Surviving Duodenal Cancer
Hi. I'm a 54 yr old woman who was diagnosed with Stage IV (spread to liver and lungs) Duodenal Adenocarcinoma 1 year ago. I had a "partial" whipple in June 2009 and have been in chemotherapy since last July. My first six weeks of chemo were "alternative" treatments in a holistic hospital (I was too ill to have traditional…
Duodenal Cancer, reoccurrence after 1 year
I was diagnosed with Duodenal cancer, stage 3, Feb, 2011 and had Whipple surgery March, 2011. Tumor was very aggressive and doubled in size in 1 month. Extreme tiredness preceded the diagnosis but no other symptoms. They looked for the source and found blood loss and after many tests found the cancer. One year later, I'm…
Duodenal Cancer 2022
Dear all, I know this is a super rare cancer but i'm eager to know for anyone's recent experience in dealing with Duodenal Cancer after Whipple Surgery. My dad, 73 was diagnosed of Stage 3 Duodenal Cancer in May 2021. He completed Whipple and 12 rounds of FOLFOX chemo, CA 19.9 recently marks at 27, and with recurrence this…
Duodenal adenocarcinoma
My dad, age 83, was just diagnosed with duodenal adenocarcinoma in the top section. He is not a candidate for whipple or for chemo, only palliative radiation. The adenocarcinoma is bleeding, now controlled, but has not spread beyond the duodenum. They have said 6 month survival, but it is moderately diffused and they said…
Prostate to Plasmacytoma
I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2009 - 48 treatments of radiation and in 2016 I was diagnosed with a plasmacytoma in my C6 - 21 treatments of radiation and I really didn't have any symptoms or pain until I started moving around in my small crawl space installing cameras. I believe if I had not done this I would not…
Acinic Cell Carcinoma of the Parotid Gland
I would like to talk with anyone else that has been diagnosed with this type of cancer. My results were stage 2.. please read my story to find out more about me and my diagnosis.
Stage IV Anorectal Mucosal Melanoma
When I was 36 years old I ignored what I thought was a hemorrhoid for about six months until a lump grew in my groin, which finally got me into the doctor to get everything checked out. Little did I know that begin a journey where I would face one of the most extremely aggressive cancers, one very few doctors even know…
NET in 2nd section of the duodenum
Hello all! I'm new here! I had a NET removed from my duodenum on the 12th, they said that they got it all. Which I thought was awesome!! Until I did a little research on my own... They want me to come back in 6 months for an EGD, but they don't seem concerned about sending me to an oncologist to make sure that there aren't…
appendix cancer
being treated with folfox for cancer o the appendix...anyone know anything...
Dual primaries within 5 months
Diag with breast invasive duct carcinoma in June and uterine cancer Nov 16 th treatment and staging for the later not known as it is very recent. If anyone has experienced this I’d be interested in hearing about your approach with two oncologists treatment and the process. I’m still pretty gobsmacked about this. If you…
PTEN Mutation/Facing Second Cancer Diagnosis in 2 years/Rectal Cancer
I have been 1 year in remission from breast cancer and now likely have rectal cancer post colonoscopy screening. My path results come back this week. I found out I have a mutation of the PTEN gene which can make you more susceptible to getting a variety of cancers. Any tips on handling a second cancer diagnosis so quickly…
Ureter Partial Blockage Issue can’t be identified by CT scan
Hello Everyone, There is a partiaL obstruction of the right ureter at the pelvic inlet which could be due to a noncalcified stone or nonvisualized ureteral mass or stricture. CT scan is not able to identify. Im trying not to be overly concerned, but I’ve had a loss of appetite, some pain, blood in urine, fatigue and red…
Ampullary Cancer - there is hope!
For those who are new to Ampullary cancer - a few factoids I found. I've been told it's not genetic. It's simply very rare - a few thousand people per year in the US are diagnosed with it - and there's no known contributing or causal factor(s). The treatment protocols are limited - Whipple surgery or some are trying…
Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma
Hello, My girlfriend is processing the news about being diagnosed with Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma in her ankle. Any advice or experiences with this rare cancer would be greatly appreciated.
