Sherri, Maybe you can help you are very knowledgeable on this. thanks Lori Hope things are well
We're going to Alaska
I hesitated to post this but decided to...maybe it will help some one see that life goes on after a horrible diagnosis such as esophageal cancer. After clear scans in Dec and again in April...we've booked a 15 day Princess land/cruise excursion to Alaska..and we leave June 11th... Both my husband and I agreed not to wait…
finally made it home from MD Anderson
My dad finished all his appointments. Turns out it isn't esophageal cancer, but stomach cancer that spread to the bottom of his esophagus! It is in the first lining of the stomach and two lymph nodes look suspicious so they took fluid. It isn't in any other organs and we forgot to ask about the esophagus... We go back next…
vitamins and minerals
Hi, is that true that vitamins and minerals are feeding the cancer cells and should we eliminate vitamins and minerals?
Ostomy Bag for Leaking J Tube
Just wanted to share something that is working for a leaking J tube. Before we left the hospital after surgery, the ostomy nurse came and placed a urostomy bag around our leaking J-tube. It has been a very good solution to a messy problem. I clean around the J-tube site daily, and have applied some nystatin and some…
Havn't posted in awhile
Hi everyone, it's been awhile since I posted. I still follow the site just havn't felt like writing. The kids are amazing!!! They keep me smiling and are going on with life just as they should. The reality of him being gone has hit, I am now a single parent having to support and raise my family. Not much time to grieve, I…
pet scan vs cat scan
why do some doctors do only pet scans and not cat scans, I read this all the time, am I correct that cat scans can tell us how much shrinkage has gone all and pet scans just tell us the maarkers of the cancer sites. I am confused, my husband's doctor only does pet scans and I do not understand why not pet/cat scans…
Hello everyone...sorry I have been scarce
I have been working my tail off...which is odd because I am gaining so much weight. Stress eating, I am sure. That's a total disappointment because I had just lost 50 lbs when Layne was diagnosed. Sigh. Anyway, we had great scans in January and we are going back on Thurs for more scans. Layne did follow up chemo, it was…
Got report all looks good!!!
Hi, Well I got the CT report yesterday after coming home from the EGD which went pretty good. They found a titanium staple hanging loose and catching food and the dr also heard a big pop when he put the scope in and thought I might have had some blockage. So that is good. Now to the CT scan, no organs involved no mention…
food question?
My friend Tyler has had a g-tube for a month or so now and is somewhat used to it. We weren't really expecting the issues that come with regular food (no good reason, we just weren't) to also be part of g-tube use - you know, things like nausea and constipation and etc. Anyway, he's pretty much adapted. But now it seems…
update on dad
We made it Monday and had a test Tuesday and met with a doctor (he will be having tests until Friday). The cancer is going into his stomach, so they say they would have to cut half of his stomach out, along with a good bit of his esophagus. They said because of his past stroke and seizures, it is too risky and they don't…
4th treatment of chemo
Well...Lyle had his 4th treatment of chemo. So he has more behind him than in front of him at this point. This has been a very tough week. He has had pain at a level 10 and is not sleeping. He is not sick to his stomach and has not lost any hair...but he does lose his food often due to the stomach being open to the…
pain in rib area
Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone out there experiences pain in the rib area. It seems like sometimes after I eat I can feel something poking out and will be sort of sore aroung my rib area.I don't think my ribs were broken during Surgery.At least the Dr didn't tell me they were.But this has just started to happen…
I hope it's alright to post this here. Book Suggestion
As a new member I hope it's alright to post a book suggestion here. If not please feel free to delete this. Understand I have no vested interest in this book. I was told about it by one of my contacts on the Flickr photo site where I spend a lot of time. Turns out he is the author and photographer. I was told about it…
Tina's dad (phgmomma)
We all need to keep her and her family in your prayers, she hasn't posted nothing on this site or the other site I am on with her. As you all know he is in critical condition. They need prayers and BIG PRAYERS. tHANKS lORI
Tina (Pghmomma)
