We hit a bump in the road.
It seems we have hit a bump in the road of our journey, and as a the caregiver, I cant help but ask myself where I went wrong. We were so excited that the chemo has worked so will (he had three rounds) and now was going to see the surgeon. We went in Wed. for a contrast Ct for the surgeon to look at and tell us if surgery…
Five FU and Oxaliplatin
The cocktail for chemo that the Cancer Treatment Center has prescribed for Dale is called FOLFOX - it is 5-FU, Oxaliplatin, and something that starts with an L. Has anyone ever heard of this and what kind of things should we be ready for - mouth sores, fatigue, low white count, and nausea we know about. Also…
Extreme Fatigue
My father started his second line of treatment last Thursday. He has experience extreme fatigue -- can't even get out of bed. I know it's not depression because he's had a great attitude about this. He's had fatigue over the past 6 months, but not this bad. My mom took him to the cancer center and his blood work was…
Singing in heaven...
Hello my friends! Lyle went to be with the Lord this morning just before 2am. He was surrounded by many of us who love him deeply and he went calmly while asleep. I will miss his presence in our home, when I sing in choir at the church, and when I have something I want to just bounce off of him. We met 7 years ago today!…
Ready to leave for Alaska and a dear friend now has cancer
We're all packed and ready to go at 6:30 am for a 9:30 am flight to Anchorage and then on to Fairbanks...like everything has been checked and rechecked...especially passports and drivers licenses...anything else forgotten can be bought. My husband's frat brother, golfing buddy, cribbage buddy was diagnosed a week ago…
Sad News
Early May I posted this http://csn.cancer.org/node/191464 I received a lot of support from everyone here and really and truly appreciate it. A week after I posted this, my father had the endoscopy/biopsy procedure. The following morning he had a heart attack. A new CT scan showed that the tumor in the liver had grown quite…
back from the ocean-thanks!
Hi, Thanks to all of you wishing me a good trip. It was wonderful and made me feel much more normal. I walked a little sat and looked at the waves, a lot!! I had the most beautiful experience on Wed morning, I walked and then sat down looking at the beautiful morning sky pink and blue and thought what a time this year has…
Not Feeling so hot, but just got back from a Vacation trip
Hi All, Thank you all for your post and warm wishes. I'm sorry I haven't posted much here. I get very tired and my mind starts to wonder when I start typing. So, I'll try not to babble. I don't know if I mentioned us we're going to the Grand Canyon as kind of a Bucket list trip. The Grand Canyon is a place I have not yet…
going to the ocean!!!!!!
Hi, Ron and I are leaving on my first foray away from home since August!!! It will be just 3 days but I can't wait to get to good old Ocean City MD and look at waves, eat some seafood and watch those crazy senior kids celebrate getting out of high school. Thanks to all of you who responded with encouragement about the lung…
I joined this group less than a week ago, and I loooove you all already!
My dad was diagnosed with Stage VI EC less than a month ago, and I don't know what we would do without this network of support! Each one of you has been extremely helpful in sharing your personal stories, methods of coping, and secret "tricks" to help my dad feel more comfortable. You guys are the best! Thanks! Marissa
Does this chemo cocktail work? What about radiation and/or surgery?
Hi All! Thanks to William66, I discovered that my dad's diagnosis of adenocarcinoma of the esophagus is not really stage IV, but more specifically, stage IVa. The past three weeks have been one test after another, with the first chemo treatment scheduled for this Monday, June 7th. I've researched several chemo combination…
Chemo started yesterday and we're already in the ER
This morning's bout of vomiting was something I was prepared for. The severe pain around the right eye was puzzling. The spike in blood sugar was expected. The trip to the ER, and admission till Saturday...Surprise, Surprise! Is this really what this road will be like? And we just started!!! Poor Pops! Eating and drinking…
Does it ever get easier
We are now at CTCA and have PET, CT and EUS scheduled for this week. Just wondering if the nervousness ever goes away when you know new tests are scheduled???
