2nd opionion. I am…
100 questions and answers about esophageal cancer
I found copies of this very helpful book on Alibris.com, and was able to get a used copy for $1.99. Great resourse. Maria
My Dad was diagnosed with EC 1 month ago...weight and many other questions
My Dad was diagnosed 1 month ago with this nasty disease. My families life has been turned upside down. I found this site and all of you amazing people on the day we found at my Dad had this dreaded disease. I have been reading most all of the posts, i have shed tears while reading, and have gained so much knowledge. I…
DX one year ago today
Hello all, As many of you know, Charlie was dx one year ago today with stage iv EC. What a year it has been. We feel so blessed to have had this year. This time last year, we didn't think we would ever see another 4th of July, (special holiday for us) Thanksgiving, birthdays, or Christmas. I want to thank all of you for…
RIP Mary Ann
Hi, Some of you may remember me mentioning my brave friend with Stage IV colon cancer, her name was Mary Ann and she went home to God this month. She was such a big inspiration to me, she never gave up and even with mets to the liver and lungs, she was getting 5 FU every other week and she was not giving in. She thought…
Thank You
Thank you all for the kind words the other day. This past Wednesday my mom had new stents put on top of her old stents in the esophagus and the trachea. It is this parallel stent that caused her to become terminal. The median life expectency with someone with parallel stents is 72 days. The longest that someone has lived…