Hi everyone, Thank you for your comments from my last post. Well here it is 9 days after Lyle started throwing up blood...taking us to the hospital. It has been a very tough week. From vomitting blood, to low white blood cell count, to possible bowel upstruction, to barely being conscious due to meds and weekness, to…
My father has cancer
My father had his first chemo treatment on Thursday morning and I understand that he will be tired and nautious. He has no desire to eat and he is not taking his medication for anti nausia because he said he does not want to eat. I called his doctor on Saturday morning and he has not called me back. My father has only…
Bad reaction to 5FU
My wife has been diagnosed with esophageal cancer. She has been advised to undergo combined chemo-/radiation treatment (induction therapy) followed by surgery. We have started down that path and she has completed the first week of treatment. She has developed a significant reaction to 5-FU called mucosidis. I wonder if…
Jim has had some neuropathy ever since the last few days of the chemo/proton radiation. It began in his toes and spread to the balls of both feet. He also has some in his fingertips. Since he can't feel anything with his toes, he is a little off-balance when he does much walking out of the house. Good news, though. We read…
severe hiccups
Hi guys...Lyle is still in the hospital and I have a couple of questions for those of you who have already gone where we are. Lyle has severe hiccups that come and go...but they are so strong that they cause severe pain followed by vomitting. They have him so doped up on pain meds at the hospital to relieve his pain that…
Need a Little Boost
My husband, Kevin, had his esophagectomy five months and 3 days ago. He was pronounced cancer free on Dec. 16. On Apr. 4 a PET/CT revealed an active lymph node. May 7 and he received another cancer diagnosis. For the most part I stay pretty positive about the situation, but as Kevin approaches the beginning of a new…
staging question
because ed's pet scan showed improvement in all spots yesterday including all mets, is he going to be restage to a 3 instead of a 4, I don't understand this and was wondering if anyone else did. he does have cancer in the esphogeus, stomach, liver and pelvis, but all shunk somewhat due to the chemo, does this make it a…
Not so good news
I have not been here in a while and i do apologize for that. I wanted to give an update on my dad, and share the not so good news with you all and pray that someone here can give us some "hope" My dad finished all of his chemo and radiation treatments and did exceptionally well with them. He did not lose his hair and it…
want to see our ash/cherry tree?
I put a picture of it that Layne took this morning on our blog! Oh I tell you, this is so strange, and I am learning not to question God and what HE wants to do. My husband is my husband TODAY and is here for TODAY which is all I am promised anyway! And that was a hard lesson to learn. He took his chemo yesterday. And he…
Prayers for Layne's new round
We start today and he gets the biopsy results today. Prayers requested for the round to be easy...I hate that he feels so FANTASTIC and has to go in to be made sick :(
Okay all you CSN people, she has just informed me that she has her own site now and is up and running, tells alot about EC. here is her website, www.ClubNEDwear.com i think most of you will like this site has things to buy and talks about EC Moe/lor
good news for ed!!!!!!!!!!
ed's recent pet scan showed great improvement in all his cancer not just his esphogeal, but all his mets have shrunk also. we are going to do three more rounds ( if he can tolerate it) of oxcyplatin and xeloda starting next monday. I am trilled to finally see an improvement after six rounds, thanks everyone for the well…
RFA treatment
Well, we went for our appointment with the Interventional Radiologist this morning and essentially, were told, "NO, this is not for you, at least not now. Come back in 6 weeks, have another CT/PET scan and we'll see where you are then". Guess that's what we'll do. He did give us a detailed explanation of what the various…
Hello all, Well its officially been 1 year, since diagnosed and having the port put in. What a year this has been. I went from wearing diapers and not even knowing what the heck was happening or what was going to happen or what the heck i was going to do. To wearing the BIG GIRL PANTIES, AND SENDING THEM THROUGH FAITH…
Staging question
I just started blogging the other day but I just thought of a question on Mom's staging. They staged her at IIIB T3 N2 M0 squoamos but yet her records talk about metastases involving the left paratracheal nodal chains w/ additional metasteses in the precarnal node. That came from her PET scan but then her EU talks about 2…
a new pet scan coming-we need lots of prayers
ed is having his third pet scan today, results tomorrow with doctor, this is after six rounds of chemo, first three rounds showed nothing, changed treatment plan, now three more rounds under our belt. please pray for us that there is some improvement in his condition. this is the big one, either we continue with chemo or…
Well I just have to share this today is Mothers day and my oldest daughter sent me a card for mothers day which read: on the front it said :: MOM YOU ALWAYS SAID INSIDE IT READ: PULL UP YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND DEAL WITH IT Now how true this was for me, and this is my motto, with what all I went through this past year.…
Back to the hospital
Well...Lyle started throwing up bright red blood on Saturday. We went directly to the hospital and they didn't mess around. He got admitted right away...got him comfortable with meds for nausea, pain, and that help heal any damage to the tissues. No one really knows what caused the bleeding but it has stopped and his blood…
Nausea Questions - Need assistance
Hello all, my mom has SCLC w/mets to brain and spine. She completed brain radiation, then they found the spine and she has completed that. Since having the radiation to the thoratic spine she has had terrible nausea and is unable to eat. The doc said that it is most likely due to damage to the esophagus during radiation.…
My first week of treatment is finished..