ACC Treatment Options
I'm so grateful to have found this site. This month marks the three-year anniversary since I had radical surgery to remove a rather large adrenocortical carcinoma tumor. I was told by two doctors, one of which is at a cancer center, that there would be no follow-up treatment to kill any hidden cancer cells because ACC…
Virtual Support Group for Mediastinal Surgeries
I am having trouble finding a support group, so I thought to start this topic. Many cancers might involve mediastinal surgery, so I thought to keep the topic open to more folks but specific to how we are recovering from this type of surgery regardless of the type of cancer. Zoom meeting every week?
Mediastinal NSGCT -Embryonal Carcinoma + Yolk Sac Tumor
Hi, Earlier this year, my younger brother who is 26 years old had a large mass in his anterior mediastinum. There was a lot of problems initially to d diagnose the type of cancer he had because his biopsy samples resulted in inconclusive results twice. After a month, the mass had grown in size (it was measured to be…
Merkel Cell Carcinoma
The VA found a mass in my right axilla, it was removed and the diagnosos was Merkel Cell Carcenoma in my lymph nodes. This is caused by a skin cancer that spreads like wild fire if not caught in time. This is a rare cancer and not on the VA list for agent orange. If anyone out ther has had this we need to get together and…
Anal Cancer
I have looked through the site and found there isn't a specific site for anal cancer. I can see that it is somewhat in the Colorectal cancer category. There is a misconception that anal and rectal are the same type of cancer, which they aren't. The treatment is different as well as a few other things. So I thought I'd…
Rectal cancer with Mets to cervix, liver, lungs
Anyone females in here have rectal or colon cancer that has metastasized to cervix? I was told it was rare.
CA-19-9 readings
Hi all, hope you're all doing well and in good health. My Mum was diognised with galbladder Cancer and had surgery to remove the galbladder and part of the liver. As a part of the treatment, the oncolohist prescribed both chemotheraphy and radiotheraphy. We later on sought advice from a friend (cancer survivor) who advised…
Ct scan and pancreatic cancer
Hi Im 47 and from the UK. Im not sure if i should post this as i havent yet been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Around a year ago i started getting mid back pains on and off. Then i noticed 6 months ago i also had back pain inbetween my shoulder blades continuously. Around 4 months ago i started getting a pain just…
MDS - Myelodysplastic syndrome
Looking for other caregivers for support and or advise. My husband has MDS and is scheduled for a stem cell transplant in February.
Malignant Acrospiroma (sweat gland cancer)
My husband has very recently been diagnosed with Malignant Acrospiroma, which is a very rare type of sweat gland cancer. We are told this cancer is very aggressive, and so rare that there wasn’t that much information about it. Well, that’s true. And we need help. We need to get him to the treatment center/care group that’s…
Metastatic Sarcomatoid Carcinoma
Last October, my 24 year old son-in-law was having a tooth issue that wasn’t getting better after several trips to the dentist. After pulling the tooth and a biopsy of the area, it was confirmed cancer. Fast forward 3 weeks to having emergency surgery to remove a softball size tumor that basically exploded from the area…
Metastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Unknown Primary
In November of 2021, I had a biopsy of a swollen lymphnode in my Left Supraclavicular ordered by Ear/Nose/Throat Doctor at UF Shands FL . This is basically where your neck & collarbone meet. 3 samples confirmed that it was cancer. Next was a CT Scan & PET Scan. The PET scan indicated not only evidence of fast growing cells…
Adrenal Nodule after right colectomy for LAMN
A year ago, I thought I had a kidney stone. In the ER I had a CT scan which diagnosed me with a very large tumor in my appendix that appeared malignant. To avoid rupture, they performed emergency surgery and removed my appendix as well as 12 inches of my colon. Fortunately the tumor didn’t rupture and all surrounding lymph…
Early diagnosis of Peritoneal mesothelioma
I have a dear friend (66 year old female) recently diagnosed with Peritoneal mesothelioma. It was discovered incidentally when a urologist was preparing to remove a kidney due to a mass (not biopsied) found on a CT scan. When the camera was inserted into the abdominal cavity numerous flat, white leions were found on her…
pancreatic cancer treatment
Has anyone had the experience of living alone while undergoing chemo?
Has anyone had care at Cancer Treatment Centers of America?
Has anyone had anything to do with these Centers? and if so I would like to know if they really are all they are cracked up to be on the commercials that you see on TV. I had a discussion on the internet with a "Patient Advocate" and saved that conversation so if anyone is interested I will send it to you. I just wonder if…