Radiation/Scan Questions
Yesterday at my six month appointment I had a long talk with my gynocologist/oncologist's PA about radiation, scans and chemo. I asked her why they didn't do routine scans or recommend radiation for me. She said that when my oncologist first started, he did do both those but as the years past, he could find no scientific…
2nd chmo update
Its day 3 of my second chemo treatment. Yesterday was a good day. by the evening i was starting to get dizzy. I did things a little different to see if i could get rid of my nausia alltogether. I started taking nausia medicine yesterday morning and just took it every 8 hours. I also took claritin and advil to hopefully…
Five years later...
Today, I met my five year mark since I finished treatment. I went to the doctor, and he said the chances of reoccurrence are close to zero, yay! They gave me a bracelet for reaching 5 years without reoccurrence :) I wish the best to everyone!
OT-what's with the passwords not working?
If I try to log on from my ipad, it doesn't recognize my password. I never log out on my desk top, and it seems to allow me to post. I've had to ask for 3 new password resets tonight! This is frustrating. I'm computer savy, use them daily and have many passwords for clients accounts at work, so I don't think it's me. I…
need support soon.
I really could use some support right now. Im really fealling down and discouraged. I've been having joint and muscle pain and its really discouraging. I have been reading some past posts about this and am hearing how it doesnt go away. Some people who have had the pain for years and nothing has helped. I was really hoping…
Lou Ann update
In the last week I have had a CT Scan, Angiogram, appointment with my Gyn-Onc, and today with my Onc. CT Scan showed only shrinkage and no new growth. The Avastin was working. Angiogram showed nothing wrong with my arteries. Doctors all agree the the heart attack was caused by a blood clot that got loose in my heart and…
Maggie_mac update
My dear friends, I haven't been on in several months. Around the first of April my oncologist decided I needed a chemo break, not only because I had already reached chemo #50, but I think he felt he was running out of options. After a little thought, I decided I was long over-due for a second opinion and made an…
First checkup after chemo today
While my doctor didn't use the word NED, he did said everything looked great and he would see me again in 3 months. He's laid back, but very aware that my cancer has a high rate of recurrance. He just said that we were in a watch mode, if I don't have any symptoms, then he was satisfied that I didn't need any scans. He…
Preventative hysterectomy
Knowing how easy the surgery was for my hysterectomy using the DiVinci robot, I am wondering why more women don't have "preventative hysterectomies." I know cost is one consideration but look at the number of cancers that could be prevented for post-menopausal women. And, look what chemo and radiation costs!! I understand…
One step forward two steps back
We were so excited that I was feeling better and that we were going to be able to make a short trip to see our two youngest kids and visit Seaside, OR, but Wednesday that all came to an end. I ended up with servere pain in my stomach, went to the ER and ended up with a partial bowel obstruction. At least I did not have to…
cucu me update
My dear sisters, For first time in a month maybe I'm on board. I'm going through hell and I'm not sure is it going to end. I got ascities in my abdomen first and then all over and I cannot get better. I'm having paracentesis,transfusions, chemo and I feel very very sick. Did not want to bring this mood to the board. People…
Moli updating
Hello comrades, I am leaving home this evening as my life changing (or life taking) surgery will be tomorrow at noon. Thanks for all the support and hugs that I have received here. I wish you all improved health,added strength and renewed courage as you all fight your individual wars. Do right by you by embracing life…
Letrozole or Megace/Tamoxifin Alternating
My current oncologist is thinking I should take a break from chemo and go on Megace /tamoxfin. My second opinion doctor thinks stop the chemo and go on Letrozole. What do you all think? Joyce
feeling a heaviness in my legs
What do you think? I was feeling really pretty good but the the las few days I have been feeling a heaviness in my legs. Im not sure what it is. Im not even sure how to describe it. I was going to post on here the last few but didnt. Two days ago i started going for a walk hoping it would help and then yesterday i went for…
Taxatore, Constipation or Diarrhea?
