Another moment
Thank you all for your love through your words on my last post. Since I wrote that...I did lay off the pain meds and other meds and Lyle has gotten stronger. His mental state is in and out, which I understand is normal. I cling to the moments we have together when he is thinking clearly. Lyle loves his showers. So I have…
Hi my friends, I thought I would just let you all know what is going on with my Prince. He's home...he is keeping his peg-tube feedings down, however, they are still at a lower amount. He is weak and seems to be living mainly in a dream world. I have chosen to reduce his pain medications so that I can see if "Lyle" is…
Iansmon new link
Hi william, Tina and sherri, Thanks for your guidence and help and your prayers. i think you have something there about young men and invincibilty. We raise them to be strong and tough/ so why am I not surprised that he is sitting in his room all day staring at the TV and waiting to take his next pain med. He hasn't really…
MIE or Ivor-Lewis. Which method should we choose?
Dianna was diagnosed with Stage III esophageal cancer on March 8, 2010. She is currently mid-way through a chemo/radiation series, to be followed by surgery later this summer. There appear to be two major options with respect to the surgery, the traditional open chest approaches (Ivor-Lewis, Transhiatal (THE),…
Update on Dad
Hi guys! I know it's been a while since I've posted and I apologize. I check this site daily and keep you all in my prayers. Just wanted to update you on my dad. He finished round 2 of his chemo (Cisplatin and 5-fu for 96 hours) and also finished up with his radiation which lasted about 5 1/2 weeks. He's been done with…
How do you deal with eatting after surgery
I am asking for my Dad. He has had everything go wrong since the start. Now the surgery is over, he has 2/3rds of his stomach left, he is finding that after 2 or 3 spoon fulls he is to the point of over full and it is not getting better. Has anyone out there gone threw this and could give me some advice to pass on. He…
Been too busy to post today~
Hello everyone, I had a three day weekend if that's what you want to call it. I was off work yesterday to take Mike to his wound care in the early am, and then to his second round of chemo. We made a whole day of it. The wound from the previous port that had to be removed is healing nicely and we're hoping that this round…
I spoke too soon
As some of you know, my father was scheduled to finish chemo treatments and go on maintenance. He was diagnosed in December with stage IV with mets to bone in arm. His first PET scan showed total tumor reduction in esophagus. The most recent PET scan is showing mets to liver. This seems like roller coaster you can't get…
Dads First Treatment and unexpected hospitalization
This past week has been extremely difficult and I don't honestly know where to start. As I have explained before, my father was diagnosed early on in March with Stage IVB esophageal cancer. Had a PET scan that confirmed activity in one lymph node and on the tip of his right lung. He was set up for surgery for a Jtube to…
My Dad so far
Hi there I'm one of your newest members. About 2 years ago my father was having problems swallowing, he weighed 220lbs, he's now 140lbs. Everyone told him to see the Doctor he refused, and he would be (P, off) at Mom if she threaten to say something. Well Thanksgiving Day he was out having dinner with my Brother and his…
Home at last...
Lyle is home and hospice has been fantastic!! I know that none of us know our time...but my prince is in his home...with his princess...and we will hope for health to return. The most important thing right now is our precious moments together! Susie
Not good news
Jim has been having extreme pain in his left leg this week. The dr. sent us to the emergency room yesterday morning to have a CT scan to see if anything was pressing. The results showed that he now has tumors on his spine that are pressing on his sciatic nerve, so he started radiation yesterday to try to shrink them. He…
Motivational ideas???
I'm searching for ideas to help motivate Mike to do some of the recommended ideas here so he can feel better. I feel that he's isolating more, depressed more, feeling pretty hopeless in this whole thing. He seems to just be resigned to the fact this is going to get the best of him sooner than later. I try to encourage him…
Question about Protein in diet.
