Stage IIIC at 18 years old
I guess I'm really just looking for advice; I stumbled across this site while searching the internet for more information. I have serous epithelial ovarian cancer stage 3c, and I was diagnosed about 2 months ago. I've since had to stop working and basically stay at home doing a whole lot of nothing, which is driving me…
PAP/HPV Testing - why have it done. Suggestions?
I've posted this on the uterine site, but thought I would get your suggestions here. I was originally diagnosed with Endometrial Adenocarcinoma in 2005 which was found in my uterus, cervix and left ovary. I was treated as ovarian. Ok. why am I asking this? It is because I am wondering why exactly the gyne/oncologists do…
To make us smile. Val, you'll enjoy this one!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pulZ3jgLM6o Poor kid!! Carla
My one year Cancervarsary!
It's my one year Cancerversary! One year ago today I had surgery and was diagnosed with Stage three Ovarian Cancer. Still a shock when I think about it. But through the support, kindness, and information I found with this wonderful group of woman I came through it. You answered all my dumb questions and told me exactly…
New diagnosis Complex Overian Cyst
Dear Sisters, I just got a diagnosis of a big complex cyst on my right ovarian. I need to find a good GYN Oncologist to have the operation for me in Houston area. Would you please give me a recommendation if you know one either from MD Anderson Center or a good surgeon in another organization? Thank you. Regards, Leo
Tina is pain free and now resides in heaven with our son and other departed family members
Tina passed November 27 peacefully with all of us myself our two daughters and her mom and dad at her bed side. Tina fought so hard for 5 long years and the selfless person she was did not want to go around the holidays and bum everyone out. But God had other plans. She will be greatly missed but just knowing her pain is…
Well, surgery for the breast cancer went well. The mass and 2 lymph nodes were removed. Pathology should be back by next week. Minimal discomfort - just some stiffness in the area. The real 'pain' was the reaction to the anesthetic and all the meds. I did not handle it well, so they decided to keep me overnight, for which…
calm my fears
I got my results yesterday from my transvaginal ultrasound and am a very worried. I have been referred to an OB/GYN for the next steps. The nurse said "I don't want to scare you but your endometrio lining is thickened which could mean you have endometriosis. You also have cysts on your ovaries oh and you probably already…
Poem: "The Whispering One"
"The Whispering One."(Poem read at a Breast Cancer Forum). Well, you may ask now "What is it?" And might not know when it comes to visit. The "Whispering One" won't announce it's arrival But it could threaten your very survival! This problem called the "Whispering One" Does not have a sense of fun, It comes along with…
Mom was recently diagnosed with Ovarian CA
My Mom was recently disgnosed with Ovarian Ca. I am new to this board but have used this board for my sister who recently passed from a battle with colon Ca. My Mom had a biopsy scheduled on Wednesday. They want to start her on a clinical trial for women over 70. She will be 82 next week. They found 2 bilateral masses and…
a different kind of day
Thursday, spent the day with my birth family, it was a wonderful afternoon connecting. Friday, started cooking, baking, etc... when mom called and said to come to her house ( 3 blocks away), she did not feel well. Got there and called 911 and I followed the ambulance to the hospital. Her heart was out of rhythm, she has…
Rosamond M
Where is our poet Rosamond? Come back we miss you.
Happy Thanksgivukkuh!
Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Hanukkah to all my teal sisters...hope everyone is going to have a great holiday (one or both)!
Free House Cleaning for Women with Cancer
"Cleaning For A Reason" is a nonprofit organization offering free professional house cleanings to women undergoing cancer treatment. As a nonprofit serving the entire United States and Canada, they partner with maid services to help women undergoing treatment for cancer. Don't let all pink signage on their web-site fool…
Thanksgiving in pajamas
A friend of mine that is currently in chemo treatment for ovarian cancer is having Thanksgiving in her pajamas. Her whole family is all coming in their pajamas and bringing the food. Such a great idea! Thursday we have Thanksgiving with my husband's family and Friday with mine. What are you doing?