Begin treatment for USC with Taxotere & Carboplatin tomorrow, although I am anxious, I am glad to be starting treatment. Since I already have some neuropathy, I won't get Taxol. I remember that some of you have also received Taxotere; which have you experienced diarrhea or constipation or both? Very glad to have discovered…
NED 5 years & counting
I have not been here lately. This is to let my fellow sisters know there is hope. In 2008, my life changed with UPSC 1A, Stage 3 and the treatment called the "Sandwich Method". Just came back from my doctor and my tests showed no evidence of disease at this time (NED). I am glad I had the the 'full monty' 5 years ago with…
Kinda off topic
Question about Medicare Part D. I wont be able to be on SS or Medicare til this Dec. My husban, who is older, is on both now. He takes ONE medication(the rat fink!) which is part of the deduction of the Part D. How does that work? I take several medications daily. Do they deduct some for each med, it is after a certain…
The good things about cancer:
I have my six month exam next week and I was feeling a little anxious this morning and then I started to think about the GOOD things that have come about because of the cancer. 1. I appreciate life more and every day without pain is a blessing. 2. I kind of like this new hairdo. I've never had short hair, much less short,…
Insurance co. denies Neulasta
Tuesday I will have my first chemo treatment for Stage IIIc2 endometrial cancer. (Had a TAH last month.) Today I received a letter from my insurance company denying coverage for Neulasta on the grounds that "the specific treatment you are receiving puts you at low risk for febrile neutropenia." Tomorrow I will call my…
Starting LoDose Naltrexone
Hi Ladies! Checking in...I know it's been a little while. I am doing well. My last CT scan was clear, but I opted to continue with the Avastin thru one more CT scan cycle just to be on the safe side. My onc went out on maternity leave and the covering onc is very nice and definitely in support of my taking a break from…
DX UPSC IV, 5yrs later...SURVIVING :)
I am happy to be one of the folks that can say, as of last month, I have reached that hoped for 5 yr NED. I can not say I was a perfect patient, I made a choice to make much better diet choices. I do read all I can on eating better and make many better choices. I dont excercise on a consistant schedule, I'm aware when I'm…
One Year Ago
One year ago, I was puttering around the house, getting ready to go to the local French film festival gala opening, an event that I've attended for years. Then I got The Call. The shock in my ob/gyn's voice was unmistakable as she told me, The biopsy results are back and it is cancer. She then proceeded to tell me that she…
6 months post chemo today
I can't believe it has been 6 months since my last treatment. I saw my oncologist today. My white blood count took a bit of a dive and is now slightly under the low normal range. I asked him if there was anything I could do to help build it up and he said no. He also said it will just take time to get higher. Seems like 6…
Cooking and chemo
As I've mentioned in a couple of other threads, I have my first chemo treatment tomorrow. For the past few weeks I've been cooking and freezing food to eat during treatment. I've received several cookbooks as gifts: THE CANCER-FIGHTING KITCHEN and ONE BITE AT A TIME by Rebecca Katz and EATING WELL THROUGH CANCER by Holly…
going shopping during chemo
Did you wondwerful ladies that did chemo go shopping? They tell me to avoid large crowds. Is that really possible?
Free Housecleaning Service for Women Cancer Patients
Oh, the perks of having cancer! NOT! But if you need help cleaning your house, you might want to check this out. I haven't used it yet, but I did complete an application. Sounds like a wonderful service. http://www.cleaningforareason.org
Looking For....
Looking for Cucu me...she hasn't loged on since May 8th. Anyone heard from Moli? Just checking up to see if anyone has had a priviate message from these ladies. Thank you all Debrajo
What to eat during chemo
A friend who has recently finished radation for breast cancer told me that she was instructed to not eat fresh fruits or vegetables during chemo... only cooked, canned or frozen and only organic. Have any of you had the same dietary restricitions? I have not been told that but 1st chemo is not until this Friday. Any hints…
On my way to wellness!
I started massage therapy at a place which deals in alternative forms of healing. Living in Green Bay, people aren't real receptive to new ideas and as I've probably mentioned (about a million times) my gyno/oncologist is one of them. When I asked him about diet and exercise he said nothing would help. Well, this place has…
Stubborn pleural effusion
I posted this on another board, but asking here: Jun 13, 2016 - 5:20 pm I was diagnosed in Feb 2016. I had a pleural effusion (how I was initially diagnosed). Anyway, they drained it and it returned after my hysterectomy. I had the hysterectomy and debulking before chemo. My doctor told me that it would clear up with…