Sacrum cancer
My husband 57 just diagnosed thru MRI, biopsy tomorrow , I can't find much info. So scared theythink melanoma sacral No cancer anywhere else in body we know of Please if someone knows any positive,possible survival let me know I'm terrifief
gallbladder cancer stage 4
I just signed up to this discussion board hoping to find more recent posts. Many are really old! I was diagnosed May 8 with stage 4 gallbladder cancer and have been undergoing chemotherapy with gemcitabine and cisplatin which seem to be reducing the tumor although it is still really early. I too have been told that because…
Scared Malignant Sacrococcygeal Germ Cell Cancer Surviver
A little background: during my infancy for a year (back in 1989) I was hospitalized at Schneider’s Children’s Hospital (Now known at Cohens Children’s Hospital) in Long Island, N.Y. I was treated for malignant sacrococcygeal germ cell tumor. I had undergone multiple transfusions, chemotherapy rounds, bone marrow…
Asparagus and Cancer
I have recently received an email from a family member. I lost my mother to breast cancer in 1993 and was in shock at the time and God has opened my eyes recently and has shown me areas in my life I need to change. Has anyone received this information on asparagus and cancer and is there proof to this? If so I want to…
Medications and Trials
Small Intestine Cancer
myxopapillary Ependymoma
Hello everyone, Im happily married with 3 beautiful boys and i just found out i have a cancer called myxopapillary ependymoma(tumor in spine). I start radiation tuesday, but i was just wondering if anyone has had this or knows someone who has. Im pretty scared to be goin through this, im young and just wanna get better,…
squamous cell carcinoma of right inguinal lymph with unknown primary
Has anyone experienced this type of cancer? What kind of treatment have you had? One radiation oncologist recommended 6 1/2 weeks of radiation to both groins, the vulva and anus and chemo weeks one and five (treating as anal cancer although all tests are negative); a well-known clinic said to do that or just "observe". Two…
Treatment for pancreatic cancer spead to liver
my husband had a wipple procedure and he was getting ready for radiation and chemo when they did the ct scan they found a spot on his liver. They want him to go in a study for a new drug it is called alimta plus gemzar has anyone had this treatment? They also told him that the operation was a success and everything was…
Radiation + Capecitabine: Others with this Combo?
Hello and best wishes to all. This is my first post. In Sept. 2017, I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and then went through 6 grueling months of chemotherapy. My tumor shrank and did not spread. But, due to blood clots in nearby veins, I was not a candidate for surgery. Today I am starting a new treatment -- radiation…
Tracheal metastasis of small cell cancer
Hi I'm new here and just today we found out that my grandpa from my dad's side has lung cancer that has metastized to his whole trachea which makes it very difficult to breathe. We live in Greece and my dad booked a flight and went there yesterday. My grandpa has all the symptoms that a cancer patient of that sort would…
small intestine cancer...headed to clinical trials
I am creating this page for my husband, Tony. In March of 2010 he was diagnosed with stage IV cancer of the small intestine during a hernia operation (which turned out to be cancer causing the hernia). We chose Vanderbilt as our hospital. At that point, the CT/PET showed tumors on the small intestine, colon, liver,…
Cancer of the Intestine/Small Bowel-Just Diagnosed
Hello! My husband just was diagonosed with stage III cancer of the small intestine (aka small bowel cancer--there seems to be no agreement on a name for this rare cancer.) I am stunned at how little information there is out there on this. Even worse, my husband has an ileostomy and that is where the adenocarcinoma was…
Hilar cholangiocarcinoma
Hi, Last week, my dad (75 years) diagnosed with Hilar cholangiocarcinoma with preferential extension into the left ductal system. Doctor placed a stent in the bile duct to allow the bile to drain into the small intestine. Yesterday's PET scan revealed that his cancer has spread to lungs and Colon. Doctor not advised for…
Carcinoid Syndrome with no diagnosis of Tumors
Hi from South Africa. I've been experiencing a the symptoms of Carcinoid Syndrome for some time now. I've been treated for everyone of those symptoms seperately over the past few years. I've had Chronic diarrhea for so long, Shortness of breath that suddenly appeared this time last year, heart palpatations, now flushing…
Hilar cholangiocarcinoma age 70
My Father (age 70) was diagnosed with Hiler cholangiocarcinoma. I just started doing some research on this. He is currently in South INDIA. He showed symptoms of jaundice initially. Doctors cut the damaged bile duct piece and placed a metal stent. Hopefully jaundice will go away in few days. Doctor is not hopeful of any…
Adenocarcinoma of the Duodenum survivors
My brother in law was recently diagnosed with this after 2 1/2 years of going to doctors through the VA trying to figure out what was wrong with him. Sadly he is now stage IV with spread to the lungs & has been given 8-24 months. I am hoping to find some people with stories of them beating the odds of this rare cancer.…
cholangiocarcinoma/Bile duct cancer Chemo options
Hello. My name is Danbee and my Dad was diagnosed with Stage III cholangiocarcinoma July 2017. They told him the tumor is too "long" to be completely removed so doctors planned to go through 3 months of chemo to hopefully "shrink" the tumor and go through 5 cycles of radiation/chemo together and then surgically remove it.…
germ cell cancer
my nephew has just been diagnoised with germ cell cancer but it is not in his testicals he is one of the 5% that has it somewhere else does anyone have any information about this type of cancer. The doctors say that it is the fast growing like lance armstrong had but it is the 5 percent that get it somewhere else. My…
Mediastinal yolk sac tumour with meningal metastasis - is it even curable?
