What progress have you seen with treatment?
My mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer with mets to the liver. She started a clinical trial of chemotherapy last month. It is really hard on her, I can't begin to imagine what it's like. The prognosis for pancreatic cancer isn't very good in general, and I would love to hear about any progress at all from anyone on…
emergency help
Hello, everyone. I am 57, a widow and an only child. I was diagnosed with neuroendocrine cancer located in my liver. I rent a house but it has now been condemned and I need to find a new home immediately. I only have disability to live on and, in looking through the newspaper, I cannot afford anything. I have contacted…
EKB 569 plus clinoril
one is an arthritis drug, the other experimental. this combo looks very promising and should NOT be toxic like chemo.
chemo pump
My dad wore a carrier I designed for him during his chemo treatment(approx 1 year). I would like others to have the same opportunity
Cyst on remaining portion of pancreas after surgery
I had successful surgery for pancreatic cancer on Sept 9, when half the pancreas and all of the spleen was removed. However continued to have sever pain for the next three months. Finally they found that I have developed a cyst on the remaining portion of the pancreas, put me on time-released pain medication and took a…
Klatskin Tumor
I was diagnosed in September with a klatskin tumor (it is a type of cholangio carcinoma). Rare cancer here in the US, more common in Asia. Anyone out there with this? Interested in your experience. Thanks.
My Mother was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer
My mom was recently diagnosed. Last week, they attempted to do the whipple procedure. However, were unsuccessful due to the fact that the tumor was on 2 of the arteries. In approx 2 weeks, she will be starting chemo and radiation which will last approx 6 months to hopefully shrink the tumor so it will be operable. Any info…
Lipoid Cancer
Does anyone know anything about this type of cancer? I had this diagnosis and am looking for information. Thanks!
tonsilar cancer
I was wondering if anyone out there would have any information about this type of cancer. I can't find anything out about it, and it's driving me crazy!!! I was diagnosed with this type of cancer in March, 2001. Also if anyone else has even had this type of weird cancer, please e-mail me at birdbrain@csinet.net Thank you,…
My second best friend blew me off my feet with the news of her diagnoisis
After my mother died, I almost died of a broken heart. I was in a state of shock, never in my life did I experience that kind of pain. I became bitter and welled in self pity, pushing everyone and everything that cared for me away. I was in such denial and anger I didn't see depression, and I mean deep deep depression,…
Ovarian Metastasis
Brain metastasis is a rare complication of ovarian cancer with only 67 well documented cases in literature. A multi-institutional study of 4027 ovarian cancer patients over 30 years identified only 32 cases while an autopsy study of ovarian cancer reported an incidence of 0.9%. Leptomeningeal metastasis is also a rare…
Hi! I am a survivor of AML7 (Megacariosidic Lukemia) ok i sort of spelled that wrong. But anyways i'm 15 and was diagnosed at age 3mo. I am interested in talking with other survivors in order to really understand my disease since i do not remember ever having it. ~Sara~
Hi People, I'm a physiotherapist. I'm looking for information about hidradenocarcinoma or sweat gland cancer. It's very important as I really wish to help my patient in the best way possible and this type of cancer is apparently very rare. Please help me ASAP. My email is osa@maltanet.net Regards, Owen
I have cancer of the pancreas,lung and adrenal ;
In Dec.of 99,I was told I had maybe 6 months to live.This was after I went Jaudice 7 days after getting out of the hopital from a pancreas attack.The mass in the pancreas shut it down. They put a stent in and the bowel and kidney started working again,Thank God:) One Dr. wanted to do radiation on the mass in the lung and…
coping with treatment
my husband was Dx with pancreatic ca in August, 2000 and had 80% of his pancreas removed. he is now in treatment. the problem is his complaining of the smell of the radiation and chemo. i was wondering if anyone else has that problem and i need any help for remedies?? please help, he says he can smell it all over the house.