I hear a few of you use Whey protein in your diet. Is this better then soy protein? Thanks for any info Nancy
Life after surgery
My husband (51)was diagnosed in January with Stage 3 EC, he went through 6 weeks of chemo ( one that was pumped into him from a IV every 10 minutes) 33 radiation treatments at the same time, and then surgery on April 19th. His surgery took 12 hours, they removed his esophagus completely and hooked his stomach to his…
My husband has been released to a soft food diet after his esophagas has been completly removed due to cancer . I am having a hard time finding receipes with lots of calories to get him to gain weight. I would appreciate any help you could offer. Thank you
Feedback needed. Please, please
Haven't posted in awhile cause we have been dealing with severe weakness, inability to maintain nutrition, etc. The last couple of days have been much better. Dale's cancer was 1 cm and was removed with minimally invasive esophagectomy. 3out of 18 lymph nodes were positive so we knew we were looking at chemotherapy. Met…
Update on dad
Thank you to everyone for all the prayers and well wishes. This morning they finally operated on my dad to take out the stent and put in the j-tube. The surgery went well and now that he can get some nutrition and the pain should be gone he should be back on the road to recovery and treatment after he regains his strength.…
last I heard...
This morning...the doctors tell me that Lyle is coming home tomorrow. His lungs have cleared up, his stomach is working in low doses of continuous feeding, and his blood is looking good. Hospice and my parents are stepping in to make the transition as smooth as possible for us. Our goal is to get Lyle stronger and then…
Prayers for my dad
As many of you know my 78 year old Dad is stage three and just finishing up his radiation and second round of chemo. A couple of weeks ago his stent fell into his stomach and he ended up dehydrated and weak before going to the hospital to ahve surgery to remove the stent --- good news his tumor had shrunk so much the stent…
questions about eating post sugery
Hi I'm new here and have been reading through the posts. You folks seem so helpful I thought I'd ask about my eating problems. On April 15 Mayo removed the esophagus. The eating plan, starting with clear liquids for a week, then full liquids, then soft anti-dumping food. The clear liquids seemed OK, but started…
Chemo maintenance
Hi! My father was diagnosed with stage iv non operable esophageal cancer in December. His most recent pet scan has shown complete tumor reduction which is great. He finishes treatment in June and his oncologist said that he'll be on chemo maintenance forever. Does anyone have experience with this type of chemo protocol?…
got new mediport today
Good evening my friends, We just returned home from Mike's day surgery, he got the new Medi Port in today. He is resting right now and I'm in here in his room with him, watching him,just so grateful to be here with him tonight. The surgery went well, they had to resort to plan B, putting the port on the left side sort of…
treatment side-effects?
So my dad is 58, had a bad stroke 5 1/2 years ago and has stage 3 esophageal cancer. I'm not sure how they stage it, but it hasn't gone out of the stomach or esophagus, but it is in one lymph node. It actually started at the top of his stomach and spread up a bit, so it's more like stomach cancer but the are calling it…
I'm doing all I can
Good afternoon to all who have been so helpful. I am taking all this new found information and going to give this my best shot, after all we have "everything" to lose if I don't. I simply cannot see at least getting this possible life extension possibility a try. I want to ask you all to continue to pray as I continue on…
emotions running wild
I just had to stop and post real quick. I am at work right now because I'm really close to being out of PTO and when I am it's going to be rough to say the least. Mike just called me from the pre op room, he's having another port put in today. His step mother is with him as well as my daughter. He said he just couldn't go…
new scared mom
Hello to all of you, and thanks for sharing all this information. I'm seeking all the survivors I can find for hope . My son was diagnosed on March 31st with stage 1V EC. He has comppleted one round of chemo and is in his 3rd week of radiation. His prognosis is "up to God" at this point. He is a young man, only 29, and the…
Well since ed got his great news last week about this pet scan showing cancer is diminishing in all spots, he is starting his 7th chemo session tomorrow. This will be thee 4th session of oxcyplatin and xeloda. Is this common to continue if improvement is seen? He never lost his hair with all seven sessions so I am…
Energy level
Hello everyone, Jim is getting frustrated because, although he is feeling well and eating well, his energy level is remaining low. He is normally a very active, energetic person and he wants to start increasing his activity level. I don't want to discourage him, so is there anything that we can do to increase his energy or…
post surgery
Hello Everyone, I had a esophagectomy on 4-19 and the the biopsy revealed that the EC was contained to the first and second layers of the esophagus. My surgeon took a aggressive sample of the surrounding lymph nodes and tissue and found I didn't need chemo or radiation.I'm a very lucky man.I just want everyone to know how…