Anyone heard of Ixempra chemo
My mom started on this treatment last week. Anyone tried it?
I was cancer free for 3 months and am on my first reoccurance. After doing Taxol/Cabro we are now doing Doxil. Has anyone done that and what was their experiences with it.
Alternative HRT - Happy Sunday!
Alternative HRT – Husband Replacement Therapy (The Menoporsche)
To or Not To have surgery, this is the question
Hello All I really need some help and guidance. I have a high maternal family history of multiple cancers. My mother past May 2012 from ovarian CA after a few months of being diagnosed. We also have close family members with breast, liver, colon, prostate, leukemia, lung and stomach cancers all on my mother's side. With…
does cancer run in your family ?
Hi everyone,Lately i have been noticing that cancer is becoming extremely more and more common, not just ovarian or breast but all types of cancer. I was wondering how many of you ladies have cancer in your family of any type. Mine is as follows: Maternal Grandmother- Ovarian cancer at 51 Maternal Aunt- uterine…
Having surgery - again
I am not on here a lot - have been on less lately as I went back to work full time in June which is a good thing. I was diagnosed stage 3C in 2007. Surgery and chemo, about 3 years of NED then reoccurence, and more carbo/taxol. Then started on Doxil in January of this year. I was having some pretty bad stomach pain and…
cancer is back
I saw my onc today and got the results of my biopsy. Unfortunately it came back positive. I have two small lymph nodes that are behind my stomach. They are small and localized. We are going to do Doxil next. Fortunately I am not out of options yet I am going to do the chemo then possibly radiation then maybe removal of…
Haven't been on for while
i have not posted for a while.... I still look at posts on occasion . I hope all are doing well. I think it is time for a role call!!! I would like to know how everyone is doing and if there is anything new . I'll go first!..... I celebrated one year from chemo at the end of October !!! I was diagnosed serous epithelial…
Does ovarian cancer have a distinctive scent?
Researchers are trying to find the answer to that question: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/24/magazine/what-does-cancer-smell-like.html?hp&_r=0&pagewanted=print
Sipping my nightly Miralax...
...and chuckling at the irony of it all! i started the new (for me) carbo-Gemzar routine today. So far so good, except my puppy Hugh Jackman is throwing up. My 92-year old sweet Mom has diarrhea. And my faithful husband is exhausted!! but I'm good. Feeling a little wiped out....God, I wonder why!?! my ca125 was 143 this…
How often are CA125s done?
I was diagnosed with stage1c ovarian cancer 1/31/13. Had total abdom hyster on that day with a 9 lb ovarian mass. My CA125 was never very high---78. After surgery it fell to 5.5. I had 4 rounds of taxol/carbo. My 1st big check-up in October had a CA125 of 5.5 again. My MD does not have one scheduled for my January apptmt.…
It's Teal
So.... Last weekend was our move at work. We moved all the stuff on Friday and Saturday and we were up and running for business on Monday morning. As you know we live in a Seacoast community and I work 10 minutes from home. Well. when the president was deciding on colors for paint - she picked TEAL of all colors. It is…
low grade fever 99.5-101 area since home from hosp after debulking
I have been running judt enough fever to have chills. I feel fine - incision is good. no sisn of infection doc has done bacterial cultures on blood-urine & stool - all are negative. Just wondering if any of you remember this post op nuiscance? I see mt gyne onc Nov 28. M,aybe just the ol worn out body trying to heal.…
Chemo side effect?
Hi, Ladies, i'm relatively new to the board, but found this is a very good place to get help and positive energy. Being diagnosed with Fallopian tube cancer, stage 3B in June, I have gone through surgery (non-optimon) and currently Taxel/Carbo chemo. Everything seems OK till my last chemo which was done about three weeks…
Am I nuts?
This morning, before leaving for work, I swear, I read a posting from an 18 year old woman asking from advice. I had some good thoughts I thought would be helpful to share, but needed to get to work. Now that I have time to respond...the posting is no where to be found! What's the deal? I know I'm nuts...I a Buckeye...but…