Just had my 5th radiation treatment of my first week and had my pump disconnected from 96 hours of F5U and also had a infusion of cisplatin the first day..So far no side effects that I can see,no nausea or diarrhea as of yet,I think that emend must really do it's job..No more Chemo for 4 weeks so I'm waiting for the side…
Vitamins and herbs
Hi all, Has anyone heard about Essiac tea? I've read some very interesting things about it, but not quite sure to try it. I know some of you have tried vitamins and herbs, but our doctor said not to take too many vitamins during chemo. Jim is working every day but gets very tired around lunch time and it is down hill after…
Easiest formula to tolerate for j peg tubes?
Hello All, I wrote a long email to William that I have to retype,but for now I am sending out a quick email to touch base in just formulas for j pegs. What formulas have you used with success for j pegs? My father will be having surgery tomorrow to change his g peg that was put in place 4/16/10 to a j peg attached to this…
waiting for results of lung fluid
Dear WIlliam and Tina I posted under red dye allergy to both of you and realized I may have been posting incorrectly so I will let you know we are waiting since Sunday for the results of the fluid they took off her lungs. They say the high heart rate was her heart trying to move the fluid . There was no infection so now we…
please read if you have had radiation treatments
Hello, My father received 10 radiation treatments ending 4/23/10 We were told yesterday that the radiation treatments will have burned away his taste buds and he will not have any ability to taste flavor even if he heals enough to be able to swallow and handle food by the mouth.We are waiting to find out the date of this…
Thanks everyone!!
Hi, I finally feel I'm able to look at the site again since my dad passed, tomorrow will be 2 weeks. It has been so hard seeing him so sick at the end. Hospice was a great help and I feel he passed comfortably. I know he's not suffering anymore. This cancer is just so horrible. I want to thank all of you for your support…
Went to lung dr and Gi dr
Well I saw the lung dr Monday. She is very thorough and said that my lung problems are not one thing but many factors: some COPD, still have some pneumonia, asthma? and put me on a neubulizer for home and ordered all kinds of tests, blood, lung functions, x rays etc. But said she was going to take serial cxrs to see if the…
Newbie - dad with newly diagnosed stage 4
Hello everyone, My dad (70) has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal cancer, that has spread to lungs, stomach and liver. His gen. practitioner reviewed his chart this past Wednesday and estimated that he had 3 months left. He's been having trouble eating for a few weeks now, and it's gotten worse. Loss of…
Hi, new here...
Hi everyone, My name is Faye and my Dad was recently diagnosed with stage 3 esophageal cancer. He had been having some trouble with swallowing certain foods and then about 2 weeks ago he was taken to the hospital after throwing up some blood and passing out. They told us it was most likely an ulcer and did an endoscopy,…
dad update!
So we are finally settled in for good in Houston Tx. We have been back and forth for tests, but now we are here for 5 and a half weeks for treatment. He will have a chemo pump 24hrs mon-fri, in combination to radiation 5 days a week. He will also have a different type of chemo for an hour on monday. He was not a candidate…
prayers needed :(
dear CSN folks I feel bad requesting this but please keep my uncle in your prayers tonight. My dad has actually been doing well with his post EC chemo-red-surgery treatment. BUT my uncle who is my dad's younger brother-recently also diagnosed with EC is not doing well. His kidneys have shut down and he has other health…