Brachytherapy treatment question

Terry123 Member Posts: 8

I went for my simulation appointment today for Brachy. I was told that I would be given a CT scan before each of my five treatments. I am concerned about the additional radiation from all these CT scans on top of the internal radiation. In your experience, were you given a CT scan at each visit? Can I ask a second question. I was diagnosed with serous carcinoma in a large polyp at D&C and after hysterectomy a little amount of  serous EIC (pre cursor) in my endometrium. No myometrium invasion. My oncologist recommended brachy and no Chemo. Based on all the studies I've read, observation is a reasonable option too. I'm thinking about not following through with Brachy. My diagnosis is stage 1a grade 3 uterine serous carcinoma with no myometrium invasion. What do you think? 


  • Hopeful162
    Hopeful162 Member Posts: 82
    edited July 2016 #2
    Further treatment

    I am somewhat surprised that chemo was not recommended for you and certainly surprised that routine CT scans are suggested! For serous grade 3 cancers, even with stage 1-A, I think chemo is generally the accepted route and maybe brachytherapy if there are other findings. I was diagnosed with stage 1-A UPSC (grade 3) and had chemo.

    I am now 18 months NED with three scans total, one before surgery, one after surgery for a new baseline and one two months ago for unexplained abdominal pain that showed no change. The pain went away in two days with no intervention. I would consider getting a second opinion If I were you.

  • Terry123
    Terry123 Member Posts: 8

    Further treatment

    I am somewhat surprised that chemo was not recommended for you and certainly surprised that routine CT scans are suggested! For serous grade 3 cancers, even with stage 1-A, I think chemo is generally the accepted route and maybe brachytherapy if there are other findings. I was diagnosed with stage 1-A UPSC (grade 3) and had chemo.

    I am now 18 months NED with three scans total, one before surgery, one after surgery for a new baseline and one two months ago for unexplained abdominal pain that showed no change. The pain went away in two days with no intervention. I would consider getting a second opinion If I were you.

    Brachy with CT scans for positioning

    thank you for your response. I did get a second opinion from Dana Farber. The onc recommended 3 rounds of chemo or just observation because my cancer was confined to a polyp with only a little eic in the hysterectomy specimen confined to the endometrium with no myometrium invasion. My original onc recommended Brachy. My problem with the Brachy is they want to do a non diagnostic ct scan before each Brachy treatment to check the placement of the cylinder. Not sure if that's standard procedure. 

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,533 Member
    edited July 2016 #4
    Terry, I had a regular x-ray,

    Terry, I had a regular x-ray, not a CT, before each IMRT external radiation treatment - 25 of those - but not before the brachytherapy.  Good for you to ask - and please keep asking those questions of your doctor.  I don't recall other women reporting a CT before brachy.

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    edited July 2016 #5
    I also had just a regular

    I also had just a regular xray before each of my brachy treatments. CT scans seems excessive.

    My cancer was a 1A / 3 with slight myometrium invasion. And, I had chemo plus brachy.

    There are differing opinions with our doctors in the cancer community. It sure makes is hard to know what path to take. For me, I was afraid not to go with the treatments. I didn't want to have that 'what if' cloud hanging over me. So, your decision may depend on how tolerant you can be not doing it.

    Good luck with your decision. Follow your gut!

    Love and Hugs,


  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    I was UPSC Stage II, Grade 3

    I was UPSC Stage II, Grade 3 and my doctor recommended six chemos and NO radiation.  Isn't it strange how different treatment recommendations are??

  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member

    I had an x-ray, not a CT scan, before each of my 3 brachytherapies.