I apologize in advance for the grammatic errors, english is my secobd language. My father (age 55) was diagnosed with mediastinal yolk sac tumor about half a year ago. He underwent the 'classical' treatment: 4 rounds of chemo which should be followed by operation. After chemo ended (a month after) he was feeling more or…
Lymphomatoid Granulamatosis
I have recently been diagnosed with grade III lymphomatoid granulamatosis (LYG), it is in both lungs. Pathology report also indicated diffuse large B cell lymphoma. I am a rare case. I am starting 6 rounds of chemo (R-CHOP) tomorrow. I am reaching out as there is not a lot of information online regarding LYG and I see the…
Merkel Cell Carcinoma
Looking for anyone diagnosed with Merkel Cell Carcinoma, who can discuss their stage of cancer and experiences.
Signet cell carcinoma found
Hi everyone! This is my first post because I didn't know where else to turn to. I had an appendectomy and the pathology report show grade 3 signet ring cell carcinom. I still have some tests to complete but wondering if anyone knows about this? Could it have started in my appendix and remain encapsulated since my appendix…
Adenocarcinoma ex goblet cell carcinoid - signet type
Hi everyone - My mom was recently diagnosed with Stg III adenocarcinoma ex goblet cell carcinoid w/ signet type. Very rare and even more confusing. Mom had hemicolectomy and had 2/16 lymph nodes. The surgeon is recommending 6 months chemo. Any appendix cancer specialists in the PA/DC/MD area? Not sure what to expect with…
Bile Duct Cancer
I had surgery last October (2001) to remove half of my liver and create new bile ducts using the Kasai procedure (attaches intestine to remaining bile duct). I am cancer free and mostly feeling great, but still having a real hard time with nausea. Has anyone had similar surgery or similar experience? I'd really appreciate…
Sacrum cancer
Hi! MY name is Mike. My daughter have a cancer of sacrum area. Doctors suggest resection of infected area (left side). After surgery will be faced different level of unfortunate consequences. Bowel and rectum can become out of control, might be walking problems, possibly paralysing and rest life in wheelchair, - etc. At…
Any survivor of duodenal/cholangiocarcinoma?
Hello, My mom was diagnosed with duodenal cancer back in 2013 Aug. Luckily it did not metastasize to other organs or lymph nodes. Through Whipple surgery, they removed her 3.2cm tumor. At the time, the oncologist said since her cancer did not spread, she doesnt NEED chemotherapy but recommended chemo just in case. However,…
Malignant Mixed Mullerian Tumor of the Ovary
I have read alittle about this type of cancer and it did say that it is rare but when I type in Mixed Mullerian it comes back paula57. That's me! Is there anyone else that has this cancer. I recently finished my chemo and doing okay for now. I am having alot of knee and mainly hip pain. I called the Dr office and they just…
Whipple Procedure
I am a 38 year old woman and because of a Gangliocytic Paraganglioma on my Pancreas I will have a Whipple done on Jan. 3, 2007. Any advise on how to prepare, what to expect, and how to cope afterwards? Any advise for my husband and kids?? Any help is appreciated. Thanks
Whipple surgery
My husband (64) has had symptoms of pancreatic cancer for several months. After having 2 endoscopies with negative biopsy results, his dr has him scheduled for Whipple surgery on Tuesday. He is an experienced surgeon using the DaVinci robotic, and tells us that even though it doesn't look like pancreatic cancer now....it…
has anyone had this surgery