Tina, Been thinking about you all night. Couldn't sleep. Haven't heard from you. Wanted to let you know we all are praying for you and your family. I am also in Pittsburgh. 5 minutes away from Presby Hospital. Can I do ANYTHING for you? Please let me know. My heart just aches for you... Praying real hard...Hang in there...…
dONNA, Might want to reply to our newbie he has a j-tube I cant help with that as Jeff didn't have one, and i know you had yours for a long time. thanks Lori
New Here
Greetings: My better half just had minimally invasive esophagectomy at KU med center in Kansas. Turns out that 3 out of 18 lymph nodes were positive. We are looking at chemo soon, and just would like some words of encouragement or advise about things to watch out for. He is doing well - minimal pain - he does have a fib,…
Udate - it's been awhile
Hello everyone! I haven't posted in quite a long time. My hubby was diagnosed with T3N1M0, and had surgery back in Dec. 16, 2009. He's still recovering. He had some complications after surgery, but is getting stronger everyday. He only has one more chemo treatment left and (hoping and praying) it will be his last. He's…
Surgery update
Well hello gang, I just wanted to give you all an update on what I’ve been up to this past couple of weeks. On March 8th I had the MIE (Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy) by Dr. James Luketich at UPMC Presbyterian in Pittsburgh, PA. Although this operation normally takes between 5 & 7 hours, I was “on the table” for 9 ½.…
Update: 2nd round of chemo done
I finished my 2nd round of 96 hours of Cisplatin and 5FU Friday night. It was really bad. Nausea from Tuesday and it still continues. Also mouth sores. I am very weak, but am trying to build back some strength. I have two more rounds of chemo. I just hope the next one is not as bad as this last one. So far I still have my…
Mother Diagnosed with EC
My mother residing in Bangalore, India was diagnosed with EC (Squamous cell cancer) last month all those tests today they staged her as T1N0. What are my options here, I'm reading that surgery is the best treatment, I'm also worried if that will be a cure or just a treatment. Overall we are devastated with the news, my…
CT scan tomorrow
Hi, Tomorrow I get my post chemo cat scan and find out whether I need more treatment or go on the every 3 month check up schedule. I really would appreciate prayers. I am kind of nervous but just ask God to take care of me. On Thursday getting an EGD and dilation to find out why I am coughing so much and throwing up more…
About dad
He is still in the ICU listed under critical condition. He has what they are calling ARDS. So its very important he stays sadated and controled. So far everything is well now that he has a different vent. Its one that they use on babies to matture their lungs when born premmies. They will continue to take xrays on his…
Please pray/Cancer Treatment Centers of America
My husband Paul was diagnosed with late stage esophageal cancer in August. He is 43 and I am 39. It was a shock to us. He had problems with acid reflux, but we were unaware of what the problem could be when the lymph nodes on the left side of his neck started to swell. We were hoping for lymphoma, but that wasn't the case.…
Paul-Sad News
As many of you know Paul went into Hospice care last month. I am sad to say that he died last month after about three weeks in Hospice. I started to post this several times, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I have read too many posts like this and I know that each battle lost to this cancer affects all of us here…
radiation treatment with a pacemaker.
have t1 on right vocal cord also have pacemaker,on left. What dangers are there? What do I need to do? Good luck and prayers to everyone.
T2 staged cancer
Hello Everyone, Three weeks ago I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer.I have had barrettes syn drone since my late forties and now at 61 I was found to have T2 stage cancer.It was found during a routine endoscopy.I had a ct-scan,pet scan and ultrasound done.I am schedule for an esophagectomy on April 12.I live in…
A new update on husband
Ed was admitted to the hospital Tuesday night after blood tests revealed his potassium and magnesium levels were very low. They put him on iv fluids along with potassium and he came home tody., also he is to take potassium everyday until we see his doctor Monday. He has had alot of problems with the last chemo session and…
Has anyone had mets to Sigmoid Colon?
Hi family, I am a 2 year survivor of stage 3 EC (as of March 18th) and am awaiting a colonoscopy on April 19th to see if we can figure out what is causing the 2 strictures in/on my Sigmoid Colon. I have been waiting a while for this as the Surgeon wanted me as an inpatient for the procedure as I will be having difficulty…