cannot get into my response to William regarding my new "update on ed"
William, I was looking forward to hearing from you but my computer will not let me into my post regarding ed., could you please respond again under this post. thanks so much, I love hearing from you. Linda
New: A plea for response
Hello everyone. My wife has Fanconi Anaemia, a condition which gives rise to cancerous tumors. Since 1996, she has had base of tonge-scc- , aesophogectomy & gastric pull-up (2008), larengpharingial scc, lung scc. There are differences of opinion weather lung was secondry or not. So she has amazingly fought her way out of…
update on lung and breathing problems
Hi, I waited till I saw the lung dr before I posted an update. I had cxrs, bloodwork and a full pulmonary function. The results were kind of disappointing. According to my dr, I have thickened lung tissue on the right bottom lobe which restricts my breathing, have 63% of lung function for someone my age, now have asthma.…
CT scan results for my hubby
My hubby's 6 mo. scan results came back and everything looks good! :) All thanks to God!! ~Praying for everyone on this site ~
~ Salvation ~
Hi. I am writing to you all from my heart. I know that it is politically incorrect to discuss religion, but I am doing it anyway. We all need to be 'ready' for when our time comes -- no one knows when that will be. Just because someone has cancer, doesn't mean it is soon over -- accidents happen all the time. Only God…
update on Ed
Hi everyone, just was reading this website and thought I would give an update. Ed is starting his 8th round of chemo tomorrow, xeloda and oxcyplatin, will do one more round in July then another pet scan to see if it is still working, keeping our fingers crossed. yes, he did buy that motorcycle a few weeks ago, is sitting…
C. Difficile Infection
Dianna is in her third week of chemo/radiation treatment prior to surgery. She had been having a terrible time with her nutritional formula. Could not take the recommended amounts, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea about one hour after beginning tube feeding. Thursday AM she got much worse and began to run a fever. We…
for all EC caregivers - patients -family & friends
Hi all. I am doing this partly to remind myself to do something that has been on my "TO DO " list for a while---go to clubnedwear.com. They have lots of clothing with a positive message---my favorite is the t-shirt that states: "CAREGIVER EXTRAORDINAIRE"! I have no financial interest in this website, but support things I…
dad update. one week of treatment left!
So dad has done amazing with his treatments! Only about four days total of any sort of nausea, kept all his hair, no mouth sores, etc. He just finished chemo and he has one week left of radiation. Just this week he started experience horrible reflux and he can barely swallow. Has anyone experienced this and have it go away…
Everything's happening so fast!
Hi All! Hopefully you can help! My dad has had horrible reflux for years and was just diagnosed with stage 4 adenocarcinoma of the esophagus. Not really sure why he's a stage 4 since no other organs have been affected, but lymph nodes are involved. Anyway, it's been a 3 week whirlwind of tests, port placement, and stent.…
Dilation ever 4 to 6 weeks
Hello my name is Deana and my mom had EC surgery 3 years ago and has been cancer free since. My mother gets dilation ever 4 to 6 weeks and they still don't get it all the way open. The problem is last month and this month after dilation she has been sick. Her neck is sore she is running a fever she feels horrible for about…
C.T. scan results
Hi All! We were able to hear back today about Dad's C.T. scan. Apparently, his oncologist takes Wednesdays off, so he talked with his oncology nurse at Kaiser Permanente. She read him the dictation the doctor had done, and it said " Tumor is demonstrated by a thickening in the distal esophagus." And then she went on to say…
Sloan certified as first hopistal in the country to begin genetic testing of tumors to direct indivi
Hi all - here is some encouraging news for the future. Although they are not testing for esophageal cancer yet --- perhaps we can change that --- they are testing for lung, colon, thyroid and melonoma. The EGFR testing is required for the Third Clinical Trials currently underway using Erbitux in the treatment for…
My Dad's Battle is almost over
I wanted to give everyone an update on my Dad. His battle with this mean nasty disease is almost over. The last post that I made I said that Dad finished his chemo and radiation was looking to have surgery, but spots were found on his liver. The spots did prove to be cancer. Three days after receiving that news, my Dad…
Moving to the next step!
Hi everyone, its been awhile since I posted, but I read almost everyday. I have learned so much from all of you. We seen hubby's onc. today and got the news that chemo is on hold and he will see the surgeon on the 14th. The surgeon wants a contrast CT. scan and then to see him to talk about if this is something he can do…
Anyone have advise/experience this?
Hi everyone! I haven't been on the board since my mom was diagnosed in late February. Unfortunately, it has been a rough road through her chemo and radiation treatment plus I am pregnant. She has been hospitalized twice in the last 6 weeks and I have been running back and forth as well. She has stage IIIa (first we were…
Please pray for BIL
Hello everyone. I usually only post on the uterine or ovarian boards. (lost my mother to uterine last year). Anyhow, my BIL , Dan, has EC. He was diag. last year, stage IV and he is terminal. In fact he's in the hospital now with a blood clot. At first they thought he had stomach cancer but it started in the esophagus. He…